leefnut's Avatar leefnut7/22/18 5:44 am
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7/24/2018 11:27 am
Ivain's Avatar Ivain

Wondering if anyone has a link to a block id data value chart for 1.13? Cant seem to find one as of yet...

Posted by leefnut's Avatar
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer

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07/22/2018 10:15 am
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
garlicbreathinator's Avatar
All numerical ids in 1.13 have been removed. That includes everything from block ids to commands like "/gamemode 1". Here's a data table of all block id changes in 1.13: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.13/Flattening

However, some of the more technical data gets more compliacated. Block states (wool color, stair direction, etc.) are no longer stored as numerical values and are now tag=value pairs kinda like NBT data. In addition, blocks that don't necessarily need multiple block states have been split into different blocks (different colors of wool, etc)

  For example, instead of wool 3 the id of light blue wool is now minecraft:light_blue_wool. Other values like the direction a stair is facing, how a fence is connected, and how much a crop has grown are still stored as block states. Block states and NBT are now saved in the same string as the block id in the format "namespace:block[blockstate=value]{NBT:value}". For example, to /setblock an upside-down stair that is waterlogged you would use this command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone_brick_stairs[half=top,waterlogged=true].

Here's a full list of these values: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_states I hope this is what you are looking for.

Good luck,

07/22/2018 6:53 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
leefnut's Avatar
Well, as a world editor/world painter I feel this is very disappointing news...

So much typing...

I hope the plugin teams can work out a smooth transition into 1.13

Thanks for passing these links on to me Garlicbreathinator
07/24/2018 11:27 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Don't worry I'm sure the creators of both will find a way to still link numerical Ids to the current block and item IDs, at least within their specific software. All it should really take is two linked arrays. You type in the old numerical ID, the program searches through the array, finds the position in the array that that ID occurs at and then uses that position value to get the new block name from the second array.
A chore to set up the first time, but after that it shouldn't be a problem.

Only place where it might really be a problem is with CommandBlocks, but since we have Functions now, and Functions aren't limited in length the way commandblocks are, the problem can be circumvented.
07/22/2018 7:10 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
garlicbreathinator's Avatar
There is so much more available to builders in 1.13 that it more than makes up for this. There's the array of new wood blocks, the new stairs and slabs, and the new tag system.

One part of the new datapack system is tags, basically a new way to group blocks/items and address them as if they were all the same block. Some vanilla tags are included, but you can add your own for any purpose, whether for worldedit commands or sommand block minimods. For example, you can test for any wool type with #minecraft:wool, and any plank with #minecraft:planks. If plugins take advantage of this, then you're set. Until then, you might just have to use the new raycasting system to build your own vanilla plugins (or hire me to do it :P)

Also, the debug stick helps so much with detail work.
07/23/2018 6:35 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
leefnut's Avatar
Ive been looking forward to the update like most. Im a very WorldEdit/ WorldPainter orientated user & with the pirate genre being one of my favourite builds to do ive been hoping to make my shipwrecks better underwater. I understand that mc is evolving but learning the process again seems frustrating. Im hoping the dev codes the 1.13 world edit to change id’s to NBT format internally so there’s no format change in the plugin for users.

Im very interested in your offered services. Mind flicking me a PM of what your skills involve?

Many thanks
07/22/2018 9:04 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
It might dissapoint you, but as a feature of 1.13 Minecraft Block and Item ID's are no longer.
You can use the minecraft:cobblestone as an example, but ID's have been removed.
07/22/2018 6:55 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
leefnut's Avatar
Thanks Mercy, I appreciate the feedback.

Very disappointing news..
07/23/2018 5:52 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
We might be lucky that the World Edit team will add ID's for us :p
But that's just me hoping because it is indeed very disappointing.
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