▐☠☠☠▌ DEADMAN DUNGEONS ▐☠☠☠▌➨ NOW OPEN! ➨Apply for Staff!

galactic_muffin's Avatar galactic_muffin2/25/13 7:45 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 3
11/11/2013 4:35 pm
galactic_muffin's Avatar galactic_muffin

Welcome to our official thread!

Home of the one and only Medieval-fantasy prison survival server!

BETA 2.0 is now OPEN!!! come join us!

Beta IP: mc.deadmandungeons.org

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About This Server:
Hello my name is Galactic_Muffin and I am a veteran game developer looking to create a unique server experience for Minecraft fans using game design techniques. I have recently teamed up with some talented individuals to create a PVP survival server. We consider this server a videogame in-of it's own, so we are working very hard to make it flawless and an enjoyable experience for all gamers. To ensure this, we have purchased server space on Amazon and have a ready-to-go, reliable and fast platform that will be able to handle (eventually) hundreds of people on at a time.
With our team of game designers, professional game industry artists, and game programmers, we are in the process of building a beautiful server with custom plugins and features. The plugins Including new features, abilities, rare weapons, and epic gladiator games not found in vanilla or any other Minecraft server.

Inspired from the popular manga and anime, Deadman Wonderland; Deadman Dungeons puts on deadly gladiator and arena games on for the amusement of the empire. The stars of the shows are you!

So do you have what it takes to Survive the hardships of prison and work your way to the top in the gladiator games to earn your freedom? Stay tuned for more updates and the server's release date!

Let us know of your thoughts and suggestions. :3

Features of the server:

• Custom in-game Paintings (DD Posters):
Deadman Dungeons is actually the very first server to have custom images that allow players to create their own and view other's images in-game, without mods or extra plugins. So don't be shy, take advantage of this awesome moment and send in your favorite images!!!

Click to reveal

Click to reveal

• The rest of the features are a secret...for now! -_^

Let the people speak!:[/size]
I have visited far too many servers with bad administration; egotistical/power hungry people who want nothing to do with the opinions of their players. I want to put a stop to that! [/size]Just as the premise of this server was decided by you, the community, so will the features! We are open to all suggestions and ideas on what you want to see implemented into our server. Tell us what you want to see in Deadman Dungeons; what should we include that other servers neglect, how can the prison server genre be improved. What makes a 'good server' good in your opinion? So don't be shy, tear us apart! After all, this server isn't about us. It's about you, the players! [/color]

Support Deadman Dungeons by wearing this banner!:
(paste the below code into your signature and make sure the editing mode in the top left corner of your signature editor is turned on when you paste.)



Our Staff:

Our Staff:

Master programmer/plugin manager:

Master builder/prison designer:



Guards/Sorcerers :
EarlyJinx ([background=rgb(242, 246, 249)]Assault4Killing)[/background]

Sorcerer/Guard applications:
We will need a dedicated staff to run the server and prison. If you are interested, please add a post below including these requirements:

Staff applications for Moderators, Online Moderators, Testers, and "Guards" (Admins will be chosen from our staff who prove themselves worthy)
♦ In-game name
♦ Age (we wont judge)
♦ General location (for connectivity reasons)
♦ Number of online servers you have played
♦ Have you ever played on a prison-based server? If so, specify.
♦ Do you have any past experiences as a staff member on a MC server?(specify position/server)
♦ Explain why you feel we should pick you as a sorcerer or guard. What values would you be able to bring to our server and team?

[note] We look fondly on people who are dedicated to participating in our thread, contributing ideas or replying to the discussion. So if you are applying for a staff role, show us you are serious by being dedicated to the topic! -_^

Posted by galactic_muffin's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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11/11/2013 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
galactic_muffin's Avatar
BETA 2.0 is now OPEN!!! come join us!

Beta IP: mc.deadmandungeons.org

04/27/2013 3:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Cratetivity's Avatar
Could I be added into the beta testing? Thx! ign: X_Unique_X
02/25/2013 8:43 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
Blacklaser2's Avatar
IGN: Blacklaser2
Age: 14
Location: New York (Good Connection just about anywhere)
Servers: Too many too count, mostly just looking for a server to stay on.
Prison: A few but they were not the best so I left a few days later.
Staff: Yes. I have been Head Moderator on a few servers and admin on some that were deleted later. The Ip's of the servers I am head mod on are wildpvp.info and They are not very popular servers yet and the owners are not on most of the time, but I am on everyday after school.
Why: I am a trustworthy person and I can build almost anything except advanced redstone structures. I am not very good with those but I do know how to work with it.
Planet Minecraft


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