Admins and builders wanted

Roundies's Avatar Roundies6/23/12 5:40 am
1 emeralds 106 8
6/23/2012 6:24 am
jhask's Avatar jhask
Age(wont judge):
IGN(in game name)
IRL(in real life name)
Why do you want this?:
What makes you stand out??:

The chosen will be sent a PM with the ip (hopefully itll work )
NOTICE: i will expect friendly and kind behavior from all staff. Also this server has MANY plugins (including mob disguise) and all OPs and builders will have access to these, so dont abuse them. on a lighter note not much experience is needed for admins so long as you are friendly as for builders some experience is needed but dont worry you can still get in if you have only a little
Posted by Roundies's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Ninja

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06/23/2012 6:24 am
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
jhask's Avatar
(Builder/Admin): Either position.
Age(wont judge): 17
Maturity: 9.5 out of 10
IGN(in game name): jackchaskell
IRL(in real life name): Jack
Experience?: I have worked as staff on many servers, most of which have shut down due to lack of money. I am still currently an admin on Rainbowdashcraft. I have also done a lot of building for servers.
Why do you want this?: I like to help out with servers. Plus, I can't stand griefers and hackers of any kind.
What makes you stand out??: I have been playing Minecraft since early Alpha, so I'm knowledgeable about the game. Also, I have been building on MC for a long time as well. I'm a friendly and funny person to be around, as well as being extremely helpful
06/23/2012 6:14 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
CimorelliFan101's Avatar
Builder/Admin: Admin
Age: 11
Maturity Im nice unless im mad :I
IGN: Xxjessica_lolXx
IRLN: Mollie
Expirience I have been admin on 10 servers.
Why do you want this Because by the sounds of this server its good
What makes you stand out: I stand out becuase of my skins and i have knowledge of minecraft that can help new people to minecraft
I hope you will concicider me!
P.S sorry for my bad spelling im not that good
06/23/2012 6:11 am
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
Tinytinka's Avatar

Age: I am 13 years old.

Maturity: It depends, when I am relaxed and just having fun I am around 7 out of 10 but when I am serious I am probably 9 or 10 out of 10.

IGN: Tinytinka

IRL: Charlotte

Experience?: I have had quite a lot of experience on servers, dealing with griefers and such, I have owned my own server before but I will tell you about that in the 'Other info' area because that needs 50 words to pass! I have good experience with plugins, installing and using them, I could also recommend ones that are good for the server which I think would be a cool idea! I am good with using plugins even if I have never used it or heard of it before because I am a good learner and I could just Google the plugin or do /help and that will show you how to use it and what it is and such so that will be easy!

Why do you want this?: I want to help, have fun and I like seeing servers grow, meeting new people from all over the world, I love to build, to talk and just be a nice person and have a fun time in my spare time on Minecraft!

What makes you stand out?: Well, everyone has different things that make them stick out, mine is my sense of humour! I tend to type lots and fast and I like a good joke, I also stand out because of my style of building, I like to use wood and nothing too bright and most people like bright and derpy blocks like diamond blocks and iron blocks and gold blocks and glowstone and such!

Other Info: Hi, I have owned a server myself, I really couldn't be bothered with updating everything and my laptop was really bad and laggy so that didn't work out, I have been Admin and such on other servers helping with building, plugins and new people and I would like to help out on this server, I do like to build, I think I am quite good and towns, villages and houses, I can build good spawns but if you make me build something with derpy blocks and stuff I just wont do it, I don't like iron, gold, diamond, glowstone, netherbrick and any sort of bright block because it is just horrible and people will think that it is horrible too!

Edit: Wow, I just saw my post and realised how long it is, sorry!
06/23/2012 6:08 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cowboy
NIJNiall's Avatar
Age(wont judge):13
Maturity:Good i'm not like the other people who go around swearing.
IGN(in game name)niallcolm
IRL(in real life name)Niall
Experience?:I've been admin on 3 others servers but sadly there down now.And Co-Owner on 2 other severs
Why do you want this?:It's hard to come across a server that need op.I would never grief the server and would have loads of fun with people on it.
What makes you stand out??:For being friendly and helpful to people in need.

Hope i get the part NIJNiall.
06/23/2012 5:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
moldyapple's Avatar
Age(wont judge):13
Maturity:good for age
IGN(in game name):moldyshrimp
IRL(in real life name):jacob
Experience?:LOTS LOTS of experience
Why do you want this?::So i can Have Fun and help your sever out
What makes you stand out??:Im very friendly and like helping and makeing people mini games

The chosen will be sent a PM with the ip (hopefully itll work )
NOTICE: i will expect friendly and kind behavior from all staff. Also this server has MANY plugins (including mob disguise) and all OPs and builders will have access to these, so dont abuse them. on a lighter note not much experience is needed for admins so long as you are friendly as for builders some experience is needed but dont worry you can still get in if you have only a little
06/23/2012 5:53 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
Ruxthar's Avatar

Age(wont judge): 15
Maturity: I would say im pretty mature
IGN(in game name): Ruxthar
IRL(in real life name): Arthur (Aj)
Experience?: Um...none, sadly
Why do you want this?: Authority positions appeal to me and I enjoy being helpful
What makes you stand out??: I consider my funny nature to be one of my better traits; however, I am quite shy to begin with but it will change with time on the server. I have somewhat of an OCD towards things that are uneven (can't stand them!) and enjoy keeping things working smoothly
06/23/2012 5:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
fuse4gming's Avatar
Age(wont judge):13
IGN(in game name):fuse4gaming
IRL(in real life name):leo smith
Experience?:5 other server's
Why do you want this?:i love to be admni/op/mod and help people oout
What makes you stand out??:I love to help people out :3
06/23/2012 5:47 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
kevinpurcell058's Avatar
Age(wont judge): 12
Maturity: I act 15 :3
IGN(in game name) : kevinpurcell058
IRL(in real life name) Kevin Purcell
Experience?: I Own A Server And Run It (Plugins etc) Plus I Want To Help Others
Why do you want this?: I hate sticking around on my server alot and want to have permission to do stuff without being the owner
What makes you stand out??: I socialize with anyone that I think wants to
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