-AtreyuYT's Avatar -AtreyuYT12/28/16 2:14 am
12/28/2016 3:09 pm
MrNigmaSIR's Avatar MrNigmaSIR
IP: CrypticChaos.hosthorde.net
Developer - Configure plugin config/files (0/5) [Warning: FTP access will not be provided] [Will provide you a config]
Admin - Administrate the server (1/3)
Moderator - Moderate the server (0/5)
Helper - Enforce the Rules (0/5)

Click to reveal
1.) How old are you? (11+) :

2.) What's your ign/username? :

3.) Why you wanted to apply? :

4.) Why should we choose you as staff? :

5.) Do you have any experiences? :

6.) If declined, you agree not to argue :

7.) How did you find Cryptic Chaos? :

8.) How long have you played Cryptic Chaos? :

9.) How can we communicate with you? :

10.) Is there a Nick Name we can call you by? (Optional) :

Posted by -AtreyuYT's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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12/28/2016 2:22 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
MrNigmaSIR's Avatar

Is there an age limit?

Is the payment for the server fine? Will there be no problems with that?

Is the server 1.11 or what?
12/28/2016 2:23 am
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
Nebzei's Avatar
Developer does not have access to FTP? Which is something that a developer is supposed to use to work with files and their configurations? Doesn't make much sense.
12/28/2016 2:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
-AtreyuYT's Avatar
Click to reveal
TheWiseP7Developer does not have access to FTP? Which is something that a developer is supposed to use to work with files and their configurations? Doesn't make much sense.

Configs will be provided!
12/28/2016 2:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Chillex's Avatar
1.) How old are you? : 15

2.) What's your ign/username? : EastonR

3.) Why you wanted to apply? : I love helping out on servers and being apart of a team.

4.) Why should we choose you as staff? : I have multiple prier staff experiances

5.) Do you have any experiences? : yes Admin on one server currently and I used to run my own server.

6.) If declined, you agree not to argue : Sure.

7.) How did you find Cryptic Chaos? : Server recruitment section.

8.) How long have you played Cryptic Chaos? : 1 day

9.) How can we communicate with you? : skype or discord

10.) Is there a Nick Name we can call you by? (Optional) : Easton

Extra: I would like to apply to become an admin
12/28/2016 2:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
-AtreyuYT's Avatar
Was okay.....
Accepted as Helper!
12/28/2016 2:31 am
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
Nebzei's Avatar
Click to reveal
TheWiseP7Developer does not have access to FTP? Which is something that a developer is supposed to use to work with files and their configurations? Doesn't make much sense.

Configs will be provided!

I don't really see the point in hiring a developer, not trusting them with FTP access to do their job and instead make them download files to edit and then send back. That's an big pain in the arse. Have some trust in your developer.

When looking at their application ask them questions only an actual developer would understand. You can also manage their permissions.
12/28/2016 3:27 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
MrNigmaSIR's Avatar
1.) How old are you? (11+) : I am twelve years of age. I know, I have some explaining to do here. I may be of young age, but that does not mean I have no skills in moderation or administration. I have enjoyed Minecraft for a long while, and over time, with trial and error I have learned the rungs and ropes of being a staff member. However, if you are still concerned with my maturity and skillset for my age, then by all means, put me in a trial position for a few weeks, and see for yourself.

2.) What's your ign/username? : My IGN is Faze_ClicheName. This has been changed before, however. My original in-game-name was flyingjacob13, and as you can tell it was just horrible, so I eventually changed it to several other names until I reached one I was happy with, and that was Faze_ClicheName.

3.) Why you wanted to apply? : I wanted to apply for several reasons. Allow me to digress for just a moment and say that I have not played MC for a few months now, mostly because of IRL issues. However, as that cleared up, I really didn't feel the obligation to play the game anymore. It was not what I wanted to do anymore, which was a pretty big and depressing moment for me, because MC was my passion, and leaving it behind wasn't what I wanted to do at all, but it happened. However, I am just now getting into Minecraft again. Now, back onto the main topic. I wanted to apply because I wanted to get back into the switch of things, for one. Here are a few other reasons:

-I want to help out. I know, it's a cliche thing to say. However, it is true. I wish to assist others, especially with management issues and advice. I enjoy helping others run things, and enjoy putting my three cents in in such.

-It gives me something to do. I'm bored a lot, and having the responsibility of a staff position will get me something to do and help with.

-I feel I have reason to apply. I am skilled in the running and moderating of servers, and I feel I have the skills necessary to help out.

4.) Why should we choose you as staff? : Here are several reasons why:

-Not disrespectful: This is a big one. I can't tell you how many times I've gone onto servers with staff who disrupt the general running of things because they don't respect the players and other staff. I do no such thing, and I try to be respectful to everyone, and if I have an issue I will take it up in private with someone instead of ruining the peace of others.

-Mature: I am very mature for my age. Now, of course, I am prone to joke around. In fact, I do it a lot. However, when things need to be serious, I am ready to be serious. I know the right mood for things.

-Skilled in several areas: I am skilled in the assistance of the players, the moderation of the community, the administration of the server, am somewhat proficient at coding, and am a skilled writer.

5.) Do you have any experiences? : Yes, plenty. I was a moderator (former helper) and part-time lore writer for a server called VoxelMC. I was a head-mod at a server called OmegaMC, and a Co-Owner for a server called TF547 (not the exact name, I can't remember it in full). I have most of them on Skype, but they may not up for contact, I have not talked to them in a while.

6.) If declined, you agree not to argue : Absolutely. I have learned over the time I have been playing on Minecraft servers that arguing gets people nowhere, as well as lessening ones chances of becoming staff in the future. So yes, absolutely, I agree.

7.) How did you find Cryptic Chaos? : I was skimming through the forums, trying to find a server to apply for and found this thread, and thought I might as well give it a shot.

8.) How long have you played Cryptic Chaos? : I have not played on the server yet, but will log on soon.

9.) How can we communicate with you? : I have a Skype: eddieandindy

10.) Is there a Nick Name we can call you by? (Optional) : I prefer just Jacob, if you will

Extra: I guess I'll add some extra facts so you can get to know me better:

-I am a democrat (liberal).

-I'm a big Star Wars fan.

-I really enjoy science, especially biology (naturalism mainly).

-I'm a big debater.

So yeah, that about wraps it up. I worked really hard on this application, so I hope you consider it.

P.S.: It does not matter to me what staff position I do or do not get. I'm just happy to be considered.
12/28/2016 2:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
-AtreyuYT's Avatar
12/28/2016 3:09 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
MrNigmaSIR's Avatar
Thanks a bunch!
12/28/2016 7:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Terroza's Avatar
I don't really see the point in hiring a developer, not trusting them with FTP access to do their job and instead make them download files to edit and then send back. That's an big pain in the arse. Have some trust in your developer.

When looking at their application ask them questions only an actual developer would understand. You can also manage their permissions.

12/28/2016 8:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Terroza's Avatar

Is there an age limit?

Is the payment for the server fine? Will there be no problems with that?

Is the server 1.11 or what?

12/28/2016 10:04 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Th3Min3cRaFtKid's Avatar
i would pretty much help you out but i cant join due to my minecraft crash on 1.10+ but its nice to know we use the same host my server ip is naspvp.hosthorde.net
General Pony
12/28/2016 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
General Pony's Avatar
1.) How old are you? (11+) : 14

2.) What's your ING/username? : PugGames

3.) Why do you want to apply? : You asked for help so I am here to help! I want to help you make a successful server with many many players online everyday!

4.) Why should we choose you as staff? : I am very experienced and mature. I can handle hard situations and I know how to decide about punishments, for example, i won't temp ban a spammer.

5.) Do you have any experiences? : I used to own a server alone with 10-20 players online 24/7 and a buycraft store with website!

6.) If declined, you agree not to argue: There is no need to argue. I apply to help YOU. I am doing this for you not me.

7.) How did you find Cryptic Chaos? : I read your introduction and it seems great!

8.) How long have you played Cryptic Chaos? : 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds. I saw your post and i came here to help you.

9.) How can we communicate with you? : Via skype or/and discord. Skype name: tehcaptaincake.ftw Discord name: add me on skype to tell you

10.) Is there a Nick Name we can call you by? (Optional) : Pug should work great

12/28/2016 2:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
-AtreyuYT's Avatar
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