Dagnvild (Beta) Needs Co-host and Staff.

Aida Productions's Avatar Aida Productions6/16/17 8:32 am
1 emeralds 259 7
6/26/2017 4:48 am
bwcf99's Avatar bwcf99
I'm starting a vanilla online multiplayer server in the next couple of months time and in the meantime require a co-host who can guide me through the process and get the basics up and running to Beta stage (not 24/7). I have little knowledge of how to set up the server and have no experience of administration. This will be a learning experience for me! I can, however, build reasonably well and I am currently learning how to download stuff and edit them in Notepad++

The server is called Dagnvild (this may change) and it is a medieval RPG server, survival only (except for use in public-area development), and non-plot based. The server is straighforward, will have a main story-line, some quests, the usual games, nothing too advanced. Server will be hosted on my PC and will host up to 20-25 loyal players initially. The server will be whitelisted.

I need:

Plugin manager
Area builders

At the moment though I just require a co-host and preferably a Plugin Manager who has some good knowledge of Spigot and can help build and develop the public areas in a medieval/fantasy style. Detailed building skills is not essential, although definately desired. The co-host will ideally be from the UK (because of the time zones, although this is not important) and will need an email address where we can communicate - for convenience. You must be a mature adult to apply for this position - this is for precaution.

Head over to https://uk.pinterest.com/martyn_blackburn/dagnvild-beta/ to see some pictures of the World Spawn.

To apply for co-host email me at martyn_blackburn@hotmail.co.uk. Please attach some pictures of your own MC builds, and explain any Minecraft server experience. If you have previously ran a MC server or have been an admin of a server then don't hestitate to apply. Once I get your email address I will send you an email back with a Prospectus attached - this will give you some idea of what the server entails. We can then take it from there.

If you have an xbxoxone account then you can communicate with me on there for convenience. Just include your GT in your email. I do not have Discord because I know little about it and may be some time before I get around to studying and using it,

Good luck!
Posted by Aida Productions's Avatar
Aida Productions
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter

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06/26/2017 4:48 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
bwcf99's Avatar
Aida ProductionsUpdate:

a) hacks and ddos attacks?
b) server lag?
c) downtime?
d) ISP permissions?
e) funding if decide to go VPS or paid server hosting?

a) Don't worry about this for now. Starting out small this won't be a problem unless you piss someone off. If you do get attacked, just restart your server and you'll be fine (trust me I've had my fair share of experience with this). Most DDoS attacks are very amateur script kiddies. But yes, you are at risk of a real attack, on your home network.. but I really wouldn't worry about this for now.

b) Depends on the download/upload speed + your hardware + your network configuration

c) Depends on you my friend.

d) Where are you hosting from/who's your ISP? Normally you really don't need to worry about this, especially for a Minecraft server. ISP's start caring when you're hosting a website or service with massive amounts of traffic (for example, hosting torrents from your home)

e) Setup donation ranks/items. or find a sponsorship somewhere (this will require a larger following/community, or a damn good idea/dream)

06/20/2017 7:48 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar

Just a re-cap on what I need to get the server up and running:

1. I need a co-owner, a pluggin manager, and some spawn builders.
2. I now have Discord. Message me to get my DiscordTag.
3. Prospectus has been updated and improved. Message me to get a copy.
4. Domain name is required but not important just yet.
5. Website Forum at Enjin 0% complete.


a) hacks and ddos attacks?
b) server lag?
c) downtime?
d) ISP permissions?
e) funding if decide to go VPS or paid server hosting?
06/18/2017 9:03 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar

Warp engine set and in working order.
1. Develop spawn
2. Develop Warp Central
3. Develop Market area
4. Develop GuildHall
5. Develop Netherworld
6. Develop The End.
06/17/2017 12:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar
Update: installed the following up-to-date plugins:

06/16/2017 10:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar
Update: Re-ran Spigot.jar 1.12 and replaced older version. Ran MC in 1.12 to localhost, success!
06/16/2017 9:10 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar
Update: Spigot installed, Git Bash installed.

Ran run.bat file. success! Port forward check to 25565 in IP address. Success open!

Connect to local host on MC version 1.12: server out of date! Unable to connect to local host.
06/16/2017 12:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Aida Productions
Aida Productions's Avatar
Update: have created static IP, enabled defintions in Virginmedia hub2, allowed rules in WindowsFirewall, port forwarded to MC server 25565. Results on checking open port: closed!.
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