About Herobrine

-[CIPHER]'s Avatar -[CIPHER]9/28/14 7:39 am
1 emeralds 229 3
9/29/2014 7:20 am
-[CIPHER]'s Avatar -[CIPHER]
Hello. Before I begin my story, let me introduce myself. I am Cipher, a plugin maker/ redstoner/ command blocker/ learning how to make mods. I know what the majority of the class files do in minecraft jar files. One in particular is this file:
The fjw.class file in the jar file of the minecraft 1.8 versions folder. I am fairly experienced at decompiling jar files, so I looked at that specific file and I saw all the lines of code needed to make an entity function just like herobrine. One thing is, at the very end of the code, there is one line that states that the class folder must NOT be used.

What I did is I extracted all the usable contents of the class file and I created a new world. Your average world. Using some exploits and Eclipse IDE, I integrated Herobrine's class file into this world. I tested myself, and he even built unimplemented structures (The brick pyramid from the Indev version of Minecraft), so I assume that Herobrine is indeed real and is hidden in the files. If you want to check out the infected world, you can take a look at it here. I also put in around 157 extra lines of code to prevent the class file from spreading all over your worlds. I hope this provides more insight into the mysterious Herobrine and possibly Entity 303 to stop the madness once and for all.
Posted by -[CIPHER]'s Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Network

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09/29/2014 7:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
-[CIPHER]'s Avatar
Oh you got me

But Herobrine is really there, I just make him function via command blocks instead. Tbh, I have no idea what is in the fjw.class file xD
Anyway it was a good run
09/29/2014 3:36 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
KJP12's Avatar
It is a fresh install/SSD install, and not a corrupted .jar file, that cause madness. Corrupted jar files can cause madness everywhere. To even the point that MC crash on start. Also I am going to take a look at the world, and gonna see if there is really Herobrine/Old World Designs. I am going to do this in a safe fume house (get it?), and keep ALL mc files away from it.
EDIT: This save looks like it have been edited through external tools, like MCEDIT, because I see a folder "##MCEDIT.TEMP##" in the save right away.
EDIT3: Apparently, the world have spawned with inverted daylight sensors surrounded with the barriers, at 9, so it was around sunrise or sunset. Around X:128 Y:254 Z:31. Used MCEDIT to see. There was noway you could spawn that in MCEDIT, unless you copy and paste. Also random leaveless birch, with a odd MCEdit glitch. Found underground a brick pyramid made out if brick stairs, and bricks, and alot of stained glass, with hoppers. What did you do!?! Also abnormal amount of bedrock. It was a trick was it. I found that you made a device that summons in ZombHerobrine. Waste of my time.
09/28/2014 7:59 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
mrcrazysalad's Avatar
Need a little more proof than that. Video yourself doing the same thing with a fresh install of minecraft. (Show us you installing a fresh version)
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