
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar iewijweijq23r47/24/16 8:40 pm
1 emeralds 1.4k 22
11/14/2016 7:41 pm
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar iewijweijq23r4
Posted by iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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11/14/2016 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
Added, We still are looking for staff. Please continue to apply, Thank You
11/14/2016 6:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FallenLife3's Avatar
Skype? My Skype is Ethanschmitt7
Age? I am Currently 16 Years old
Skills/experience? I have been staff on other servers which includes my server, my cousins server, another which closed down about a couple months ago. I know how to set up color codes, Plugins, and even permissions for you ranks. I know the basic commands such as, /kick, /mute, /ban, /tempban, etc.
Name? My name is Ethan Schmitt
I live in New York In the US.
11/14/2016 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
*Yes the age requirement is posted on the 1st post
CloudCraft is still looking for staff, Please continue to apply! Thank You
11/13/2016 8:45 pm
Level 1 : New Artist
AndiB23's Avatar
Is there exceptions for age?
11/13/2016 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
CloudCraft is still looking for staff, Please continue to apply! Thank You
11/13/2016 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
08/22/2016 6:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MissRoxyGal24's Avatar
*1) Skype Name hannahrox2424

*2)Age (15+) turning 16 in December

*3)Skills/Experience : I was recently Admin on VertexKingdom, and also on my friend's server that is no longer up. I am a decent builder and I am good with working with people, and I enjoy playing with other people on servers!

*4)Name Hannah

5)*And Country Located in (Must be from USA/Canada) USA
Thank You for considering!
08/22/2016 4:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
CloudCraft is still looking for staff, Please continue to apply! Thank You
08/20/2016 10:37 pm
Level 1 : New Network
TibbleTex's Avatar
I would like to pay the $5 a month to own the network. I sent you a private message earlier, and would appreciate a reply and details.
08/20/2016 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
08/19/2016 8:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gibby_Knutson's Avatar
IGN: SeekNDstroy711

Do You Have Skype: Yes gaberdoorocks

Age: 16 in a month

Timezone/Country: Mountain-United States

How long can you be on weekly: On an average of 3-5 hours daily, Because of football and school

Do you have any other experience being staff on other servers and describe(List all):
Helper - RaidCraft
Admin/Staff Manager- Endless Factions, RoyalPvp
Moderator: RetronMc

Why do you want to be Staff-Manager: I want to be Staff-Manager for this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a Staff-Manager and get rid of spammers, hackers,and to manage the entire staff team and to get rid of people who just make the server an unpleasant place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on Minecraft a lot because I am a no-life. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever (which it already is, I bet).

What are your skills with server administration, be descriptive(plugins, commands, bungeecord, etc): ?:
Well I know ways to tell if people are hacking or not and know about other ways of breaking rules, etc...

Mob Aura - I would place a zombie or blaze behind him. If the person is using Mob aura, they would have a head snap because the blaze or zombie would behind him and he would have to hit.

X-ray - I would follow the person and place a hidden chest or base under him. If he goes for it and gets it you can tell he x-rayed. To make sure he is hacking or not I would place 1 or 2 more hidden chests or bases if he goes for those then you know he is hacking.

Anti KB - I would get a kb tool and hit the person with it. If he doesn't go flying far then you can tell he has anti kb. For Staff Uses I will use Knockback 5 If I think someone is using anti-kb.

Other Hack Clients - A trick I use are going on my alt and pvping on it. People would think you are a normal player but you're actually a staff member who is undercover.
Advertisers: If I see anyone advertising. I would screenshot it ./disablechat (would make it so no one can talk but staff members) I would ./clearchat and I would re-enable chat after banning the advertiser.

Dupers/Exploit Abusers - If I see anyone duping, I would screenshot him duping the items that are hard to get in the game like keys. I would then send the screenshot to A Owner so they can deal with them.

DDOS Threats - If I see anyone threatening to DDOS Someone I will screenshot it and ban the player instantly no exceptions. Even if it was a friend I will have to follow the rules and ban him.

Spammers - If I see anyone spamming chat I will ./warn them If they get to 3/3 warns I will mute them if they keep spamming I will extend the mute time. If they keep going I will tempban them for 1 day.

Staff Abuse: If I see a staff abusing I will deop him if he is op and I would tell the owners. If the staff member is just banning everyone or kicking everyone. I would ban him and let the owners know once I took a screenshot of him kicking the people.

Anything Else We Should Know: Thank you for taking your time and effort to read my application
08/19/2016 8:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
08/12/2016 1:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SamCreations's Avatar
08/11/2016 8:40 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
sheepdud1's Avatar
*1) Skype Name: sheepdud

*2)Age (15+): 16

*3)Skills/Experience: I have been staff on many servers and I have owned a few i am extremely good at plugins

*4)Name: Jackson Smith (sheepdud)

5)*And Country Located in (Must be from USA/Canada)USA Kentucky

[Server IP Will be provided once added on Skype, after this info is filled out]


08/11/2016 8:31 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
deflach's Avatar
IGN: deflach
*1) Skype Name: deflacii

*2)Age (15+) Yes, I am 15.

*3)Skills/Experience: I have been an Admin on a Minecraft server and a Moderator on a Garry's Mod server. I have great experience with handling situations. With the rank of Admin or Moderator (Being My Goal) I can make sure everyone can have a great and fun time on the server! I could very well handle most questions posted on forums if needed.

*4)Name: My name is Diego.

5)*And Country Located in (Must be from USA/Canada) I am from the US!

Thank you in advance for considering!
08/11/2016 6:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Dino_Rawr's Avatar
1 - What is your Minecraft in game name? Police12
2 - What is your Skype username? tracy.hanna8
3 - What position are you applying for? dev
4 - What are your past experiences with this position yes I have experience with dev I have been dev on many server I can do something like permssionex I can configer that ingame
5 - What can you bring to our team? A great imagination and leader skills. I work together well, but am good leading a project. I am very familiar with WorldEdit, and many other similar plugins as I used to run my own server. I am 12 and very mature.

I am looking forward to your response. Thank you
08/11/2016 6:09 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
NerdyMechanic's Avatar
I sent an app in
08/11/2016 5:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
08/05/2016 12:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xbot9000's Avatar
*1) Skype Name: CoJaGi45

*2)Age (15+) I am 15 years old.

*3)Skills/Experience: I have been a staff member on many different servers including a helper, moderator, admin, and an owner. I am very experience at all of these.

*4)Name: Connor and my IGN is Xbot9000

5)*And Country Located in (Must be from USA/Canada): I am from the United States.
08/04/2016 11:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
07/25/2016 7:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
LionSpirited's Avatar
Sent an application. Would prefer if my name wasn't said aloud though, for privacy reasons.
07/25/2016 6:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iewijweijq23r4's Avatar
More staff still needed, please continue to apply.
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