We want a new official project contest!

JohanKJIP's Avatar JohanKJIP3/1/14 4:12 am
3/1/2014 1:59 pm
Snowyfox's Avatar Snowyfox
Hello forum-ers,

Today it has been 5 and a half months since the last project contest! Project contests bring the community together and everybody loves the competition the contest creates. I hope that some site,forum and chat moderators see this so they can contact anyone who is in charge of the contests, the community would be thankful!

I know that contests are time consuming to create and it puts a lot of strain on all the judges and moderators who help with it, but, I know from past experiences that the planetminecraft staff do a lot for the community.

Now, what kind of contest theme would you like to have? Comment down below!

I myself have come up with a few:
- Pirate island (create your own pirate island, either use the template terrain or create your own).

- Something to do with the end, while we had space and nether as contests before.

- A contest where you get points for how close your build reassembles a picture - a new category for judging. So the point of the contest is to find a picture and make a build as close as possible to that picture. To win you have to have high resemblance to the picture, good presentation and good execution.

Themes that you have come up with so far:

- Japanese theme

- Minigame contest (would take ages to judge tho..)
Posted by JohanKJIP's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer

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03/01/2014 1:59 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
It'd be cool to see military forts in the middle of some sort of landscape.

For example, Japanese castles in snowy plains surrounded by hilly winter Taigas.
Or a modern American military outpost in a Texas-style desert.
Or a medieval English castle in grassy plains surrounded by hills.
Or a Renaissance Polish fort surrounded by mountains in the backdrop.
Or an underwater evil-world-domination-group hideout.
03/01/2014 1:33 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
+PixelPirate+'s Avatar
Or a LORD OF THE RINGS Shire, dwarven city or elf city...
03/01/2014 10:56 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dolphin
Dubstep_Stairs's Avatar
In the next project contest, after this one, it would be pretty cool to have to make an ancient Japanese town, or city, with the Japanese castle too.
03/01/2014 11:02 am
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer
JohanKJIP's Avatar
Yeah japanese theme could be cool, I'll add it to the list!

And remember these are just suggestions, this is not official thread to pick the theme!
03/01/2014 10:41 am
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer
JohanKJIP's Avatar
Have you got any themes more than the ones I have come up with?
03/01/2014 10:09 am
Level 24 : Expert Network
FatMuzzy's Avatar
I like the idea of the Pirate Island contest. Just think of all the possibilities for teh good builders!
03/01/2014 5:17 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Goblin
teutates10's Avatar
Yea Joan, we need a new one D:
That picture idea is cool ;P many original
03/01/2014 5:13 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Creeper7111's Avatar
I really want another build contest because I have improved my building skills a lot
03/01/2014 5:12 am
Level 27 : Expert Engineer
kolokkol's Avatar
I think a minigame contest would be awesome.
I looked a bit at all the previous contest, and all the project contest where for building.
with a minigame contest building wouldn't be the biggest thing, game mechanics would also be important. It would be fun for people that don't like/ aren't good at building, and that like to use redstone/command blocks.
03/01/2014 4:51 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
TheLEGOTimeLord's Avatar
I do think I know what's gonna be one of the next contests. And you're gonna like it. A lot.
03/01/2014 9:15 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
You know nothing. You know why? Because we don't even know what's next.
We've been spending most of our time in the past few months on backend improvements. I'd like to get back into the habit of two monthly contests, though.

03/01/2014 1:19 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
TheLEGOTimeLord's Avatar
*Cough* Google *Cough*
03/01/2014 10:40 am
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer
JohanKJIP's Avatar
Good, the website seem to have been more stable the past couple of months! I really miss the contests tho, good to hear that you want 2 monthly contests
03/01/2014 10:01 am
Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
Narwal_Lover31's Avatar

But to be honest, I think the End Associated Contest is the one that hits me.
03/01/2014 4:34 am
Level 30 : Artisan Princess
Macaronnie's Avatar
Hey Johan,

i really feel with you man, another contest would be SICK! i really like the pirate idea, but another idea i had is, a fantasy-ish with a theme refered to a picture, to show the style, and then who can create the best new design with the picture as reference!

also liked the picture idea, its harder then you think x)
well hope you will get some attention with this threat! would be awesome!

03/01/2014 4:26 am
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
I would absolutely love a new contest to be out in the very near future, however we can only hope as I am sure it is a very busy time for the people who set them up. A project contest, would yes be good as it has been a while that one was embarked upon, however on the subject, I do feel that a good blogging contest is in order to come up sometime in the next couple of months! And here is why:

There have been 17 skin contests, but then again, they are the highest number of uploaded submissions in the community so that is understandable.

There have then been a further 8 project contests, or should I say 'building ones', but again they are the second highest number of uploads so this is correct.

There have only been 2 blog contests to this very day, and the last one was all the way back in December 2012! More than a year ago, and so I definitely feel, with the rapid increase of bloggers and quality blogs, and the opportunity for more blog topics to be explored with the new rule change, a new one should be revisited. They are the third highest uploaded content on the site and so I think that they should have the next contest.

This is just my opinion, and I wish you luck in trying to achieve that project contest.
03/01/2014 4:20 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
Josephrol's Avatar
Pirate island sounds cool.
03/01/2014 4:19 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Zombie
xDrift's Avatar
Love the picture perfect contest idea
03/01/2014 4:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
Josephrol's Avatar
Not the picture.... People could just use sprite craft.
03/01/2014 9:08 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Suspence1127's Avatar
Not if it has to be 3d
03/01/2014 4:27 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Zombie
xDrift's Avatar
Spritecraft is more for pixel art, not necessarily an entire project...
03/01/2014 4:18 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1468027's Avatar
03/01/2014 4:20 am
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer
JohanKJIP's Avatar
Pixel art can be generated with a program too easily. :/
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