BauerCraft [Factions] [PVP] [1.4.7] Needs Staff

Remaker64's Avatar Remaker643/2/13 12:26 am
3/3/2013 11:32 pm
Remaker64's Avatar Remaker64
BauerCraft is a brand new server that is a Factions/PVP server were u can fight and conquer the server. The faction that is doing the best will get many praise on the server and get there own permissions tag. When we get the server up and running we will let you all know and will let you guys setup your factions base.

I need a Co-Owner,Head-Staff,Head-Admin,2xadmins,Head Mod,3x Mods,1x Plugin manager. I hope we can go big with the server and i hope to do it with u guys.

The apps:
Will you help?
Can you build well?
Contact info:
(HeadMod only question): Can you lead the mods?

Can you fix griefs?
Can you build really good?
Can you build a spawn?
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours?
Will you be able to donate:
Contact Info:
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins?

Can you lead all the staff?
Can you manage the ranks while im gone?
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on?
Can you build a really good spawn?
Will you be able to donate:
Contact info:
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you?

Plugin Manager
Can you tell the owner what plugins to get?
Can you make the server high with plugins?
Can you help with bukkit/tekkit?
Will you be able to donate:

I will send u the ip if u get accepted


Start applying
Posted by Remaker64's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/03/2013 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Remaker64's Avatar
need 1 mod and 1 admin
03/03/2013 2:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
14012's Avatar
Age: 13
Ign: 14012
Can you lead all the staff? Yes
Can you manage the ranks while im gone? Yes
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on? Yes
Can you build a really good spawn? Yes
Will you be able to donate: no
Contact info: nobelmakonnen14012@hotmail.com
Skype: makonnen999
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you?: Yes
I hope i will get Co-Owner thanks
03/03/2013 1:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Remaker64's Avatar
Still need mods head mod and plugin manager DETAIL PLZ
03/03/2013 3:26 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
MilkShakeCraftR's Avatar
Age: 15
IGN: GumBubble1
Can you fix griefs? Yes a bit
Can you build really good? Omg yes! Im good with plugins and stuff! I had 4 servers before!
Can you build a spawn? Holy yes!!!!!
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours?
Will you be able to donate: hmm let me think
Contact Info: ?
Skype: hermannas2002
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins? Ohh yeah!

03/03/2013 2:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
davidtheepic's Avatar
Mod, head mod
Age: 14
IGN: i_am_a_robot
Can you fix griefs? Yes, I can use world edit and if i get griefed, for some reason I am urged to make the griefed building more epic than before
Can you build really good? yes, i have a good creative sense
Can you build a spawn? I can make a really cool castle spawn, and others if u request
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours? yes
Will you be able to donate: no, srry, im only 14 =/
Contact Info: davidtheepicgamer@gmail.com
Skype: Uchakip Evoli

Extra Info I like to add: I like managing otheres and helping out, I can suggest plugins, and I am very active and am very funny. Thanks for reviwing my app,
Pm me ip plz?
03/03/2013 1:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Remaker64's Avatar
Still need Head mod, mods, and plugin managers
03/02/2013 11:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
81millerboy81's Avatar
Position looking to acquire: Moderator

Age: 18

IGN: 81millerboy81

Can I fix griefs? Yes I can, with or without worldedit.

Can I build really good? Absolutely, Ive constructed two spawns, and multiple medieval faction houses, as well as a mob arena and an underwater town. I have also built a town that spawns its own villagers and Iron golems.

Can I build a spawn? Yes sir, Ive just completed one recently that was a giant underground tree. When I say giant I mean it.

Can I watch the server at least two hours? Yep. Ill be on frequently all day, the life of a college student can be boring sometimes.

Will I be able to donate? unfortunately no, Im between jobs, and am currently out of funds.

Contact me at 81millerboy81@gmail.com, or twitter @81millerboy81

Skype name: TheMightyMurdock

As a little personal blurb Ive been a moderator on another server for quite some time now, and have lead a few different factions to prominence during my time on the server. I would also say that depending on the build, im fairly decent with redstone, and enjoy building things in order to bring beauty and a professional look to the server
03/02/2013 11:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
ClashTheAdmin's Avatar
Change dat to Head Mod?
03/02/2013 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Remaker64's Avatar
mod, plugin manager, head mod
03/02/2013 11:36 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
ClashTheAdmin's Avatar
Admin/HeadAdmin (I want HeadAdmin)
Age: 16 turning 17
Can you fix griefs? Yeah
Can you build really good? Yeah
Can you build a spawn? Mhmm
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours? yessir
Will you be able to donate: Maybe
Contact Info: Contact me at jacksprat2003@hotmail.com
Skype: ClashJLS (all the infomation on there is fake)
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins? You can trust me with the burden of leading the admins into success
03/02/2013 11:34 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
Airwolf's Avatar
What positions are still avaiable?
03/02/2013 11:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Remaker64's Avatar
no more admins need mods and others
03/02/2013 5:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Tinyanthony12's Avatar
Can you fix griefs?yeah
Can you build really good?kinda
Can you build a spawn?yes
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours?maybe
Will you be able to donate:no
Contact Info:down below
03/02/2013 5:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
CaineTheMurderer's Avatar
Age: 14
IGN: kuro7kage
Can you fix griefs?: Easily
Can you build really good?: yes
Can you build a spawn?: yes
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours?: yes
Will you be able to donate: yes
Contact Info: down below
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins?: Yessir
03/02/2013 5:29 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
ghostyboy5's Avatar
Ign: ghostyboy5

Real Name: Tyler Burton

Age: 15

Management Experience: I run my own freelance web design/graphic design company, so that on itself gives me enough credentials to have a good management skill-set, as well as a good ability of organizing staff and making sure that people do as needed.

Skype: CorruptBastard

what experience do you have: I've previously run my own Bukkit server on which I ran a steady 45+ plugins with a good steady 20 players minimum per day. I had to eventually deactivate the server due to financial reasons. I have been HeadAdmin on three servers, I have been Plugin Manager on Brunchy101's Youtube Server, I've been Moderator on GoonCraft Servers, I've been Moderator on CommunityCraft, and a few other servers. I no longer have any affiliations and I am now looking around for a new community to join and to help out.

why should i choose instead of Bob the builder? lol: Well, first of all, Bob The Builder is a fantastical character who does not even exist. I am a freelance web designer, a graphic designer, a 15 year old internet addict who would be dedicated and as helpful as possible.

what plugins have you used before: I've used the following plugins as well as many more: Essentials, GroupManager, PermissionsEX, BattleArena, MuddersMilk, CommandSigns, Multiverse, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Citizens, Core Protect, Creative Gates, GameModeInventories, and quite a few more seeing as how I've run my own server, as well as the plugin-side of many servers.

how long can you help the server each day?: That depends honestly on the server itself. If I am hired and decide that I like the server, and that the staff truly does do as they need, and that I am not doing everything soley on my own, I will do my best to be on daily as long as possible. If It seems I am the only responsible staff member, or the players are completely irresponsible -curse-, then I will decide that I no longer redeem myself needed on the server.

can you help moderate?: Of course, I am good at ending arguments, I can help fire old staff members if necessary, I am a very straightforward person and I will make sure to enforce the rules fairly.

Contact Me

Skype: CorruptBastard

03/02/2013 6:50 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
djawesome456's Avatar
Age: 15
Ign: djawesome456
Can you lead all the staff? yes
Can you manage the ranks while im gone? yes
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on? yes
Can you build a really good spawn? yes
Will you be able to donate: no
Contact info: message me in game
Skype: no
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you? yes
03/02/2013 1:23 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Irapepickles's Avatar
Ign: Irapepickles
Can you lead all the staff: Yes, I have a lot of experience leading others. I have also owned my own successful server.
Can you manage the ranks while im gone: You can rest assured your server will be in safe hands when you are gone.
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on: I have no issues keeping the peace while i am the highest, if not only staff member on.
Can you build a really good spawn: I am a very skilled builder, with many of my works featured on several popular servers. Check out my profile for an example of my work.
Will you be able to donate: Yes
Contact info: flaimamber@yahoo.com or PlanetMinecraft
Skype: Yes (PM for it)
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you: Yes, very well and efficiently.

Other Info:

Will you be able to help others and answer questions: I am a very cool-headed, mature woman, who can defuse heated arguments quickly and fairly. I am always ready to answer any questions anyone may have, no matter how small or irrelevant the question may me. I love helping others, however I do not take sides during arguments.Instead I prefer to listen to both sides of the argument or problem, then decide on the best course of action.

Experience as Staff: I have been admin on 6 servers, and Moderator on over 15. I have also owned a very successful server, but shut it down due to collage.

Are you good with multi-tasking: Yes, i have to do it on a daily basis due to collage business.

Do you get angry a lot: Almost never, i am a very mature and cool headed woman.

How many hours can you be available per day: On weekdays I can get on from 4:00pm – 10:00pm, and on weekends I can be on from 10:00am – 11:00pm.

Are you a good team player: I am always willing to help anyone, anytime, so yes.

Up for learning new things and teaching others in staff things you know: I am always ready to help anyone and learn new things.

What role are you best best at: I am a skilled builder, whom is good with most popular plugins. I am very good at solving problems and arguments quickly and calmly.

Thank you for your time, have a good day! PM me if my application is accepted.
03/02/2013 1:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zariak's Avatar
Age: 16
Ign: zariako
Can you lead all the staff? Heck yes
Can you manage the ranks while im gone? Yeah i can, i have owned my own servers many times before and i know everything there is to know about plugins, since i have been playing minecraft for many years, also if u need help with permissions or plugins i can help you out ALSO- I play for hours a day and am very active
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on? Yeah, like i said above
Can you build a really good spawn? Yeah i can, i am really good at castle type stuff and kingdoms.
Will you be able to donate: Sadly, no
Contact info: Zariako12@yahoo,com
Skype: zariako12
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you? Yeah i can, i can run a strict server and at the same time have everyone having fun, i am very social and often funny, and i will follow your orders without question
03/02/2013 12:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
davidtheepic's Avatar
Also, for experience, I am admin for 2 servers and co-owner on another, which i did not get by donating money, but by trust and helpfulness.
03/02/2013 12:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
davidtheepic's Avatar
Age: 14
IGN: i_am_a_robot
Can you fix griefs? Yes, I can use world edit and if i get griefed, for some reason I am urged to make the griefed building more epic than before
Can you build really good? yes, i have a good creative sense
Can you build a spawn? I can make a really cool castle spawn, and others if u request
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours? yes
Will you be able to donate: no, srry, im only 14 =/
Contact Info: davidtheepicgamer@gmail.com
Skype: Uchakip Evoli
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins? yes, i am good at managing others despite my age, but i believe age does not make a difference, of course, if i get admin, im totally cool with that
Extra Info I like to add: I like managing otheres and helping out, I can suggest plugins, and I am very active and am very funny. Thanks for reviwing my app,
Pm me ip plz?
03/02/2013 12:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
[]BadAss[]'s Avatar
Co-Owner Application
Can you lead all the staff? Yes i own a server right now so i am pretty experienced with leading staff members and / or the players i always give them fair warnings if i dont like what they're doing
Can you manage the ranks while im gone? Yes i can manage the ranks while you're gone like i said before i own a server and i can do many thing i can also get fun and enjoying plugins for players i am also nice.
Can you manage the server if your the highest rank on? Yes i can like i said i own a server i get a fair ammount of players on a day (15 to 30 people) But i wont advertise my server in this post :/
Can you build a really good spawn?
Will you be able to donate: Depends on how much needs to be pay most likley yes.
Contact info: You can contact me through via skype (nemssi12312) Or gmail (Not recommended tho i will tell you my email if i am accepted)
Skype: Nemssi123
(Owner/CoOwner only) Can you lead all the ranks below you? Of course i can i am not one of them sucky ass owners/co-owners..
03/02/2013 12:46 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Littlebear_'s Avatar
On All, you ask if can Build Well, Its Moderator/admin Not A Builder there different Things
03/02/2013 12:31 am
Level 1 : New Network
Cookiezzxx's Avatar
Age: 12
IGN: Cookiezzxx
Can you fix griefs? Yes, I can.
Can you build really good? can sort of build good. If i know what to do, I can get it done.
Can you build a spawn? Yes, I built the spawn for the server I am Head-Mod on.
Can you watch the server at least 2 hours? Yes, I can watch over it around night and early morning the most.
Will you be able to donate: It depends on how much I like the server.
Contact Info: You can contact me with Skype.
Skype: Cookiezzxx
(HeadAdmin only) Can you lead the admins? Yes on the main server I'm on I am Head-Mod. I can watch to make sure Admins do the right thing.
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