AGBMafiaCraft New Server [Needs Admins, Mods, Deve, etc)

ArianaGrandeHeX's Avatar ArianaGrandeHeX4/27/15 10:48 pm
1 emeralds 177 3
4/28/2015 10:31 am
TheUnseenYeti's Avatar TheUnseenYeti
AGBMafiaCraft is a new server that is being built for factions. This server has slots for 25,000 people.

I need really good builders to help build a spawn, because I messed the one I made up, or you guys can fix my spawn that I made. The only problem was I didn't keep track of how big the spawn was by example like "10x10" I didn't keep track of that. If you are really good with World Edit then maybe this spot is a good choice for you.

I need really good plugins expert, example I need a person really good with setting up perms for GroupManager. I need help setting up my perms for GroupManager, and I need help with also setting up Donor Ranks. Don't worry I added the Donor Ranks and some permissions. I just think it need more permissions. I also need help from someone that can set up staff ranks so I do not have to OP them. I will list out all the plugins I have:
Factions (For some reason when I do /f it tells me to do /help because unknown command, I need help with setting up the factions plugin.)
Kits (I will remove, because already have Essentials Kits.)
No Cheat
World Edit
World Guard

People Needed.
Admin x4
Mod x4
Helpers x2
Builders x3
Developer x1

So I will need help with someone that is familiar with most of those plugins to set up with players perms and Donor Ranks perms (Specially Playervaults I do not want people to have access to unlimited playervaults.)

Okay that is what I need for now.
Must be 16+ to Apply and 50+ Posts

How many hours can you dedicate a day:
Are you comfortable talking in skype?:
Maturity (1-10)?:
Pictures of any of your builds?
What can you build for AGBMafiaCraft (Long Answers 3+ Sentences)?
What themes can you do (Modern, Medieval, Fantasy, Robotic etc)?
Have you built for a server before (Long Answers 3+ Sentences)?
Have you ever been banned?
10 Rules You Make For Yourself (Break 1, Demotion)?:
Anymore things to add?

Are you comfortable talking in Skype?:
How many hours can you dedicate to the server?:
Maturity (1-10)?:
What plugins are you good at?:
Are you good with setting up GroupManager Permissions?:
Experience with plugins?:
Have you been Developer for a different server?:
How many years experience with plugins?:
Have you ever been banned?:
10 Rules for yourself that you would go by (Break 1 Rule, Demotion)?:
Anymore to add?:

Maturity (1-10):
How many hours can you dedicate to the server?:
Have you been Admin in other servers(Must show proof, ex give me the ip of the server and I will see if Admin)?:
Have you ever been banned?:
Have you got Demoted?:
What can you do for the server(Must be detailed, more detail, more chance of getting spot.)?:
How many years have you played Minecraft?:
Why do you want to be an Admin?:
Being a staff, you have to stand your ground and enforce the rules, what makes you think you are able to do that?:
What type of experience have you had as staff member? Are you still a staff member? Why or why not?:
We are looking for long term and dedicated staff members, how long are you willing to stay with the server?:
Being on staff requires fulfilling deadlines and being dedicated. Do you feel like you can do that? Why?:
You hear a staff member was abusing powers on the server, what do you do? Be very thorough and detailed on what your action is:
Being on staff means you have to be a team player, give us an example when you were on a team and what was the outcome:
How will we be able to contact you if there's any trouble? (Skype, Email, etc..):
Are you comfortable talking on skype calls or teamspeak? (It's required for staff to have some sort-of voice communication):
What are you planning to Change or Achieve if you get accepted as staff?:
What will you do if a Hacker/Cheater comes on, and you're the only staff available?:
10 Rules for yourself that you would go by (Break 1 Rule, Demotion)?:
Anymore to add?:

Maturity (1-10):
How many hours can you dedicate to the server?:
Have you been Admin in other servers(Must show proof, ex give me the ip of the server and I will see if Admin)?:
Have you ever been banned?:
Have you got Demoted?:
What can you do for the server(Must be detailed, more detail, more chance of getting spot.)?:
How many years have you played Minecraft?:
Why do you want to be an Admin?:
Being a staff, you have to stand your ground and enforce the rules, what makes you think you are able to do that?:
What type of experience have you had as staff member? Are you still a staff member? Why or why not?:
We are looking for long term and dedicated staff members, how long are you willing to stay with the server?:
Being on staff requires fulfilling deadlines and being dedicated. Do you feel like you can do that? Why?:
You hear a staff member was abusing powers on the server, what do you do? Be very thorough and detailed on what your action is:
Being on staff means you have to be a team player, give us an example when you were on a team and what was the outcome:
How will we be able to contact you if there's any trouble? (Skype, Email, etc..):
Are you comfortable talking on skype calls or teamspeak? (It's required for staff to have some sort-of voice communication):
What are you planning to Change or Achieve if you get accepted as staff?:
What will you do if a Hacker/Cheater comes on, and you're the only staff available?:
10 Rules for yourself that you would go by (Break 1 Rule, Demotion)?:
Anymore to add?:

Maturity (1-10):
How many hours can you dedicate to the server?:
Have you been Admin in other servers(Must show proof, ex give me the ip of the server and I will see if Admin)?:
Have you ever been banned?:
Have you got Demoted?:
What can you do for the server(Must be detailed, more detail, more chance of getting spot.)?:
How many years have you played Minecraft?:
Why do you want to be an Admin?:
Being a staff, you have to stand your ground and enforce the rules, what makes you think you are able to do that?:
What type of experience have you had as staff member? Are you still a staff member? Why or why not?:
We are looking for long term and dedicated staff members, how long are you willing to stay with the server?:
Being on staff requires fulfilling deadlines and being dedicated. Do you feel like you can do that? Why?:
You hear a staff member was abusing powers on the server, what do you do? Be very thorough and detailed on what your action is:
Being on staff means you have to be a team player, give us an example when you were on a team and what was the outcome:
How will we be able to contact you if there's any trouble? (Skype, Email, etc..):
Are you comfortable talking on skype calls or teamspeak? (It's required for staff to have some sort-of voice communication):
What are you planning to Change or Achieve if you get accepted as staff?:
What will you do if a Hacker/Cheater comes on, and you're the only staff available?:
10 Rules for yourself that you would go by (Break 1 Rule, Demotion)?:
Anymore to add?:

Good Luck to whoever applies, and I will pick the best apps for the server.
Posted by ArianaGrandeHeX's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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04/28/2015 10:31 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
TheUnseenYeti's Avatar
IGN: BigBadWilk
Name: Michael
Skype: bigbadwilk
Are you comfortable talking in Skype?: yes
Timezone: Boston time zone or east coast
How many hours can you dedicate to the server?: 1-2
Maturity (1-10)?: 10
What plugins are you good at?: All i just look at them learn them and i am good to go
Are you good with setting up GroupManager Permissions?: yes
Experience with plugins?: I have been owning servers and building on them. So when a problem popped up i build and helped them with their plugin issues
Have you been Developer for a different server?: yes
How many years experience with plugins?: 1 year
Have you ever been banned?: no
10 Rules for yourself that you would go by (Break 1 Rule, Demotion)?: No screwing up the persons server. Always report them when you do something. When the owner doesnt want something dont do it. keep it unique. Make sure nothing wrong goes on in the console or server.
Anymore to add?: i am also a pro builder that has been building for 2 years
04/28/2015 10:21 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
ArianaGrandeHeX's Avatar
Still recruiting staff members.
04/27/2015 11:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
ArianaGrandeHeX's Avatar
By the way, the world is just not factions, I am planning to get more gamemodes in different servers and I will connect them through BungeeCord and we can make this server big.
Planet Minecraft


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