Is anyone interested in starting a serious server?

Rozes's Avatar Rozes6/2/15 12:50 pm
1 emeralds 200 4
6/2/2015 1:48 pm
Aanndryyyy's Avatar Aanndryyyy
Hi. I quit Minecraft about 1 year ago, and came back a couple of months ago and I really just loved the idea of developing servers for people to play on. I used to be a mod on MCPVP and I owned McCombat for a little bit. I have been trying to work with several other servers that just aren't going anywhere because of lack of effort.

I can custom code plugins, make the website and even build a little bit. I have all of the staff management under control, all I need now is a server and a few owners to work with me. If you would like to help out with the project, comment below
Posted by Rozes's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Architect

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06/02/2015 1:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Aanndryyyy's Avatar
PM-ed you about a thing, hope to hear from you soon!
06/02/2015 1:41 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Regnozes2431's Avatar
You all do realize hes asking for a server too? You ahve to make one and ginger your just pasting the same app everywhere
06/02/2015 1:08 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
GingerNinja707's Avatar
yes i would be a co-owner here is my app:

Name: Lewis
age: 15
Timezone: Scotland/Uk
Skype: I'm so sorry I don't have skype but I will communicate with you through the forums and in-game. I promise.

Previous Experience: I have been admin on 1 server, moderator on 4 servers, co-owner on 1 server and i owned 2 servers. So i am very experienced. I can be very strict sometimes if staff are abusing their power and being nasty but i can also have a joke when everyone is being nice and laughing like the great community your server will be. This shows i have a considerable amount of experience of being a staff member and would make a good improvement to your server!

Can you develop:: Yes i most certainly can. I love to learn and will do anything to learn new things and help other players. I would love to develop by being a co-owner of a famous server. I love to learn new things and would be willing to take advice from other staff members (and you of course) on how to improve my skills and get better at my job as co-owner.

Why you want to be co-owner: I should be staff because I'm friendly, ill always welcome a new player or a regular. I'm reliable, I enforce the rules and I am against power abuse.I am interested in helping a high quality server, and this is a perfect opportunity. I am trustworthy, good builder, likable, Younger children are not seen as immature by myself. I view immaturity from a person's attitude and personality whilst under pressure. I would definitely never call someone younger than me, that they are a child or immature, just because they are involved in a problem. You have to treat a younger person as if they are just as respected and important as you are. If a younger person feels as if they are not important, then there is something wrong with the person attempting to help the person. Personally, I would attempt to put myself in the person's shoes and see whether or not he is at fault. I would not make he or she feel as if they are just another part of the group, but that their decisions and choices are valid. If you treat someone younger with respect, they'll return the same respect back to yourself.

Can you help pay: I'm so sorry but I cant. My mum wont let me, and i do not have a debit card.

What makes you different from other applicants: I am different because i love helping players more than anyone else and have a very positive and very good attitude, which is better than other people who want staff just for power and abuse. I will not do this. I want staff to a) help you and b) develop my skills as staff and help out brilliant server grow! I can be trusted a lot and can accomplish tasks working to a time limit

Extra Info: I would say that I am quite active I can normally get on the server for a good 3+ hours when school does not affect my time table, weekends I'll have no problem logging on, but as I said if school is in the way I will tend to that first then the server, but off course I will notify everyone, and try my best to get at least two or three hours everyday no matter what. If that is not possible I'll use a app known as mcchat to log on.
06/02/2015 1:01 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
roryd04's Avatar
If you have a good idea, I'd be willing to help. I've had loads of staffing experience and owned my own server for a while. I quit for a while and I've just come back as well. I'm really loyal and helpful and will try my best to help you. I'd enjoy working with you and any ideas you may have but I am unable to help create a server for you.
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