sunny1x1's Avatar sunny1x15/26/14 12:58 pm
1 emeralds 1.1k 66
6/1/2014 9:10 pm
WolfTroop's Avatar WolfTroop
[color=#0080FF][size=150][center]Hello, im sunny1x1 and i am going to make a new huge server network. We will have alot of plugins like:

Custom Plugins
I will be adding more later

MY SKYPENAME: sunny2x1

==============Staff places available:===============

10 Builders
7 Helpers
6 Server Moderators
4 Website Moderators
1 Admin but will not most likely be accepted will have to work from other rank to higher rank[/size]
4 Plugin Developers
4 Website Designers
you-tubers as many as possible

===============Application format==================[/center]

Skype:(Optional but very handy)
Wich rank are you applying for:
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):
Why do you want to become staff:
What can you bring the server:
How much time can you invest into the server:
Previous Experience:
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional)
Any Projects on PMC:

[center]=========Application format for youtuber==========[/center]

link to your account:
amount of subscribers:
how many videos a week:
why you want to be a part:
ways you can advertise:

[center]Good Luck![/center][/color]
Posted by sunny1x1's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

Create an account or sign in to comment.


06/01/2014 9:10 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Repost I was rushed the first time




Maturity:Can play around sometimes, Try to make things interesting!!!

(Which) rank are you applying for:Dev , Admin , Head-admin

Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):

Why do you want to become staff:I have been looking for a VERY long time for a server to improve.I feel like i can help the server alot with alot of things i can build lots of redstone machines, Im A Dev / Web-Dev / Admin on a server called Procyen
Procyen.com <- If you want to visit
I make server banners for people for Free.I work with a server host that is currently redesigning their site currently....Im quiting procyen cause like i said i want to improve servers!!! . Im 9th Grade going to 10th in 3 days im CIW certified and in IT to...

What can you bring the server:LOTS of experiences. Red-stone machines, Prob donations, Fun, Minigames, Xbox Experience and lots more!!!

How much time can you invest into the server:6 Hours Daily Weekends 10 Hours
Previous Experience: Works At CloudMc, Minecraft Server Host , Server Admin ,

Ways to advertise the server: Youtube.com The server im In Procyen

Other: We can prob host your server for you for a MASSIVE low price if needed......Contact me for more details
@ Jkerber11@Gmail.com <- Recomended
@ JosephKerber@CloudMc.co.uk
Any Projects on PMC:Looking for a server.....
05/31/2014 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
05/31/2014 8:14 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
OptimisticCookie's Avatar
IGN: MortalEnemiez
AGE: Sorry, private
Skype:(Optional but very handy) -
Maturity: 10/10
Wich rank are you applying for: Any
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures): -
Why do you want to become staff: I want to become staff because I am devoted to my job. I have experience as I am Co-Owner on EmeraldMG, so I know the ins-and-outs of being opped. I also hope to help with picking out spawns and moderating chat.
What can you bring the server: LOTS of help!
How much time can you invest into the server: About 5-6 days per week
Previous Experience: I am Co-Owner on EmeraldMG.
Ways to advertise the server: PMC
Other:(Optional) -
Any Projects on PMC: None
Country: USA
05/30/2014 5:43 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
michaeloreilly's Avatar
IS there a server ip yet
05/30/2014 5:22 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
miigetlegs10 i have a quick question is your name spelt correctly? cause my staff is convinced that you spelt midget legs wrong i don't think that that and is it
05/30/2014 5:08 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
migetlegs10's Avatar
how come i was denied (i just wanna know)
05/30/2014 5:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
tunk11's Avatar
Hey Does Twitch.tv Count?
05/30/2014 3:40 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
50 more minutes to post a application to be accepted by today
05/30/2014 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Everyone who's application was posted and is posted in the next 4 hours will be reviewed
05/30/2014 12:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Still accepting about 4 hours we will be sending a Skype message to the person and it will say here.
05/30/2014 12:46 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
jadeyn102's Avatar
IGN: jadeyn102
AGE: 12
Skype:(Optional but very handy) unbeatable_king_and_boss
Maturity: 8/10, I like to have fun.
Wich rank are you applying for: Builder
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):
Why do you want to become staff:
I love building on servers to make the server greater and better in every possible way.
What can you bring the server: A fun, and caring community. Also my builds...
How much time can you invest into the server: 3 hours a day at least
Previous Experience: I have been Builder many times on servers, so I know what to build at the right times.
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) PMC
Any Projects on PMC: I don't upload them... sorry...
Country: Amurica
05/30/2014 5:40 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar

Application: accepted
05/30/2014 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
UrazaYT's Avatar
Skype:(Optional but very handy) UrazaYT
Wich rank are you applying for: Any
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):
Why do you want to become staff: I want to become staff because I think i can contribute a lot to the server and help prevent hackers and greifers from ruining this lovely community you are making
What can you bring the server: I can bring friends, players,
How much time can you invest into the server: I Will be on about 60hrs a week
Previous Experience: I have alot of experience I own a server myself, and are admin and staff on many others.
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional)
Any Projects on PMC: None
Country: UK


link to your account:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7PL1R_syI7lDkzjK2L6ig
amount of subscribers: 0 atm ( no videos up )
how many videos a week: 7
why you want to be a part: I want to record on this fantastic server you are planning to make and bring and play with your community
ways you can advertise: Videos.
country: UK
05/30/2014 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Accepted

NEED SKYPE not working
05/31/2014 6:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
UrazaYT's Avatar
My skype is UrazaTV
05/30/2014 11:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
helpmeahhhh's Avatar
AGE: 14
Skype: CJR295
Maturity: 1-10 (9)
Wich rank are you applying for: moderator (server)
Why do you want to become staff: I will be very dedicated and determined and always fulfill my role as a moderator and be able to create a fun environment for other player to enjoy.
How much time can you invest into the server: 2-3 hours a day
Previous Experience: moderator on another server
Ways to advertise the server: hoping to start a youtube channel soon
Other: GMT timezone
Country: UK
05/30/2014 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Denied
05/30/2014 11:56 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
michaeloreilly's Avatar
IGN: AdminRedstone

AGE: 15

Skype:(Optional but very handy) AdminRedstone

Maturity: Honestly 8/10

Wich rank are you applying for: Moderator

Why do you want to become staff:I believe I am suitable for the Moderator postion because of my good character, personality, experiance, maturity, and my kindness. I am a clean person, in the sense that I never, and will never, cuss in global chat, ally chat, and/or clan chat. I am a mature individual that is always willing to devote all of my time to help theCitizens with any questions they have. I have gone through the prestige system and prison, so I am well aware of all of the information needed in prison servers, and will help anyone in need of assistance. I am a kind and respectful person in the community who would love to take the extra step into helping others at anytime at all in the community.At the moment, whenever someone has a question about the commands and how they work, or the location of places, I am more than glad to help via global chat. People have told me I was "mini-modding", but the truth is, it is just my good nature of helping people with their problems. I believe this characteristic that I possess is an important one if I am to take up the role as Mod.I am a fairly quick typer, so I am capable of responding to others in a moments notice. I believe this too is an important trait of a Head Mod that I possess.I am aware of all rules, and I understand muted offenses, such as Foreign Language, Cussing, Spam, Staff Disrespect, etc. I am also knowledgable of the ban offenses, such as advertising other servers, racism, and major spam. I am fully aware in the /mute and /warn commands and will most certainly not abuse this power if I am to be accepted as Admin/Mod.Although I might not have experience moderating on different servers, I will act respectfully, honestly, and responsibly if accepted as Mod. I have expressed my kindness, generosity, and good will to my peers in and out.I will be a great asset to the staff, in my opinion, and will help out with questions/concerns, and any help in general. I am as active on these forums compared to my playing time on the server. I will portray the same kind, helpful, respectful traits on these forums as well, as I do already. Because I am a pretty experianced player.Im a really fun loving, hilarious dude that will not only bring all of my knowledge into chat, but as well as crack a few jokes along the way. Im a great guy in general, and I wish to contribute more to this server

What can you bring the server:I can offer a friendly face . Someone who will help any player with anything , getting food, building a house. But I would never hack, cheat, or given items to other player because it's just not fair

How much time can you invest into the server: Daily 5-6 hours and weekly A lot

Previous Experience:I have run my very own 2 1.7.9 servers- technopvp.com and nuclearcraft.mcpro.co . I have also been admin and server head-staff on magicrealm and click craft Also admin on server.mc-kingdomcraft.com

Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) PMC threads - Other servers- Telling all Skype contacts

Country: America

Thank you
05/30/2014 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Accepted
05/30/2014 11:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Any applications placed today will be read and decided.after this we will still be taking applications please put in your application in today if u are interested as it will make it harder for you to be accepted.
05/30/2014 12:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
migetlegs10's Avatar
those people who have already posted an app, before your post will still get reviewed right?
msg me on here if i get accepted please
05/30/2014 11:04 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
05/29/2014 9:18 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Fish
Bager460's Avatar
Name: Matic

IGN: puhi123

Age: 13 3/4

Previous staff servers: - My server, - Insta-Prison - Chaotic-Realms Prison - OP Factions - and I am currently only staff on my server, due to these getting shut down or I quit.

Plugin knowledge: I can't develop, or really make plugins, but I can configure them usually easily and work with them. I'm good with GroupManager so I don't know if you use that, it might come in handy. I can also use WorldEdit pretty well, but other than that I know the basics to other plugins, and hey, if I don't I can certainly learn.

Factions experience: I've been playing on factions servers since I joined Minecraft. Actually, I am pretty sure that the first server I've ever played on was a factions server. I've messed around with the configurations of factions or the permissions of it alot, due to I use factions on my server, but I might actually plan to remove it. I know all of the essential commands though, and I can help players out if they need it.

How long you can be on daily: I can be on anywhere from 4 to I guess 8 hours a day, but of course not straight. On week days I have school, so After 4 PM EST I can be on. On weekends, I can be on all day unless I'm doing some type of family activity, in which I'd let you know about ahead of time rather than just disappearing
Why we should accept you: You should accept me because it could turn out to be a learning experience for both of us. I believe that every server deserves its chance to get big, to get popular, you know, every server's dream. I want to help you get there! I might not be able to do much at start, but if I can gain your trust we can make this go huge! I have been helping servers for a while, and I want to get back into it. I can only work on my server for certain amounts of time, and I think helping others when I can't help mine, would be an excellent thing to do. I can help you with your plugin problems (Not very huge bugs), as I said I can't code or whatever, although I'm trying to get into coding.

What you can bring to the server: I can help you configure plugins, make permissions, and handle server disputes. I can also help you advertise. I love helping other servers, and the joy of helping makes me happy. As I said above, I'd like to help you make this server go far! Whether it be fixing things, advertising, or just in general helping, I can do it!

Skype: maticmama123
05/30/2014 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: accepted

05/29/2014 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Looking for Dev especially if able to create plugins
05/29/2014 9:20 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
u_suck's Avatar
You shouldn't look for a dev here, because you probably don't know them and then they could hack you.

You should get someone that you actually know in real life to be a dev, because you can probably trust them.
05/29/2014 7:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
05/28/2014 8:36 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Prince
captainmyth's Avatar
Greetings! I hope you like my application.








I'm very mature. I could write all I want, but the only way you will know that is by me showing you.

Which rank are you applying for: Admin. (Hopefully.)

Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures): Not applying for Builder.

Why do you want to become staff:

I'd like to help out the server. I have a lot of experience and I think that I can help you be successful.

What can you bring the server:

A lot of experience. Maturity. Dev assistance. Pretty much every position I have had experience in.

How much time can you invest into the server:

A lot.

Previous Experience:

I've been on too many servers to list them all here (The list of all the ones I have been staff on is fairly long and I've forgotten many of the names over time). However, I have been Owner on two servers, with people to vouch for me that I was a great Owner and they absolutely loved my server. I've been Co-Owner on a number of servers as well (again, the list is a bit long and I'd like to keep this application as short as possible and to the point. I've been Admin on a great amount of servers, and Mod on even more. I know server plugins and dev work, just not how to code the actual plugins. (I'm familiar with all other dev specs.)

Ways to advertise the server:

I can post on PMC, and ask my friends on Skype to join.


U.S.A. Central time.

I hope I'm accepted, though I know it will be difficult to reach the Admin position. I won't disappoint.
05/30/2014 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Accepted as Moderator
05/28/2014 8:05 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Currently I have been getting pelted with people private messaging me and emails. I AM STILL ACCEPTING applications. I am waiting for the ability to talk with my head mod and head admin at the same time(Friday will be the day). We will go through all applications and accept or deny (most un likely will u not get at least helper) them. I will notify you myself if u are accepted and your rank also here on pmc I will be doing the people who were accepted and what rank. I will send a msg on Skype to u as well with your rank and some other info requirements. Thank u for your applications and time I will be getting back to you as soon as possible thank you and good luck

05/28/2014 6:37 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
u_suck's Avatar
I just want to know if mine is going to be accepted or denied.
05/28/2014 4:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Still accepting applications
05/28/2014 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CODxBOB's Avatar
Skype:(Optional but very handy)codxbob
Which rank are you applying for:Admin/Mod
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):N/A
Why do you want to become staff:I want to help the server out,get it advertised,and get it sponsored
What can you bring the server:I can bring skill,integrity,and intellect
How much time can you invest into the server:almost 9 hours a day probably
Previous Experience:I was a Head-Admin on calcraft (server is under construction FYI)
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional)I can get on server websites including PMC
Other:(Optional)I'm a great person and good with people.I always enforce the rules,and to go along with being and admin i also help with plugins
Any Projects on PMC:N/A
Country:United States
05/30/2014 5:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Denied
05/28/2014 12:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
05/28/2014 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
still accepting applications plz do not think i have not ejected any applications cause i have not yet denied and from what i have scanned over
05/28/2014 12:08 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
05/27/2014 10:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JJEK2323's Avatar


Skype:(Optional but very handy) JJEK2323

Maturity:My maturity level is really hight for a 13 y/o I have 3 younger siblings so I have to be mature

Wich rank are you applying for: I am apply for either mod or helper

Why do you want to become staff: I love helping people out and making everyone happy. I also love to have fun and have something to do. And I love being staff it always seems like the staff members are so respected and I want to be one of them.

What can you bring the server: I can bring happy people everyone should be satisfied with the server and I would also bring a lot of hard work to the server

How much time can you invest into the server: 2-3 hours everyday or every other day

Previous Experience: I was staffing on 2 server but the first server had family problems so it had to be shit down and the second server the owner could not keep up payments. I was a admin on one and a mod on the other

Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) To go on other server or websites and advertise

Other:(Optional) All I want to add is that I would love to help you and thank you very much.

Any Projects on PMC: No
05/30/2014 5:04 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Denied
05/27/2014 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
funkyfrog11's Avatar
Skype:(Optional but very handy) Getting one this summer with my new computer, other wise sorry:/
Maturity: Very high, I try to stop others from cursing and swearing at each other, bullying others and generally annoying things, but if it's just mild banter I can have a laugh
Which rank are you applying for: Server moderator (hopefully )
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures): I am also a pretty good builder, I have built castles and entire worlds before, but I can show you around them some other time. Also I am very good with red stone and command blocks
Why do you want to become staff: I would like to become part of a community in a server somewhere, I haven't been able to play online lately, and here I feel could be my chance I also enjoy helping others and being a kind person
What can you bring the server: I can build some pretty nice stuff, I am a fair moderator and will hear both sides of a story before making a decision and will make sure no one is being unfair or cruel to any other players (trolls can be a pain)
How much time can you invest into the server: When ever it's online I do go to school though and until summer I am sharing a computer with my dad, but I'll be able to spend average 2-4 hours a day
Previous Experience: I have done a lot of moderating on servers, but all the servers ran out of money or just didn't want to host anymore
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) I have a YouTube account called Mineflare, It's relatively new and lacks subscribers and views, but I'm sure once I get to developing my content I can get stuff more out there.
Other:(Optional) I am male, English and some days I might not be able to go online (very rarely)
Any Projects on PMC: No I haven't uploaded any of my stuff on any website, but once I have finished my project then that will be uploaded then
05/30/2014 5:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
Application: Denied
05/27/2014 10:19 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
I will answer ur applications soon and I still will be accepting people
05/26/2014 9:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
Lukez0's Avatar
Hey sorry to bother you,but I'm not sure if you've seen my application or have just denied it,because it has no reply to it,and was wondering the answer.Sorry for the inconvenience.
05/26/2014 8:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Fixed -> no1 else did (Which) rank are you applying for:Any i deserve
Buildings(If applying for builder i would like to see pictures):
Why do you want to become staff:I have been looking for a VERY long time for a server to improve.I feel like i can help the server alot with alot of things i can build
What can you bring the server:LOTS of experiences. Red-stone machines, Prob donations, Fun, Minigames, Xbox Experience and lots more!!!
How much time can you invest into the server:4 Hours Daily Weekends 10 Hours
Previous Experience: Works At CloudMc, Minecraft Server Host , Server Admin ,
Ways to advertise the server: Youtube.com The server im In Procyen
Any Projects on PMC:None xD
05/30/2014 4:58 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar

Application: Denied
05/26/2014 7:56 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
TehEpicKewlioness's Avatar
^^^ Dude.. Ur name doe..
05/26/2014 7:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
u_suck's Avatar
I know, but I didn't have any other name in my mind at the time.
05/26/2014 7:53 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
u_suck's Avatar
IGN: annabell70
Skype:(Optional but very handy) scarletsquid48, although I can't talk often.
Maturity: 8/10, because I like to joke sometimes.
Wich rank are you applying for: Server moderator/ helper.
Why do you want to become staff: I would like to help the server and make it grow.
What can you bring the server: I can help and people who break rules and cheat. I like to joke sometimes but I don't troll people, and I would like to help the server grow as well.
How much time can you invest into the server: About 4 - 6 hours on weekdays because of school, and 7 - 9 hours on weekends.
Previous Experience: I started from helper and worked my way up to admin on a different server, but that's all I've had for experience.
Ways to advertise the server:(Optional) I have some friends who have minecraft that I could tell about the server.
05/30/2014 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sunny1x1's Avatar
application: Denied
05/26/2014 6:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AdaptOG's Avatar
Am I accepted or?
Planet Minecraft


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