Big Server Recruitment

ComicMarvel's Avatar ComicMarvel10/11/12 6:51 pm
1 emeralds 147 5
10/11/2012 9:35 pm
william233's Avatar william233
I am looking for people to help me to work on a server for lots of epicness. It will be whitelisted and won't be 24/7 until I get some donations (Also need a site too). The IP is static until I get a site that will assign a new IP. I am going to create a new world with a spawn, city, and misc. other things. I need the following peeps for jobs: Builder, Website Manager (Could be a free site that changes the IP), Head Builder, Redstoner, Plugins Manager, and possibly a Hoster. I will also do some recording on the server. Applications can be submitted below:

Minecraft Name:
Do you have Skype (If so, username?):
How often do you play Minecraft:
Why do you want to help:
Other info:

I will PM you if you were accepted or denied. If you are accepted, I will also send you the IP.
Posted by ComicMarvel's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Ranger

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10/11/2012 9:35 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
william233's Avatar
Minecraft Name: william233
Age: 11
Job: HeadBuilder(Im OK at redstone to)
Do you have Skype: Yes wdpick
How often do you play Minecraft?: Everyday for about 4 hours
Why do you want to help: I like to build and contribute to a server. Its fun.
Other Info: Have built many other spawns, And currently Co-Owner of a server.
10/11/2012 7:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
1133431's Avatar
Minecraft Name: EaTzUrFaCe
Age: 16
Job: Plugin + Website Manager
Do you have Skype (If so, username?): matt-hermes1
How often do you play Minecraft: Every day that I can.
Why do you want to help: I like programming and working with servers.
Other info: I am a freaking computer god. I can do anything with linux console. I can program in over 6 languages.
10/11/2012 7:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
lildrumma's Avatar
Minecraft Name:lildrumma
Job:admin, if not available then I'm cool with builder or head builder
Do you have Skype (If so, username?):yes. aedelman7
How often do you play Minecraft:everyday at least for like 4 hours
Why do you want to help:i want to help because it makes me feel accomplished knowing i helped and i like to help to make servers popular, safe, friendly, and fun.
Other info:I am very trustworthy, reliable, responsible, fair and friendly to members and people in server. I do my best to make everyone happy and satisfied. If they aren't happy, I'm not happy.
10/11/2012 7:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pkorus's Avatar
Job:Head Builder/builder/redstoner-im decent with redstone
Do you have Skype (If so, username?):Nope
How often do you play Minecraft: I play a bout eveyother day
Why do you want to help:Cause its just in my nature
Other info:I hope I get picked
10/11/2012 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dfwlucas's Avatar
Job:Head builder / builder
Do you have Skype (If so, username?):no sry
How often do you play Minecraft: I play minecraft everyday for 1-4 hours
Why do you want to help: To help make minecraft a better place
Other info: It would be wonderful if you got world edit and Voxel sniper if possible it will make my awesome builds go much faster thank you and please pick me
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