How do I change the textures on a block as I am building?

DreamBliss's Avatar DreamBliss6/20/18 6:20 pm
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6/22/2018 10:54 am
Stubbs1's Avatar Stubbs1

If you watch this video:


You can see the guy whip out a tool and change textures on the fly in Minecraft as he is building. What mod or mods is he using, and what is the process to do this? Can this be done in Minecraft 1.12.2?

Posted by DreamBliss's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Architect

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06/21/2018 3:42 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
DreamBliss's Avatar
Hey thank you for the info! So he is changing the data value... I wonder if there is a command for this in WorldEdit?
06/21/2018 4:03 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
There is. If you mark the block's that you'd wanna change you can actually type in any of the usual //set, //replace, and such commands, however instead of typing in the item like: //set Cobblestone
You can instead put ":" behind the blockname, and then type ANY ID and that block will then become the block you typed, but with a value of whatever you typed in. So:

//set cobblestone:9 changes the blocks to cobblestone, BUT they all now have a value of 9, so if (In the resource-pack) anything is supposed to respond to Cobblestone:9 then the block will change :)
06/22/2018 5:19 amhistory
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
DreamBliss's Avatar
Awesome! Gonna try this and see what happens. Thank you!

You seem to know your stuff here, so another question for you.... In World Edit is there a way to take a block like the cobblestone fence and change its texture to wood?
06/22/2018 10:54 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
World Edit can't do that for you.
Like I explained in my first post: "The resource-pack he has on has multiple textures for the same block" - What that meant is: You have to download a Resource pack that has multiple textures for the same block, and I believe that you'll also need the Optifine Mod in order to make it work.

I don't use resource-packs myself so sadly I can't even recommend which one to use. I just know this system because I did research on it for a tutorial of mine :p
06/21/2018 2:55 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
What he's actually doing is holding an item you get from a plugin called: Data Value Stick (https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/datavaluestick?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=36124 ) It's an old plugin that stays true to the date of the video, and it works kinda like the De-bug stick that we have en 1.13 atm. (You can read about the debug stick here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Debug_Stick )

But there are no mods, hacks or anything in that video, you see: The resource-pack he has on has multiple textures for the same block, however some of these textures can ONLY be accessed by changing their ID from something like: Cobblestone_wall:0 (The default) to Cobblestone_wall:6 - Depending on what number the resource-pack is set to, it can change into any texture available from that specific pack.
The same for the planks that he changes. Same thing, but with a LOT more textures I believe :)

I hope this might answer your question.
06/21/2018 2:30 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Cake
MmanGamer14's Avatar
Honestly, the only way to do this (DO NOT USE MODS THAT ADD ANY ITEMS/BLOCKS/MISC. TEXTURES TO THE GAME, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.) is to take a resource pack, modify the files and then run F3 + A (I think.)
06/21/2018 2:17 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
ShelLuser's Avatar
You mean around 5 minutes in?

Looks definitely like a mod but it doesn't look like he was changing the textures but more so scrolling through the different block types. So oak planks, birch planks, etc. For a brief moment I was wondering if he wasn't using 1.13's debug stick, then I reminded myself of the date of this video :)
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