~(Need)~Äether Realm~(Staff)~

Epic Panda Skins's Avatar Epic Panda Skins5/1/14 1:49 am
5/2/2014 1:22 am
mecho_the_mighty's Avatar mecho_the_mighty
Hello I am a new server owner. I need a few people to become so higher up ranks to help me run the server. Bellow you will find requirements for each rank. There will only be a set amount of ranks to be given out and I am not afraid to deny anyone that I need to.

    • [Pre-Moderator] 0/8
    • [Moderator] 0/6
    • [Adv-Moderator] 0/4
    • [Pre-Admin] 0/4
    • [Admin] 0/3
    • [Head-Admin] 2/2

  • Age: 12 +
  • Knowledge: Common Sense
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 3

Click to reveal
How do you ban someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you mute someone:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:

  • Age: 13 +
  • Knowledge: Moderate
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 5

Click to reveal
How do you temp-ban someone:
How do you jail someone:
How do you mute someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you ban someone:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:

  • Age: 13 +
  • Knowledge: Slightly Advanced
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 7
  • 1 reference server of past experience

Click to reveal
How do you temp-ban someone:
How do you jail someone:
How do you mute someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you ban someone:
What is the command that shoots kittens:
How do you save the world:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:

  • Age: 14 +
  • Knowledge: Advanced
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 7
  • 1 Reference server of past experience

Click to reveal
How do you temp-ban someone:
How do you jail someone:
How do you mute someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you ban someone:
What is the command that shoots kittens:
How do you save the world:
How can you handle a situation:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:

  • Age: 14 +
  • Knowledge: Advanced
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 7.5
  • 2 Reference server of past experience

Click to reveal
How do you temp-ban someone:
How do you jail someone:
How do you mute someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you ban someone:
What is the command that shoots kittens:
How do you save the world:
How can you handle a situation:
Is it okay to ban other staff:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:

  • Age: 14 +
  • Knowledge: Advanced
  • Plugin Knowledge 1-10: 8
  • 3 Reference server of past experience

Click to reveal
How do you temp-ban someone:
How do you jail someone:
How do you mute someone:
How do you kick someone:
How do you ban someone:
What is the command that shoots kittens:
How do you save the world:
How can you handle a situation:
Is it okay to ban other staff:
Hours a day:
What makes you different from others:
Why you:
Why can I trust you?:
Posted by Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
Epic Panda Skins
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter

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05/01/2014 2:32 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
mecho_the_mighty's Avatar
Skype: mechodanielp
IGN: mecho_the_mighty I am going to change it
How do you temp-ban someone: /tempban [player] [Time]
How do you jail someone: /jail [player] [Time]
How do you mute someone:/mute [player] [time]
How do you kick someone:/kick [player] [message]
How do you ban someone: /ban [player] [Message]
What is the command that shoots kittens:/kittycannon
How do you save the world: Servers are programmed to auto save but you can do /save-all
How can you handle a situation:I can handle a situation suitably as i wont go spamming and rageing i will have a firm response also i am not prone to weakness but i will ban some one if i have to .
Is it okay to ban other staff:It depends really if they are abuseing to there hearts content then yes.
Hours a day: 5
What makes you different from others: Because of my extensive server administration experience. I can be on daily providing my expertise in-game commands, and server rules. I can maintain and run a solid, mature, and active staff.

Why you:You should choose me because I will minimise the amount of rule breaking and create an enjoyable experience for the whole player base. But more to the point I would like to become Head-admin to help and encourage new players, provide them any assistance they may need, and generally aid any player in any way they require in a polite, respectful and accelerated manner. Finally I would like to help relieve some of the stress of the other staff members by being active and helping consistently.
I could bring my commitment, I would try me very hardest to provide players with informative and helpful answers to all their queries, I would do this frequently to make sure all players have an enjoyable experience.
- Also because of my previous experience I have a great understanding of appropriate sanctions and the best means to deter rule breakers, by simply making fair unbiased decisions. Also I have high amounts of time and patients, which I think would be essential when helping players come to grips with rules and any problems . Most of my experience from the "field", have been both admin and server owner myself. I really like to help out so i can spend a lot of my time on. Taking the job as head-admin very seriously and have fun.
Why can I trust you?:You can trust me because i am very mature and i have a very strong experience also i have just retired from a giant network but we will go into more detail on skype.

Thanks for your time.

Epic Panda Skins
05/01/2014 10:00 am
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
Epic Panda Skins
05/01/2014 10:03 am
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
05/01/2014 10:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Ender_Graphics's Avatar
Age: 15 (1/2)
Skype: Sk1lledN1nja
IGN: Sk1lledN1nja (Hoping to change it to something else when the name change update comes out).
How do you temp-ban someone: If they are abusing, using minor hacks, etc. Command: /tempban [player] [time]
How do you jail someone: hacking, Abusing asking for staff, the basics. Command: /jail [player] [time]
How do you mute someone: If they are cussing and/or being really rude or threatening. Command: /mute [player] [time]
How do you kick someone: To give a warning that you are being "Naughty" and you have a first strike (I run on a 3 strike system). Command: /kick [player] [message]
How do you ban someone: After three kicks they receive a temp-ban then a pema-ban
Command: /ban [player] [message]
What is the command that shoots kittens: /kittycannon
How do you save the world: Usually server some with a pre-made backup system.
How can you handle a situation: I will ask nicely a few times then if they still don't stop I'll kick 'em then if they STILL don't stop I kick 'em again and if they still don't stop they get a 24 hour temp-ban then if they, again don't stop, perma-ban will be heading there way.
Is it okay to ban other staff: Usually no, but if they abuse there power, etc. we'll consult the owner or take matters into our own hands.
Hours a day: Depends what day, usually 2-4 maybe 4 hours.
What makes you different from others: I am unique and I have my own qualities such as graphic design, etc. I am friendly and kind I will be on allot and can maintain a server myself
Why you: As I said before I can do many things such as banners, server icons, etc., I am loyal and wont abuse power
Why can I trust you?: I own a server called Elite Factions and I used to own 2 servers called Sk1lledCraft and N1njaCraft and I am VERY loyal.

Something else to say is I am staff on 5-6 different servers.

Thanks for reading,
Ender Graphics (A.K.A.) Sk1lledN1nja
Epic Panda Skins
05/01/2014 8:25 pm
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
05/01/2014 10:52 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Maxgabriel03's Avatar
Skype:Allan.143 (salahadin87)
IGN: Maxgabriel03
How do you temp-ban someone: /tempban [Name] [Time]
How do you jail someone:/jail [Name] [Jailname]
How do you mute someone: /mute [name]
How do you kick someone:/kick [Name]
How do you ban someone:/ban [Name]
What is the command that shoots kittens:/pt Kittycannon [You most have a stick or something. Or /kittycannon
How do you save the world:/reload /save-All
How can you handle a situation:
I won't disrespect. I personally don't like being disrespected, so why should I do something that I won't like someone to actually do it to me too? I've already said that above, I will never, NEVER disrespect. It's just not my kind to be disrespectful and I won't risk losing my possible position for such a shameful reason.

I will check ban Appeals daily. I will check the ban appeals section of the website at least 4 times a day. That is to ensure that I take a look at each appeal posted and that will obviously help when trying to give the banned player a second chance. So, in other words, 50% of my time in the forums will be spent looking at ban apply

If a member is asking for help, I will contact him in-game and try at my best to helping him, if of course he needs some HELP, I will never spawn items for members, neither donors. If his problem is too serious which I can't take care of on my own, I will kindly ask him to report it on the forums, and then I will check on it. I will always be kind to members and pretty much everybody else, even if the person is disrespecting me.

If a Donator is abusing, I will kindly ask the donor to stop, however if he keeps on doing that or/and disrespects me or any of the other staff members, I will proceed onto banning the donor with the accuse of abusing his powers. Although there isn't so much abuse these days.

Is it okay to ban other staff: Well If the Staff Was Griefing,Banning every1 or Breaking any Rules. Firstly I would Record him After I would ban the person
Hours a day:7 hours
What makes you different from others:Im nice and mature however i like to joke around sometimes(in a good way). I think I'm very mature for my age. I never rage, well I do sometimes but I'm not serious when I do. I don't swear or insult people in-game. I take the situation into my own hands and calm it down.
Why you: I have noticed how new people sometimes don't feel real comfortable when they first join. Well I want you to know I can solve that. On a faction server it is hard to find a faction to join. I am willing to let any new member join a faction that I will create just to get them started. If they do not want to join my faction that is fine but having a faction to automatically be able to join will be so much easier, simpler, and a lot more comfortable. Now to a different topic. As I have said before there have been many people just spamming and spamming in chat and in Pm. Well most of those people that do it don't know that we can see it. So having a Staff member that will be there and be able to give the warning is a great thing for this server. I really am wanting to help with that so we can get that done faster and make the server even better than it already is. I think we all know that Hacking is a very important rule that if broken there will be very serious consequences. So looking at this website I have seen several post for people hacking with hardcore proof. And for whatever reason this update has come with some hardcore hacks. I want you to know I will be there and make sure that hackers are not getting away with Forcefield, Tracers, Sprint, Xray those are all hacks that are huge unfair advantages. Forcefield is the worst hack because you are defenseless to that hacker. Tracers is a hack that makes it to where you can never sneak up the hacker and they can find you before you can even render the chunk that they are in. Sprint is a horrible hack that allows others to run faster, more stealthy and never have sprint delays. I know that we all agree that is a huge unfair advantage. Now Xray is something that allows you to find anything you are looking for underground. Bases, caves. Good places to build bases all of these are so unfair. I am telling you that I want to completely wipe that out of this server. Doing that is not easy at all so it is going to take hard workers which I am. All of the staff are all hard working which is what this server needs. Yet, I can still assist them and they will be able to assist me in questions that even I have. Speaking about questions new members will have a lot of them and even members that have been on the server for a long time. I will be there to answer those questions in my time period. I promise you I will never abuse any command I have or show favoritism because I know that will be bring horrifying chaos to the fairness of all the players. Being a Moderator comes with huge responsibilities and I am a very responsible person. I follow and respect all the rules and I make sure everyone else is doing the same and being a good player. All the rules are rules for a reason and I am going to make sure everyone knows that and respects that
Why can I trust you?:I have Own 2 Servers. (Both was factions) Well some days ago me and my Friend made a Dropparty [Op Stuff][I was owner ;D] We got over 20+ People.
05/01/2014 12:28 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
mecho_the_mighty's Avatar
Nice copying and pasteing skills ... also you applied on this post 2 and many other posts ... staff-recruitment-for-factions-server-t386726.html

Also orignaly this wasnt your app

THanks mecho
05/01/2014 2:37 pm
Level 20 : Expert Taco
CR33P3R4TT4CK's Avatar
Pre-Mod App:

Age: 12

Skype: facebook.iola.gray:9


How do you ban someone: /ban [Name] [Reason]

How do you kick someone: /kick [Name] [Reason]

How do you mute someone: /mute [Name] [Reason]

Hours a day: 4 weekdays, 6 weekends and holidays.

What makes you different from others: I am mature and can deal with issues fast and without a fuss.

Why you: Like I said, I am mature and good at dealing with situations fast, I also have good building skills and server ideas!

Why can I trust you?: Because I hate griefers and trolls, even though I am a creeper!

Thanks for reading,

Epic Panda Skins
05/01/2014 8:23 pm
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
05/01/2014 4:10 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Maxgabriel03's Avatar
mecho What the hell are you taking about. I Made a short application on it. After he Accepted me.
05/02/2014 1:22 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
mecho_the_mighty's Avatar
why did you delete the post how un proffesinal
05/01/2014 4:28 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
japp112's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype: erik118800
IGN: japp112
How do you temp-ban someone: /tempban playername
How do you jail someone: /jail playername time jailname cellname reason
How do you mute someone: /mute playername
How do you kick someone: /kick playername
How do you ban someone: /ban playername
What is the command that shoots kittens: /kittycannon
How do you save the world: /save all
How can you handle a situation: I can handle situations calm and make what i think is right, im always asking other staff if they are on what they think we should do, i like to teamwork.
Is it okay to ban other staff: If the staff is breaking the rules, Yes!
Hours a day: 4 hours
What makes you different from others: I take positions i can handle.
Why you:
What is your name? Erik
What rank are you applying for? Moderator
What server is this rank on? Faction Server
How old are you? 14
Do you have a mic/skype? I have a mic and i have skype.
Why do you think we should accept you for this position?
I think you should accept me for this position because i have experience, i had 2 servers and i have been staff on some servers, most off the servers im applying for and im getting a position, shutdown, i dont have the money to open my own faction server. I know many commands and can handle hard situations calmly, i can talk to people, im helpfull and friendly.
Why can I trust you?: Because i have been staff on other servers and im verry trusted by my friends.
05/01/2014 4:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
savagedwarf_11's Avatar
How do you temp-ban someone:/temp-ban (username)
How do you jail someone:/jail [player name] [jailname]

How do you mute someone:/mute (username) time
How do you kick someone:/kick (username)
How do you ban someone:/ban (username)
Hours a day:week days 5-7 weekends as long as I get 5hrs of sleep
What makes you different from others:I am intelligent and nice person that all player and staff will love I'm also a. Very community active person
Why you:I'm nice and friendly responsible for my age and know a lot about helping with servers
Why can I trust you?:I've never been banned that I can recall also I know a lot about plugins and I can help build and other things that you want me too do
05/01/2014 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
jgoldy98's Avatar
Head-Admin app
Age: 15
Skype: (will pm if accepted)
IGN: jgoldy98
How do you temp-ban someone: /tempban <player> <time> <reason>
How do you jail someone: /jail <player> <jail name> <time>
How do you mute someone: /mute <player> <time>
How do you kick someone: /kick <player> <reason>
How do you ban someone: /ban <player> <reason>
What is the command that shoots kittens: /kittycannon or you can bind it by holding any tool and typing /pt kittycannon

How do you save the world: 42. Unless you are talking about minecraft then you can do /save-all for a basic save or a /backup command to create backups.

How can you handle a situation: I can handle situations very well. People making fun of me or calling me bad staff does not phase me. I do my job the way it should be done, while of course having some fun because what are videogames without fun. I have tough skin and am not afraid to ban or talk to someone depending on the severity of their wrongdoing. I hate disrespect and handle situations calmly and efficiently.

Is it okay to ban other staff: Staff should follow the same rules that players do. If hacking is a ban offense (which I hope it is) then yes, that is ok to ban a staff member, they broke the rules they are supposed to enforce. If it is something a little more minor like spamming or not doing their job then no, the staff member should simply be told to not do it again and that they need to be a role model to the players.

Hours a day: Coming toward exams, 1-2 ingame but always on skype during weekdays and 3-5 weekends. After exams are over I will have at least 3-5 every day available ingame and usually on skype.
What makes you different from others: What makes me different from others is my personality and view on what staff is. Most people view staff and this group of people who run a server, are told to do their job, and do it. I like to take staff in a more friendly way. Staff are of course supposed to do their job, but staff also is a family. The goal is not just to run a server, but to develop relationships that can last years. I take my job very seriously when it comes to staffing, but this is not a business this is a game, and games should not be 100% work. Another thing that makes me different from others is my duel personality. I am a very happy, fun, energetic, person. I have been called derpy and funny and make things go easier. I get some happiness into the room even when bad things happen like a staff member leaving. I always can find light to cheer people up. On the other hand, when it comes to the work it is time to work. When a task is at hand I am not afraid to get up in people's faces about doing jobs when they are supposed to get done. I have no problem banning/kicking/etc when the time is right and when questions are asked questions need to be answered. There is a time for silly and a time for serious and I fit both categories to their extremes.

Why you: I believe I am right for this job because of my experiences. I have owned a server for 3 months (lightning-craft factions server) shut down because of money, been head admin on 1 (flex-craft factions server) shut down because the owner left for the big world and jobs, admin on one(Purgatory Correctional Facility prison) shut down because of lack of interest after 2 years running, and moderator (StarMine Hub). These experiences give me everything from being fully functional with building, leading projects, configuring plugins, doing permissions, making servers, running servers, moderating servers, training staff, and everything in between. I am also learning plugin development at the moment so that would be a plus for the server.

Why can I trust you?: All in all trust is for you to put on me. If I were you, however, the reasons I would trust me is because of my experience owning a server and my dedication I have not been able to show you yet. I know what it feels like for a server to not be popular, the good feeling of a server being popular, the hatred when a staff betrays you, and the pride in seeing staff working together and players playing happily. I say to you that you can trust me without a doubt, but that is for you to decide overall.

Thank you for putting time aside to read this. I look forward to hearing from you,
Jason (jgoldy98)
05/01/2014 9:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
savagedwarf_11's Avatar
How do you ban someone:/ban(username)
How do you kick someone:/kick (username)
How do you mute someone:/mute (username) time
Hours a day:weekdays 5-7 weekends as long as I get 5 hours of sleep
What makes you different from others:I'm smart responisble and know most bukkit commands and I can help build and try as much as I can to manage the server as well
Why you:I'm used to this kind of position and admin as wells owner so I'm really talented jut don't have as much time as I would like
Why can I trust you?:check fish bans plus I'm really helpful and nice to players and staff
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