Dark Rose Staff and Admins wanted!

etoilefushigi's Avatar etoilefushigi6/16/12 8:33 pm
1 emeralds 137 6
6/21/2012 1:37 am
StinkyChezMan's Avatar StinkyChezMan
Dark Rose is looking for new staff/admins/mods/players! We are currently looking for the following staff positions

Co-Owner (co owns the server?)
Marketing Manager (responsible for marketing, adverting, and promoting)
Finance Coordinator (responsible for anything relating money)
Coder (responsible for coding/fixing the server and helping create custom plugins or anything the server may need)

All staff members will receive OP (please note we will test all applicants and have a probationary period before assigning OP)

For Admin/Mod you must play on the server and show that you are deserving of the rank(s). We award Admin/Mod based on performance, skill, knowledge, and other key factors.

If you are interested in any of these positions please see the information bellow or message me on PMC/post a reply

Server Name: Dark Rose
Server IP:
IGN: etoilefushigi
Posted by etoilefushigi's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Toast

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06/21/2012 1:37 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
StinkyChezMan's Avatar
06/21/2012 1:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Riotdeath's Avatar
Position: Admin/Co-Owner

IGN: ArT3K_Death

Age: 17

Information: I'm a fair mod im willing to take the time to play on the server to earn my rank and i can be on alot to help i've been admin and co-owner on other servers and i hope i can help this server out by being staff thanks
06/21/2012 12:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Zherex's Avatar
Position: Co-Owner

IGN: Zherex

About me: I'm a nice person who loves building and have been "Elite Builder" on lots of servers, I've been Co-Owner on 2 servers which now are shut down. I work really good together with people and solo so I think I can help alot. I got lots of experience with OP, so I think I can be a good Co-Owner for Dark Rose.
06/21/2012 12:48 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxOutlawkillerxX's Avatar
Position: Marketing Manager/ I am also interested in the rank Co-Owner!!!!

IGN: XxOutlawkillerxX

ABOUT ME: I am a very nice ,mature,courageous, helpful, kind, friendly person and love being a staff member on servers. I have a LOT of experience as a Mod and Admin on 3 servers. I have recently owned a server but my pc stopped working and like died and wouldnt turn on.. So my server is shut down. I love helping others and i know when to do something and when not to. I do not tolerate griefing. Any grief i see when i find out who it is... theyre banned... So anyway i hope you allow me to join your staff members.. I would really love to!!!!! Thanks for your time =D

EXTRA INFO: Also i will be on the server a long time if i become staff i can be on about 12 hours a DAY in the summer!!!! Sooo i hope i can become a staff member!!!! THANKS =D
06/17/2012 3:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
paperdood's Avatar
Position: Marketing Manager
IGN: paperdood
Things you should know: I have expirience advertising servers for my friends. (I don't really understand what you mean by marketing because well, its minecraft. And i know when or when not to promote somebody
I have some skill building too
06/16/2012 11:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lingling626_'s Avatar
Position: Co-Owner/Marketing Manager/Moderator/Admin/Helper (One or other)
IGN: lingling626
Information: I have been a Op/Admin/Moderator/Co-Owner/Owner/Spy on over 50 servers. I am a redstoner, I also build a little. I am on most of day.
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