Delantle's Avatar Delantle12/31/16 10:11 am
12/31/2016 11:01 am
Delantle's Avatar Delantle
Hello World of PlanetMinecraft. Today I am here to bring you another staff recruitment Topic.
I need staff really bad. I just started my server we started building it about a month ago and It is a element Bending server I need. Everyone to at least submit one reply to me for staff.
Though this requires some basic things that all staff require
- at least 12 - 14 years of age
- Trustworthy
- Why do you want to be staff.
- Do you have any experience?
- Will you follow the server tstaff rules?
- Do you know commands to ban / kick etc.?
- What rank are you applying for [ADMIN IS NOT A OPTION]
Staff is basically people who help the server, but builders also help the server. We need builders as well, So if you failed your app for Staff, and you are good at building we might give you builder rank! Like any other staff rank you also need requirements
- How old are you? [Age doesn't matter you just have to be super good at building]
- Do you know how to use building plug-ins, Like world edit and voxelsniper?
- Do you have a portfolio of your work like screen shots, or post on planetminecraft. THIS IS REQUIRED!
- Why do you want to apply for builders?
- Will you follow the owners request to build anything. Not huge structures
- How did you become a good builder?
- Are you Trustworthy
- Are you good?
To Apply for staff. You need to reply to this post, then i will eventually look at it.
Have a nice day!
Posted by Delantle's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/31/2016 10:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
LlamasAreMystical's Avatar
HI, I am 12 years old, I am very trust worthy ( if you tell me something that its secret, I would NEVER tell, unless you let me)
I want to be part of staff, because I like to help other players advance in the game/server, and I also like to be able to answer questions and help the other players in problems
I do have some experience... I am the moderator of a few other severs, and I watch a lot of YouTube vids with the mods and up, so I know a decent amount of commands for severs.
Yes. I would absolutely follow the rules. same with the question "am I trustworthy", I would only break the rules if being allowed by you.
Yes, I know the commands /tempban, /kick, /punish, /mute. rom world edit, I know the commands //fill,//undo,//brush, and all of the /gamerule commands
If by "what rank are you applying for" if you don't have to buy it, moderator, but if you do... I don't know id have to look further in to that
Also, the only way you can contact me is email. (I have skype but don't like using it)

-GoldenOreoYT (that's my Minecraft name)

p.s - I also want to catch hackers
12/31/2016 11:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Delantle's Avatar
Ok Sir Do you have anyway to contact me like skype if you have skype contact me on there Skype:jdones174
12/31/2016 10:23 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
It's hard for (some) staff to agree to server rules, same as players, that are not mentioned in the post. In essence, you're having them follow rules they don't know about before they even join and potentially before they make any contact with you.
12/31/2016 10:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Delantle's Avatar
I really meant to follow the staff rules I will change that. They can make contact with me at jdones174 on skype.
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