PvP tips anyone?

Rabious's Avatar Rabious5/10/13 10:58 pm
5/11/2013 4:26 am
lFATEl's Avatar lFATEl
I've been into PvP for a long time and I want to get better. Any tips of how to get better? And for me, block hitting makes me worse at pvp as people have really slow sensitivity and cannot hit me as i'm behind them, but when i block hit, i'm really slow and It's just hit for hit.
Posted by Rabious's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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05/11/2013 4:26 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
lFATEl's Avatar
an tip wich my friend gave me who is good at pvp
he said even if you dont have any prober weapon
attack anyway because the best defence is attack
05/11/2013 1:20 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
DeweDecimal's Avatar
Try to sprint/bunny hop behind them and do something like a joust,
05/11/2013 12:58 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
DSasaki's Avatar
-dirt blocks (spamming placing it on the ground while the enemy is about ten blocks away from you will impede him)
-water bucket (impeding the enemy)
-soul sand (same purpose as dirt blocks except it is better)
-lava bucket (probably the most powerful thing of all even diamond players with enchants cannot handle this)
-god apples (hard to get but really worth it)
and when In a pvp where you cannot use any of those just spam attack them always move forward moving backward is a major disadvantage always aim for the side, block-attack is good but only tires your hand just spam them with hits, strategize , find anything that will lessen or kill the enemy's health so find cliffs and aim the enemy toward the cliff if you find lava lakes hit the enemy to them, and in times when the enemy is far from you a bow is priceless...
05/11/2013 12:57 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
LucyGorillaz's Avatar
Well, if you're aiming to get better, I would start by fighting people who are either at the same skill level as you, or a bit lower. Practice new skills on opponents who are easy for you to kill, such as using an axe to damage armour. Jumping and blocking is good. I have found that jumping around does actually make it harder for people to hit me. If you want to, you can hop on a faction server, join a faction, and ask some faction members to go PvP with you. You will learn a lot from others. Also, bringing a bow to PvP is a great idea. If your target runs, you're able to shoot them, or if you're planning on sniping them, bows work great. As far as swords go, I always use a sword with very good enchants on it. I find that having a knockback sword serves as help if you need to make a run for it.

My favorite sword enchants are:
Fire Aspect

My favorite bow enchants are:

Also, I don't usually use block when PvPing. It just gets in my way, and is hard to get used to. Just don't use block! I know several great PvPers who never use block, and always win.
05/11/2013 12:55 am
Level 29 : Expert Fisherman
BattlingApollo's Avatar
Here's some tips:
2. Also spam click the block, and attack while jumping and sprinting.
3. If your outnumbered or outgeared, use strategy to overcome that. No specific methods, but here are some ideas:
Deep pits and lava is useful.
Flint and steel helps
Lure them into a trap?
05/11/2013 12:49 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Pease_Xpress's Avatar
Spam attack key like a maniac..
05/11/2013 12:47 am
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Neptonic's Avatar
Bring an Axe, it breaks armor faster than a sword. Helpful when out-armored.
05/10/2013 11:50 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
Run away tactic - If you run up to 2 high block run and jump at the same time, it gives a little boost toward your running.

Hit & Run is always a good thing, even it's a noob thing. It's useful for a beginner.
05/10/2013 11:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Modder
MrJohnson5's Avatar
I was just trying to help, You didn't have to shut me down, bro.
05/10/2013 11:18 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Knightscraft4's Avatar
I never used block. never had to. I'M NOT SAYING ITS USELESS. All I'm saying is I never go into blocking. maybe its good maybe its not
jumping is essential. it can make it hard for them to hit you (believe it or not, I've seen it work wonders)
sneak attacks give you a big headstart. always bring potions, they can win you the match. One more hit on your opponent can win you the match.
Only times when to run:
If its 2 vs 1
Your in their territory (sometimes)
When not to run:
When they have a bow.
They are at low health

Follow these tips and you will be amazing
05/10/2013 11:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Rabious's Avatar
When you jump and they don't hit you, they are just noobs.

You can sometimes win when it's 2 vs 1. Just pick on one at a time.

For the poison, bring 1 poison extended splash poison, throw it at them and leave until they are at half heart of health. Then you can shoot him off with a bow.

One time i fought with just 1 poison pot, 1 invisibility pot, and 1 bow + 32 arrows vs a full diamond guy. He got so mad he rage quit and started to curse
05/10/2013 11:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Rabious's Avatar
When you are being chased, go to the forests There are alot of choking spots (1x1 tunnels) Where you can place lava and easily wreck the enemy. When the enemy escapes the lava, he will be very behind
05/10/2013 11:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
tntcreeper12345's Avatar
I also suggest the following :

1. Don't run away unless needed. If you run away while you still have alot of health, the enemy can easily chase you (and possibly outrun you if they have Speed effects active).

2. Don't bring potions unless needed. If you lose the fight, the enemy can easily steal them and get an advantage against you in a rematch.

3. Bring a Bow and a ton of arrows. Trust me, you'll need it. Also, enchant your Bow for more chaos.
05/10/2013 11:11 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Rabious's Avatar
Ok there are some things wrong with your tips:
-Block is useful. Predict the rate of a bow and you can half the damage every time.
-With higher ground, the player below can attack easier as their attack range is extended
-For jump attacks, it can really slow down your movement except for Jump sprinting and reduces DPS because you only attack while you move down, while when your standing still, you can spam all hell
- Just because the person has the better sword and armor doesn't mean that you can't win. Use the terrain as an advantage. If it's up in a mountain, try to knock em off with a sprint. Also, when near a ravine, knock him in there and escape.
05/11/2013 12:24 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
19dshriver's Avatar
Just saying, I have never had block help me. And Mrjohnson5 was trying to help, so don't drag him down.
05/10/2013 11:03 pm
Level 43 : Master Modder
MrJohnson5's Avatar
My tips for Great PvP:
Never Block, Block is Useless.
Always try and get the higher ground. With higher ground on the enemy it is easy to get a crit on them.
Jump attacks, Always try jump attacks when fighting someone, They give you crits.
In Pvp, Often the person with the better Sword and Armour wins, so long as its a fair game, you should have as good a chance as the enemy to win. (Always try to out-gear your opponents.)
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