30GB server needs help

business-factorylife's Avatar business-factorylife7/20/15 6:11 pm
7/21/2015 8:27 am
Piggaroni's Avatar Piggaroni
hi guys I have just purchased a huge 30Gb server in hope to turn it into a hub server
I will need a partner, 10 builders, 1 developer, 1 graphic designer and a animator We plan to add a unique gametype!
* All work is free!

Apply using the following format

Age :
What you can bring to the server:
Experience in this position:
What can you do better than others:
What is the role of the position you have picked:
Posted by business-factorylife's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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07/21/2015 8:27 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Why did you unadd me on skype
07/21/2015 6:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lewis2303's Avatar
Can i talk to you about it on Skype
07/21/2015 6:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lewis2303's Avatar
Can i talk to you about it on Skype
07/21/2015 2:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Why did you unadd me on skype.
Flying Like An Eagle
07/20/2015 7:01 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Flying Like An Eagle's Avatar
I Will Try
07/20/2015 6:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
DarkOdin's Avatar
Age : 19

Skype: DarkOdin/Joel Zimmerman

Position: partner, and builder

What you can bring to the server: Well, I am older than most applying here. As well more mature than most applying here. I have had experience running servers before, along with being staff on some. I can offer building skills. REFERENCE:jzpimpin101.imgur.com/all/ Anyways, i can be a huge asset to you and your server. However, I have worked for many young server owners who have failed in there attempts. I don't know how old you are but i hope you understand the massive amount of work it takes to make a well functioning server.

Experience in this position: Experience in creating/running/developing servers. Good with talking to people, along with technicalities. I can also build pretty well.

What can you do better than others: Lots of things.

What is the role of the position you have picked: To be your partner, along with being a builder.

Look forward to hearing back and learning more details of the project.
07/20/2015 6:48 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
xVoidGTx's Avatar
so skype is a requirement.... ?
07/20/2015 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
Yes sorry
Flying Like An Eagle
07/20/2015 6:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Flying Like An Eagle's Avatar
Age : 14
Skype: I don't usually Skype and Have no mic Will E-mail Do?
What you can bring to the server: I can Bring Players and a Great Attitude!
Experience in this position:I am currently Head-Admin on a server, I built a small spawn that took about five hours to construct.
What can you do better than others: I am an expirienced builder and enjoy building! I have many friends playing minecraft that I would invite to share in the fun! I Look Forward to Seeing the Community Grow!
What is the role of the position you have picked: To Build, And Build Well
07/20/2015 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
It would be really good for you to have skype could you download it by any chance?
07/20/2015 6:38 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype: jeffersonlam1
Position: Partner, or anything
What you can bring to the server: I am great around players and can word things easily for anyone to understand from all ages of the players of this server. I have been staff on many different servers so i understand how these servers run and the rules etc and i pick up on things very easily. I am flexible with the rules so I am not too strict which would lead to players disliking the server staff and myself, but I don't allow players to break rules more than once as everyone should get a second chance unless their actions are beyond second chances. I am great around people and am able to help advertise this server to increase the population. I can also help to prevent DDOS, I know this is a common threat to servers. I will find out who did it and perm ban them. I can also deal with rule-breakers
I used to be a Helper on Factions Blue , It was a really great learning experience and the staff of the server are great, dedicated people. This means Im not new to the way TheArchon runs the server and I'm familiar with everything it takes to become an Archon staff member. The reason i decided to resign the last time i was a staff member is because of the fact that a lot of my friends on the server stopped playing, the holidays came around and I didn't have as much time to play and didn't feel like I would be able to put as much effort into the server as I was doing before. But now I've found a new passion for the server which doesn't involve my friends, or any distractions. With TheArchon being as it is I feel I can make new friends, have even more fun and therefore be more dedicated to the job. I hope you would consider taking me back onto the team where I feel I belong!
I can configure plugins and code. Just a little bit. I can also build Nether builds. I have managed a server before and I know how the servers works and all I have been Co Owner on WolfCraft until the owner was being immature and banned me and my friend which were staff members. We were also Head Admin on OP Network. Which got shut down after a few months
What can you do better than others I can be a better Partner, I have owned a server before and I have known how these servers run and I admit it is quite confusing. I have shut down my server as I have no more donations coming in.
What is the role of the position you have picked I would think that a Partner is to help the owner. It is like an Owner rank. You are suppose to assist the Owner. And help him. And that is what I will do!
Ign: AtomixPiggy
07/20/2015 6:41 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
Added you on skype
07/20/2015 6:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
minecraftian3475's Avatar

Have you decided yet? Not trying to rush you, just wondering what my status is at the moment
07/20/2015 6:40 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
i added you on skype my friend
07/20/2015 6:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
minecraftian3475's Avatar
Age : 13 almost 14
Skype: Slipperysoup (Rarely on, Mic only works when it wants to :/
Position: Partner, builder, and graphic design. I'm experienced all around.
What you can bring to the server: Lots of players, and a great community!
Experience in this position: I have been moderator on 3 servers. 1 currently. The other 2 have unfortunately been shut down due to lack of payment. I figured out that I love helping people, and I consider it to be a great opportunity for me!
What can you do better than others: I am a great builder, and I am a very experienced graphic designer. I have been making things in Photoshop since I was in elementary, I have always been ahead in the creative sections of school. I can make banners, wallpapers, and even create promotional videos to get word around, all for free.
What is the role of the position you have picked: I don't understand this question really...what do you mean by it?

IGN: Minecraftian3475
Is there an IP address? I can help out a ton with building. I have all night.
07/20/2015 6:26 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
07/20/2015 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MiniBawb's Avatar
Age : 14
Skype: Bigbailey02
Position: Admin/Partner (As I am only 14 Not going to really be able to help with payments)
What you can bring to the server: What I can bring to the server is if you are hoping to turn it into a hub server then I can do Prison for you. I am very good working with Prison commands and just in general setting up a prison server
Experience in this position: The Experience that I have in the admin position is I was an admin on a small server called EdenCraft. Now sure, it is/was a factions server it was pretty hard to run with 100 people on daily. I was also the owner of another small server called EpicCloudMC for quite some time
What can you do better than others: What I can do better then the others? What I can do compared to other people is I am very quick witted, which pretty much means I can react on the spot when needed to. I am also a Senior Patrol Leader for my BSA troop. Now I know that is irrelevant but with having that position I am a very good leader.
What is the role of the position you have picked: The role of the position I picked as Administrator is I would moderate the server, enforce the rules of the server, ban any hackers playing on the server and much much more

I want to thank you for reading my application an I hope you chose me to be staff on your server!
I know you really arent looking for an Admin but I can help out with alot
07/20/2015 6:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
business-factorylife's Avatar
Denied! We are not looking for Administrators
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