✅ Bitworld.no ♦ 1.12 Network ♦ Staff Wanted ♦ F2P ✅

prefix's Avatar prefix7/7/17 5:01 pm
8/3/2017 5:39 pm
prefix's Avatar prefix

Before creating an application, make sure you meet the requirements:

  • You must:
  • - be at least 16 years old have an excellent understanding of our rules and punishment guidelines (
  • http://bitworld.no/rules
  • )
  • - be a member of our forums as well as our Discord server (
  • https://discord.gg/vv2S58f
  • )
  • - never have been permanently banned/muted (for a valid reason) on our network
  • - have waited at least 60 days since your previous application (if applicable)


Please fill out the template below to apply for a position on the network:

  • In-Game Name:
  • Discord: (can be sent in a PM if you want)
  • Real Name (optional):
  • Gender (optional):
  • Age:
  • Country:
  • Timezone:
  • Languages:
  • Have you ever been banned on our server? Any other Minecraft server? If so, why were you banned?
  • Have you ever been a staff member on a Minecraft server? If so, tell us about it.
  • Do you have screen recording capabilities?
  • How many hours can you contribute to the server per day?
  • Have you applied to be a staff member on our server in the past? If so, when?
  • What position are you applying for (Helper or Builder)?
  • What are a few of your strengths?
  • What are a few of your weaknesses?
  • Write a paragraph about yourself. Tell us what you like to do, why you deserve the staff position(s) you are applying for, anything else you'd like to share.
  • *Only if applying for Builder* What are some examples of builds you've done? Share pictures, attachments, videos, etc.

Posted by prefix's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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08/03/2017 5:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
prefix's Avatar
BigBeepis - Sorry for the late reply, we will need to see some qualifications if you want to jump directly into the Developer position. We can however offer you a position as Helper right now if you're still interested. Just hop on Discord and ask for an interview
07/23/2017 11:16 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
BigBeepis's Avatar
In-Game Name: BigBeepis

Discord: Beepis#8453

Real Name (optional):

Gender (optional): Male

Age: 17

Country: USA

Timezone: EST

Languages: English

Have you ever been banned on our server? Any other Minecraft server? If so, why were you banned? No

Have you ever been a staff member on a Minecraft server? If so, tell us about it. I have owned lots of servers in the past and have my fair share of experience with moderating and dealing with backend server issues.

Do you have screen recording capabilities? Yea

How many hours can you contribute to the server per day? Im on summer break so, plenty

Have you applied to be a staff member on our server in the past? If so, when? No

What position are you applying for (Helper or Builder)? Developer

What are a few of your strengths?
I have extensive programming and web development experience. I recently made a website and setup a forum for another server and that inspired me to go out and look for more work. I also want to get into plugins more as I have only done basic things with them recently and its been a long time since I did anything advanced. Although as I said before I have been programming for years so it shouldn't take long for me to figure out the Bukkit API.

What are a few of your weaknesses? As mentioned above I don't have that much experience with plugins, the only recent I have done is creating a plugin for the server I mentioned in the last question that tracked how much playtime players racked up and sent that data to the servers forum database to be displayed on the forums.

Write a paragraph about yourself. Tell us what you like to do, why you deserve the staff position(s) you are applying for, anything else you'd like to share. Like I said, I love programming and web development and I am eager to dive into plugins. I'm sure I could be of help to the server and would love to join the team. I have plenty of free time and I am pretty relaxed.

If you want to know anymore, I joined the discord and would love to chat there. I can also provide the link to the website I was talking about earlier as well as go into more detail.
07/23/2017 7:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
07/19/2017 8:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
07/17/2017 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
We are still in need of a lot of builders and helpers, We are still recruiting!
07/17/2017 7:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
07/16/2017 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
Still recruiting!
07/15/2017 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
Accepted for an interview. Join our discord server and contact me. (Freezer#7832)
07/14/2017 9:52 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
DinPro's Avatar
In-Game Name: DinPro

Discord: (can be sent in a PM if you want)

Real Name (optional): Din

Gender (optional): Male

Age: 16

Country: Croatia

Timezone: GMT

Languages: English,Croatian

Have you ever been banned on our server? Any other Minecraft server? If so, why were you banned? nope

Have you ever been a staff member on a Minecraft server? If so, tell us about it.
Yes,I have been staff on many servers, Pixelmon servers,MiniGames. I have been a Helper and I do it for free. I was for long until eventually the servers closed

Do you have screen recording capabilities? yes

How many hours can you contribute to the server per day? 2-8

Have you applied to be a staff member on our server in the past? If so, when? nope

What position are you applying for (Helper or Builder)? Helper

What are a few of your strengths? Really nice spawns really good with w/e and VoxelSniper ( if needed for helper xD ) I am really nice and like to help people out

What are a few of your weaknesses? I have slight OCD XD

Write a paragraph about yourself. Tell us what you like to do, why you deserve the staff position(s) you are applying for, anything else you'd like to share.

I am really nice in general, I like to play video games and play sports. I am currently really free and that won't change soon! I think I deserve it because I really like servers and like to help them out as much as possible! That's it hopefully I get accepted
07/14/2017 9:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Freezer01's Avatar
We are still actively recruiting helpers and builders.
If you are interested don't hesitate to apply!
07/13/2017 2:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
prefix's Avatar
Bump Still looking.
07/09/2017 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
prefix's Avatar
07/08/2017 8:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrCloudMC's Avatar
07/08/2017 5:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
prefix's Avatar
Bump (Thread updated)
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