Minecraft: Becoming An RPG Game?

SourC00kie's Avatar SourC00kie9/19/11 12:10 am
6/1/2012 11:15 am
boohnana's Avatar boohnana
Now that 1.8 has been released and a new feature called the XP bar has been added there has been rumors spreading around saying that Minecraft is no longer a sand-box game. It is now becoming an RPG game. I have to personally agree with these rumors. A sand-box game certainly doesn't have Experience Orbs to rank up. That's where RPG games come in.

Also a good bet that Minecraft is becoming an RPG game is because Notch is working on different games that are also RPG games so your best bet is that Minecraft will become one too.

These are my thoughts and I would enjoy to hear yours about this. Thanks!
Posted by SourC00kie's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 45 : Master Blob

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09/19/2011 12:13 am
Level 38 : Artisan Toast
Oooooh_Shiny's Avatar
if i was notch i would keep the game a sandbox game but this is my opinion for now cuz idk where he is going with it
09/19/2011 12:17 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Indeed, I mean RPG is fun and all however I just can't imagine Minecraft becoming one.
09/19/2011 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc45196's Avatar
09/19/2011 12:18 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
But XP part of a sand-box game? I'm not too sure about that.
Mr. Barrelroll
09/19/2011 12:15 am
Level 32 : Artisan Musician
Mr. Barrelroll's Avatar
Oh no! Minecraft is becoming a role-playing game game???
09/19/2011 12:18 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
No, it's becoming a SBRPG. (Sand box role playing game.)
09/19/2011 12:19 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Which I personally don't like. A game should either be sandbox or RPG. Not both.
09/19/2011 12:21 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
So there will be no ever chance of a currency system or a turn-based battle system?
09/19/2011 12:23 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
I really hope there will be no such currency system. If someone would like to play with a currency system they can get the Millenaire mod but implementing it in the game? I hope not.
09/19/2011 12:28 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Adamsangels's Avatar
Yea i sorta wish Notch would leave the rpg stuff to the modders
09/19/2011 7:24 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Exactly. If people want to have an RPG aspect then sure, get a mod. But I prefer Minecraft the way it was back in 1.7.
09/19/2011 12:30 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Or, you could do this thing called ignore the RPG features notch adds, yes?
09/19/2011 12:35 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Adamsangels's Avatar
Maybe Notch should put A thing where when you create your world that says "Rpg on/off" (kinda like the structure spawning) then you could just always turn them off
09/19/2011 7:27 am
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
I don't know about you, but I find it hard to "ignore" these new features. There is a new XP bar at the bottom of my screen that has no purpose, yes I realize it will be updated in 1.9. The little orbs are also quite annoying in my opinion, just them going around your screen.
09/19/2011 12:33 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Doomster888000's Avatar
Minecraft+sandbox=Minecraft Minecraft+rpg=junk I had a rpg mod and it made me mad (sorry for the english)
09/19/2011 7:35 am
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
Oh well, just ignore it, it makes the game more diverse and interesting, the more stuff like this, the more chance notch can branch out into more interesting stuff. And besides, minecraft is still sand-box at heart.
09/19/2011 7:37 am
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
BonreoCat's Avatar
I hated the RPG stuff at the start too,but now I just don't pay any attention to it.Except when I play survival with my friends,i pay a little bit attention to it,but that doesn't bother me.
09/19/2011 7:45 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
esoomytefasgone's Avatar
This was always the intent, people are just getting mad because they preferred the game when it had no features. This is like playing the BETA for a Grand Theft Auto game where all you can do is drive and then getting bitchy when they update it and add guns/cops/missions and killing hookers. Yall should have expected it.
09/19/2011 7:50 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
LOL89078's Avatar
If you want sand box go to creative... Duhhh!
09/19/2011 7:51 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Accension's Avatar
It will be a mix of the both. Later you will be able to summon bosses too. Kindof like terraria's feature. But that's what makes minecraft unique!
09/19/2011 7:52 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
I find it hard to really consider the update really RPG. I know that's what Mojang is intending, but throwing in an xp bar isn't really RPG. When we have NPCs to interact with, that's more roleplaying. And I believe that aspect of the game is supposed to be optional (as in, you create an RPG world OR a sandbox world.)
09/19/2011 3:30 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Well if you think of it to a point when XP bar does have a purpose this will slowly be turning into a RPG. However yes, I do agree with you that if you play in creative mode it still has a sandbox feel, however it's not exactly Minecraft as it was back in 1.7 as an example.
09/19/2011 7:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Unicorn
ZumBucks's Avatar
Minecraft is minecraft. why not enjoy it as there are still options to choose from creative to survival. If you ever want a game to improve this is the only way Notch could think of. U cannot blame how its gone, all you need to do u play...

09/19/2011 8:03 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Pony
BawbTehOldDude's Avatar
I like where Minecraft is going. It needed something to make it more interesting than just placing blocks. Plus, that is all in survival mode. If you do something, don't you get experience? It's just making it more realistic and more of a SURVIVAL mode.
09/19/2011 8:31 am
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
creative mode= sandbox
survival mode= pseudo-RPG-adventure
adventure mode= RPG

stop crying about RPG you don't have to play RPG mode if you don't want.
09/19/2011 8:42 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Mark916's Avatar
Minecraft is not becoming an RPG game Minecraft is a Sand box game (it can be a RPG in mp it depends )
09/19/2011 8:44 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
"Oh no Experience orbs that might not even get an use"

Jeez. It's not an RPG anyone who says it is obviously never played an RPG before.
09/19/2011 3:31 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
If you read the post that is not at all what I'm saying. First of all I never said that this was a bad thing. Please don't think that. I'm just asking the community on what they think about this "change" if it even is one.
09/19/2011 8:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Danishking's Avatar
I like what Notch is doing to the game, its more fun this way!
As @BlackFTW says, just ignore the "RPG features"
09/19/2011 3:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Pajke's Avatar
They're making a new game mode called Adventure. So yeah..
09/19/2011 3:38 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Spider Rider
King_Of_Nether's Avatar
im not bothered if it stays sandbox or goes the full RPG, but has any one heard of red dead, assassins creed, the old final fantasies (before 13 ruined it), or WoW/Runescape? these are all great RPG/sandbox games and although minecraft gets 10/10 from me already, making it slightly more like these games will add a lot more fun to all the people who enjoyed 1.8
09/19/2011 3:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Unicorn
Tharesan's Avatar
Blah, this thread sounds like fail. Minecraft was never meant to be a sandbox game, that's just what it ended up being. Minecraft is supposed to be a randomly generated world environment where your goal is to survive using the resources at your disposal. It became a sandbox game when everyone's creativity got thrown into the game. If you disagree with me, then why is the game mode called 'survival mode'?

These new rpg elements add to the adventure and survival parts of the game that were originally intended. Food, obvious for your survival. Exp, sort of a measure for how good you are at surviving, since dying will make you lose your exp. Need I go on?

Anyways, you should be glad that there is a creative mode now and you don't have to use third party software to get a lot of stuff for building.
09/19/2011 4:42 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Good points however I will question you. Can you please provide me some type of proof that Minecraft wasn't intended to be a sandbox game? I have heard from multiple sources that it was however you can prove me wrong by showing me where you have heard this, I would be very interested to read it.
09/19/2011 3:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
xsspy_master's Avatar
My only complaint is the hunger bar. i dont like eating 7 times a minecraft day.
01/10/2012 1:26 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Doomster888000's Avatar
I consider that MC should remay a sandbox but if Jeb says that it should turn into a RPG
But i think that the project is even bigger i saw that Jeb will introduce a capture the flag mod that is often found in the shooter games.Maybe he is trying to introduce every single game mode in Minecraft turning it into a failed project to make the ultimate PC game.
01/10/2012 1:32 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
adventurequest's Avatar
Jeb&Notch ruining minecraft?
Down to downgrade to good old alpha!
when creepers was the boss and not some stupid enderdragon AND NO EXP
01/10/2012 1:32 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Doomgekkie's Avatar
I personally like it, surely if someone doesn't like the enchanting, don't enchant, if someone doesn't like brewing, don't use potion, it's that easy.
The food bar is the only one that you can't just don't do. But it's easy, slay a cow, cook it, and eat it, or just set up a simple wheat farm and make bread, and if you are going to say 'but that takes time and i don't have it and this and that and whine', then you shouldn't have updated.

But don't get me wrong that i'm one of the haters, i understand that most of the people are upset:
Alpha 0.30 Sanbox Beta 1.0 Sandbox 1.5 Sandbox 1.7 Sandbox, and then BOOOM, suddenly, food bar? WTH? I know you need to get used to it, but over time you grow normal to it that you need to go hunting ^^
06/01/2012 2:42 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
MichaelMcGerveyFilms's Avatar
I am pretty sure it was always meant to be a sandbox game because it was made as an Infiniminer clone at first. However, a little later Notch probably considered turning it into an RPG/sandbox game considering the fact that one of the working titles was "Minecraft: Order of the Stone."
06/01/2012 2:48 am
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
It's not really an RPG game though, it's still a sandbox. Definition of a sandbox game
"A video game with nonlinear gameplay presents players with challenges that can be completed in a number of different sequences. Each player sees only some of the challenges possible, and the same challenges may be played in a different order."

This is still true for MC
06/01/2012 2:55 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Mikel's Avatar
As i can see, this post was created around when 1.8 came out. Now there's jungles, testificates(villagers), cats and more, but most importantly-CURRENCY.
Even though i liked most of the previous updates, this one i hate. And one more thing-mining ores and smelting now also gives you XP. NOOOOOO, Jeb!
06/01/2012 2:57 am
Level 31 : Artisan Hunter
hunterbeebe's Avatar
They added adventure gamemode.
06/01/2012 4:40 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pony
MeowMeowMeowMeowMeow's Avatar
yay ive been waiting for adventure mode since 1.8!
But anyways ive always liked the rpg elements in minecraft! And even if some people dont they shouldnt go get all crazy cause the changes arent even that drastic. Its not like they removed mining and building from the game.
06/01/2012 3:25 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Ew, don't necro.
06/01/2012 10:57 am
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
I don't understand people- you always demand an update. Well, this was the only available route to go down, and now you complain? Well, be careful what you wish for.
06/01/2012 10:59 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
Animatrix's Avatar
06/01/2012 11:01 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Nymus's Avatar
Christ sake people, stop necroing 4 month old threads.
06/01/2012 11:02 am
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
Animatrix, I get the feeling we share the same views on many topics.

*8 months
06/01/2012 11:05 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
Animatrix's Avatar
Xam, same.

Whoa, didn't see the necro. Lock maybe?

EDIT~ Well, this topic is more of an ongoing thing, I don't see the harm in continuing it.
06/01/2012 11:13 am
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
darklonewolf's Avatar
it's not BECOMING an RPG game unless you play it like one but if you play it like all other sandbox games then you can still call it a sandbox game. So it becomes an RPG or sandbox game depending on how you play so don't blame notch. Plus its still a sandbox game because it has no end and that's the only rule in sandbox that's really important. Not trying to be a smart ass here just spreading my opinion.
06/01/2012 11:14 am
Level 77 : Legendary Snark
Aximili's Avatar
There will be a game mode where you can't place or destroy blocks in the next update.
Personally, I think this is just fun. If you prefer the sandboxy thing in minecraft, there is a creative mode, and when I play in survival, enchantment and EXP is something that I don't really care about (making a billion bookshelves and an ugly table, why?).

I'm really looking forward to that new gamemode, it's ideal for custom adventure maps, right?
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