What If You Voted For the LAST Mob You Wanted This Year?poll

Dermugettum's Avatar Dermugettum10/11/23 8:05 pm history
3 emeralds 168 1
10/12/2023 3:25 am
ScotsMiser's Avatar ScotsMiser
I really don't want to vote this year because the mobs are always so drastically different that comparing them just isn't fair. Somehow they manage to be so different while giving so little information in the reveal trailers, that strong, spiteful factions manage to form among the voters anyways. How else do we get such an implicit bias in the final results?

While I'm not actually participating in the vote approaching in just a few days, I did want to think about an interesting what if scenario. Suppose if, the Mob Vote voters voted for the last mob they would want instead? Just look at what happened when the strongest numbers won the votes of previous years: we got the Sniffer, which does nothing but dig up seeds which can be decorative, but really they're meant for breeding more Sniffers who just repeat the boring cycle. Allays pick up items, but they aren't good at dropping them properly or staying put. Redstone still has them beat. Glow Squids gave us a cool way to decorate item frames and text, but, like the Sniffer, they just don't do anything else.

As for a second point, ask yourself this before voting for your favorite mob, "If this mob sounds so good and could be good, then why doesn't Mojang add it themselves?" Either way, Mojang is going to put minimal effort into whatever mob gets added from the vote, as seen from the other winners, so does your choice really matter? Why not pick the other mob you haven't considered, or just vote on a roll of the dice? You might be surprised by what'll come.

I'm not encouraging anyone to make a specific vote cause I'm not voting anyway as part of my disdain for Mojang. However, this approach could be a nice change of pace and might break the curse of the Mob Vote, the curse which leaves most people furious and wanting to cut each other's throats. If you just make a vote the opposite of what you intend, what's there to be mad about?
Posted by Dermugettum's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Miner

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10/12/2023 3:25 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
My guess is that a large part of why MS/Mj instituted this travesty is to provide a cheap means of hyping the upcoming update… as such, the most effective 'vote' is as much of a null as can be managed.

Notably, none of the votes has ever included an option like:
NONE, spend the resources on making what we've got better.

Of course, to include such an option would run the risk that it would win… 😋

Voting for one's least favorite of the N unpreposessing choices would (at most) simply shift which less than 1/N group of players gets to 'win'…
Voting for the least laggy/least intrusive/least game affecting ie least 'bad' instead would at least minimize the ill effects of whatever is added.

In both cases, however, voting at all sends a signal that the mob vote hoopla produces 'engagement' in players, which will be used by the internal MS/Mj faction that likes these things to justify their continuance.

Why MS/Mj feels that MC players are better served by arguing over a new mob rather than — say — actually playing the game seems mysterious until one thinks of:
★ the added possibilities of end running the single_purchase_only revenue model by endlessly creating new merch for parents to be whinged at over
★ the employement security for the design, PR, and marketing departments
★ the ability to claim that new interactions are stymying the fixing of long standing bugs
and so forth
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