Changes Minecraft needs to do for Builders

Emfire's Avatar Emfire2/22/20 9:51 am history
3/2/2020 7:11 am
Darth_Builder's Avatar Darth_Builder
Here are some changes to the Game i would like to see as someone who enjoyes Building and Textureing, these are not based on stupid things thought up by an 10yo, but rather things that should be considert to be already in the game.
Mojang doesnt do a good job at providing this game with Updates, at least not if you look at what ist possible from other games or mods, this not only includes the actual content, but also the time in which the content was added (8 months for 4 blocks, 2 items and 1 mob is not good, 1.15).

These changes are pretty much essential needs for the game if it doesnt want to be beaten into the ground by what Hytale has shown (for example).
These are also changes that can be done by a single decent programmer in about a week or two, so nothing that Mojang can drag out.

Small changes:
-Stairs, Slabs, Fences, Walls, Trapdoors, Doors, Buttons, etc. for nearly all Blocks
-Exception Blocks example: Ores, Melon, Crafting Stations, Leaves, etc.
-Crafting Table, Chests, Noteblocks, Ladders, Beds, etc. for all wood types
-Add more types, like sideways slabs, corner stairs, etc.
-More Paintings, Rooster for every Color
-Fix the Block Models to actualy work (own Ambient occlusion)

Some Materials in the Game have till today no use in building, which is sad, and Mojang tried to force use to some of them (Lether) by making it harder to aquire Bookshelfs for decoration, greatly done Mojang (not).
Here are some Ideas for Blocks that Would fit in the game and would provide more Variation as well as good use for some of the Materials.

Blocks changes:
-Charcoal Block, from Charcoal
-Bamboo Block, from Bamboo
-Sugarcane Block, From Sugarcane
-Lether Block, from Leather (colorable)
-Stick Block, From Stciks (firewood)
-Roof Block, From Shingles, from Bricks (colorable)
-Livingfire Block, from Blazepowder
-Flesh Block, from any Meat
-Tudor Block, from Wood and Clay (colorable)
-Colorable Wood, from any Wood (otherwise too much)
-Soul Sandstone (like Sandstone from the Nether)
-Flint Block, From Flint
-Feather Block, From Feathers

The map generation in this Game is pretty bad, considering what some mods have shown what is possible, but i dont want to adress that, but rather what kind of building possibilitys are there to add more Blocks to the world, and the generation for Granite, etc. just simply is beyond bad.

Gerneration changes:
-Way more Wood types, all with there own Leaves, Planks, etc.
-Pine, Mahagony, Palm, Dead Tree, Burnt Tree, Willow, Redwood, Maple, Sakura, etc.
-Maybe even Trees for Apples, Oranges, etc.
-Some of them as rare Trees, for example Baobab Trees in Savanna
-Way more types of Rock and Stone, all with there own Bricks, etc.
-Marble, Yellow Granite, Blue Granite, Basalt, Jade, Limestone, etc.
-Better generation for them, as in Layers (Real) or as Underground Biomes
-Generation dependen on Biome, for example Jade below Jungle

Here are also some Mobs that should have been in the game already, but Mojang thinks that would be too basic or what? These are more for the atmosphere than for Building.

-Normal Birds
-Normal Bears
Posted by Emfire's Avatar
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist

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02/25/2020 10:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
SuperMinecrafz's Avatar
more stone-type blocks would be nice too, especially stone and sandstone pillars
02/26/2020 2:37 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Emfire's Avatar
Well, not directly but i made this possible in my next texturepack update, it is not released yet since im reworking all stone textures and cant release it like that but you can change the double-slab texture of for example cut sandstone:
02/25/2020 11:56 pm
Level 25 : Expert Pokemon
MudkipWithShades's Avatar
I feel like Mojang needs to hire mod makers, texture artists and bring back Notch. Pixelmon(or any other mod) updates adds new stuff more than Mojang adding new content for months, if not just a few years lol.
02/26/2020 2:40 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Emfire's Avatar
I have the feeling that mojang despartly tries to add stuff that wasnt there befor in any mod, which is absolutly terrible from a developer perspective, since they should add what the game needs, not what the game didnt have yet.
So they are wasting probably a lot of time thinking those things up.
02/26/2020 9:58 am
Level 25 : Expert Pokemon
MudkipWithShades's Avatar
I agree, I did see some people upset when Mojang added armor stands in 1.8 because they're copying mods. Well no, nobody cares about the armor stands mod anymore anyways until it is updated to 1.7.10.
But Mojang should add more content to Minecraft even if it already existed before from a mod.
02/26/2020 11:49 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
illdeletethis's Avatar
i don"t think Mojang should add just more content, but rather more diverse content and a more clear system to automatically create derivatives.
having logs and leaves/mushroom grow from saplings/mushrooms, double smelting clay to terracotta, blocks from items, bamboo, cactus+cobweb+edible>sweetberry, concrete hardening under water.... are all blocks with unique mechanisms, same with the armor stands you mentioned.
i think they should focus on stuff like that, and leave derivatives either to data pack creators, or automate the creation of blocks made from colour variants or equivalents to a block
02/26/2020 10:10 am
Level 26 : Expert Demolitionist
DERANGE's Avatar
I feel like you have nitpicked a few things that aren't really necessary, but I would love to see some of this stuff.
02/26/2020 1:11 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, another hate to Mojang thread with strong statements. Here we go again...

Stop wishing for features in other games to be in Minecraft. Hytale might be inspired by minecraft, but they will eventually find ways to split paths. I'm not in any other gaming community, but I feel like Minecraft is the only game that gets so many comments from people wishing it was something else. And yes, developers should listen to their community, but it takes time and Minecraft has some concepts that are the true core of Minecraft, they won't be replaced. That is not what Minecraft is.

The "small changes" section contains completely unessential things. And then you go on about how Mojang tries "to force" you to use useless items. You can't wish for more stuff, then complain about the amount of useless stuff and complain about Mojang making useless stuff actually useful all at once. They did the same to gold, they got complaints about how it isn't useful for anything and included it in Netherite crafting. They aren't making these kind of decisions to force their players to use previously useless stuff, they are doing their best to include outliers and stop them from being useless.

Which perfectly hooks into your third part where you suggest more blocks. I think everyone knows how much hate Mojang will get if they would release an update with mostly decorative storage blocks.

I do agree on world generation and suggested mobs though. It has improved quite a bit, but there are still a lot of improvements to make. If I was a developer over at Mojang, I would delay improving this, because I would know that no matter how much time and effort goes into world generation, it always gets boring. In my opinion, the world generation other mods offer is only interesting, because it's not the default. Imagine your favourite terrain mod being the new default, it would be that terrain that you would see for the first time after launching minecraft and it would be the same terrain that you see in every YT video. Would you still think as fondly of it?

For world generation to be forever intriguing, some deep concepts of world generation have to change. And I'm not sure if I have ever seen a game containing terrain that never got boring. I'm not really a gamer though, so I don't know about many games.

Lastly, not something that is stated in this post, but that I have noticed across all kinds of posts in this category. Most people seem to want mod content, because those developers always do things better than Mojang does. Can you imagine the wasteland Minecraft would become if all mods were included in the game? Nobody would know how to describe Minecraft anymore and nobody would know what to expect next. So including all mods isn't an option, including a couple isn't an option either. Because developing the content to support the ideas from those mods, will delay other content, causing more of these posts to be written by people who feel left out, ignored or unsatisfied.
02/26/2020 6:35 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Emfire's Avatar
Well i think you get me wrong, what im complaining about isnt something new, it goes way back to the beta 1.8 in 2011, where Mojang started to add features to the game, that didnt fit the style of the game that they developing (like you combine comic and realistic Textures in a Texturepack, that doesnt work).
Initialy Mincraft was a sandbox survival game, not adventure, not combat, and mostly it was simple in concept, so that most features can be understand without knowing.
So if i say "unfitting features" i refer to features that are unnecessary from what fits into that games style, and Mojang is clearly missing the mark left and right.

And why is having slabs and stairs etc. for all blocks unessential? Seems like someone diddnt read the title, or doesnt build in a game aimed for building.
Also you didint understand what i meant with useless, lether was befor a certain update not used for books, so you could easily build a big Library, without farming too much, they could have instead added a letherblock that acts like wool, because its a damn sandbox game, not a "i make your life harder game", these are poor development choices.
And map generation, i say its bad because it was better, in beta. So 9 years ago we had a better terrain generation that today, we didnt had the biomes that is obvious, but in terms of terrain the beta 1.7.3 map generator is better.

Do i have to say again "didnt you read"? I sayed something about fitting and unfitting features, so including every mod is absolutly garbage, especaly since 99% of all mods are garbage anyways but if you add the good and needed mods, yes they should be included.

TLDR: I am not hating Mojang because i want to hate, i do this because i want the game i like to improve, and that comes from critism, if you always say everything is great, they will never put more effort into it.
03/01/2020 12:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
zidders's Avatar
I think Mojang needs to keep doing what they're doing which is NOT adding a ton of stuff. They've been focusing more on small, minor improvements over time with a few big things added now and then which is the smart way to do it. Iterating the game in a smart way and not catering to players too much is the way to go. 99.9% of players have zero clue about game design and just don't understand how to look at the big picture.
03/02/2020 7:11 am
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
Darth_Builder's Avatar
And also more fishes and penguins
Planet Minecraft


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