Please help

cuckoometal's Avatar cuckoometal6/24/11 10:27 am
6/24/2011 12:40 pm
can someone please help me out with the mod stuff? i dont know how you update your mods do they just up date by there self or what im am really confused and since update 1.7 is coming out soon im sorta worried so i would really appreciate it if someone could help thanks
Posted by cuckoometal's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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06/24/2011 12:40 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
NMVMNV's Avatar
Mods do not update. When 1.7 comes out the game will re-download your minecraft.jar and will delete all your mod(s), to get them back, go to the forum post or website of the author of the mod and wait for the mod to be updated (this shouldn't take more than 1-5 days) once it's updated go ahead and re-download and install the mod(s) again...OR when you know 1.7 is out you could start your game and when the option "Update to 1.7- Yes or No" click "No" and you will stay on 1.6.6 then just play the game regularly with the mods on, and every time you launch Minecraft click "No" then just check by the author of the mods website and/or forum post everyday and when the mod gets updated launch Minecraft and press "Yes update to 1.7" then close Minecraft and download and install the mod(s)! If you choose this method you wont have to go without mods for very long but you'll be on Minecraft 1.6.6 longer....hope this helps and if you don't follow, reply and i'll try to help you understand....JRose744
Planet Minecraft


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