First impressions: "Create"

ShelLuser's Avatar ShelLuser1/1/24 3:19 am history
1/8/2024 5:44 pm
ShelLuser's Avatar ShelLuser
Hi gang!

Happy 2024 everyone!! I hope you had a great Holliday season, mine isn't even fully ended yet ;)

Well, at the time of writing I'm up early, couldn't sleep, and figured I'd try to get my mind of things a bit which is when I remembered that I wanted to share this story of mine. I hope you guys can enjoy this.

About me / us (briefly)

Last month I finally ticked of an important item of my todo list: setting up a (modded) Forge LAN server so that my gf & me could play some Minecraft together. We're on Minecraft 1.18.2 and play with a very specific selection of mods, not a modpack. Over the years we really came to appreciate and enjoy our collection so... that's how this collection came to be. Our focus with this game is "Minecraft+": we don't want to get too distracted with other things to do but at the same time we also welcome more activities and challenges.

But the most important thing for us is that we can enjoy a fun, casual, game of modded Minecraft, or "TechCraft" as I like to call it.

This is a summary of the mods we're playing with:
  • Tinkers Construct; this allows you to create unique tools and weapons using all sorts of materials (not just vanilla ores). Don't expect to craft metal items just like that: prepare to build foundries or smelters!
  • Botania; immerse into the 'natural forces' of Minecraft by collecting mystical flowers from the lands and then use those to create magical, more powerful, flowers which can grant you access to new blocks, nature affecting tools and powerful armor.
  • Mekanism (full series); build machines which can 'do' things for you and automate tasks. Furnaces are soo passe: smelters, crushers, sawmills, infusers and purification chambers are where it's at.
  • Thermal Expansion/thermal series (all except "Locomotion"); get a bit "more" out of Minecraft in general with new tools, blocks and items. Water your plants and crops with a watering can, mine blocks using fluxbores and saws, use grenades to fend of hostile mobs and be sure to enjoy a sushi roll afterwards.
  • Applied Energistics 2; discover 'alien technology' which allows you to build "matter networks": storage devices which allow you to redefine the way you store your items forever. Forget about stacks of 64 items, no more walking up to a chest in a specific location and you may even be able to access your storage remotely too!
  • EvilCraft; delve into the forbidden arcane arts of blood magic and make the world do your bidding. If this power comes at the expense of an entire village and its inhabitants, then so be it, right? I mean: a blood chest isn't going to fill itself, which is a 'convenient way' to repair your items.
In addition we also rely on a few support mods to keep things casual: Iron Chests (early storage), Integrated Dynamics & Tunnels (moving items & energy around), Enhanced Visuals (awesome with shaders!), Corpse (save your items after death), Jade (identify blocks & mobs) and Xaero world & minimap (finding your way around).

A new mod?

Now, we both really enjoy this collection and we also agreed that we weren't going to be endlessly adding/removing mods all the time, that time is behind us. Of course there's nothing wrong with keeping an eye out for possible improvements. So last Friday (time of writing) my gf asked me if we could add a new mod to the server; she really really wanted to play more with this one. Well, it's our server so obviously I had no problem with something she wanted this much (she had also done several tests last week so she was sure that things should work out).

I'm gonna be honest: I was quite the skeptic. This was definitely not something I'd be playing with ("that ponder system doesn't even give me a help overview"), but as said: this is our server so that doesn't mean I have to enjoy everything we have. For example my friend doesn't really like EvilCraft which is something I enjoy playing with so yah. Live and let live. Anyway, my friend explained some basic mechanics and we started experimenting together. Next thing I know I'm hooked as well :P

Figured I'd vent a little ;)

Create; first impressions!

Create at the beach

On the right: a (creative) engine, the gray square in front is actually an axle which constantly rotates. On the left side: a copper water pipe which is connected to a fluid tank, in the middle (the gray cogwheel) is a fluid pump to which I connected a large coghweel. The challenge: get the motor to somehow set the coghweel in motion so that the pump gets motion power and will continue pumping.

Now sure: if I wanted a 'quick' solution I can easily set up a few cables using Integrated Dynamics, add a few interfaces and some im- or ex -porters and I'd have that fluid tank filled in no time. Another alternative is the Mekanism mod: just place a pump above the water, connect it to the tank and then provide it with some power. Done. However, that's not the point here, the point is to have some fun by trying to solve this puzzle, and I say puzzle because using kinetic energy like this is something that simply didn't exist yet in Minecraft.

Pump that water!

So here is what I came up with: I added a so called "chain drive" to get the moving parts on the same height as the cogwheel. I then added a shaft (or axle if you will) to both the chaindrive and the cogwheel. Finally I connected both using a mechanical belt (which can also be used as a conveyor belt if you want) and the result can be seen above. As you can see this mod also cooperates perfectly with some of the others: the blue structure is a monitor I set up using Integrated Dynamics, and on the right you can see a mechanical pump connected to the tank as well, that's courtesy of the Mekanism mod.

'Create' is all about automating your Minecraft world using realistic'ish mechanics which are based on kinetic energy.

Easy to get started (sort off)!

Most "tech mods" focus on mid to end-game mechanics. For example: in order to craft some of the machines in Mekanism or the Thermal series you're going to need several expensive items such as gold, redstone (obviously) and often some custom materials as well (like osmium or steel). However, the basis materials for Create are none other than andesite, iron (nuggets) and (dried) kelp! And others depending on what you plan on doing of course, the above setup was build using copper sheets, gears made from wood and andesite alloy (which in its turn is made from combining iron & andesite) and dried kelp which is the basis material to make the belt.

It won't be the materials that could make it tricky to set up, but the new mechanics on the other hand do require some new way of troubleshooting. Instead of simply 'dragging' a wire somewhere you now need to think about the best ways to transport the moving motion to other places.

Still, it's not too hard. Also because this mod fully honors all existing Minecraft mechanics. Meaning? Well, I'm sure you're aware that once you place a waterblock somewhere then it keeps pouring water out, right? So what do you think would happen if you were to place a waterscoop underneath such a block? The official name being water wheel: a large wheel with 'pedals' which allows the water to set it in motion. Well, as soon as that happens you got yourself some kinetic energy to use.

Fortunately there's a pretty solid help system available to help you 'ponder' about such problems at hand:

A simple animation shows you everything you need to know about your selected component...

Sure, it doesn't allow you to search through all the available topics, sort off. See, if you press 'f' (or click on the spy glass) then you can hover your mouse over any block shown above which will tell you its name. Click it and you're now taking to that items help page, thus allowing you to fully dive into the inner workings of these examples. So, say I want to know more about that colorful block at the right side? I press 'f' any time I want, hover the mouse over that block and click. Done!

There's also an overview which will show you the total collection of related components as well.

And guess what? Despite all this the mod doesn't have any specific dependencies, so if you want to start playing then all you need is this one mod. No more, no less. However, I do think that you'll get the most out of your experience if you combine it with some others.

In fact.. I somewhat consider this mod the "glue" which can help you to get even more out of several other mods. When looking at, say, Botania then I think such kinetic mechanics blend much better into the whole experience than mods like Mekanism or Integrated Dynamics/Tunnels can. Of course we all have our own personal preferences ;)

Oh, and maybe needless to say but these contraptions can also be fully controlled by redstone. In my earlier example of the waterpump it would be very easy to add an on/off switch for example.

And there you have it!

A brief, first, impression. But I can tell you that this mod is something special. A classic of its own kind. Ever used an in-game todo list together? The clipboard is awesome for that: you can make a todo list, but also place it on a wall so that others can interact with it too.
Posted by ShelLuser's Avatar
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer

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01/08/2024 5:44 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
ShelLuser's Avatar


And then some more:

Yah, moving contraptions in Minecraft? Better believe it!
Planet Minecraft


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