DewCraft looking for staff!

dakotadew16's Avatar dakotadew161/8/14 1:18 am
1/11/2014 6:29 am
Peanut555's Avatar Peanut555
Hey everyone!
My new server DewCraft has developed a lot lately.
I am currently looking for Builders, Moderators, and possible Admins.

If you are interested please either reply or email me with the following:

1. How old are you?
2. What position are you looking for?
3. Experience in position(s)?
4. What is your specialty in Minecraft?
5. Hour available during weekday and weekends?
6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it?
7. Why should I pick you?
10. Hi.
E-mail this filled out to me at dakotadew16@gmail.com. Or reply below!

Thanks I hope to hear from some of you soon!
Posted by dakotadew16's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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01/11/2014 6:29 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
Peanut555's Avatar
Moderator application

1. How old are you? 14

2. What position are you looking for? Moderator

3. Experience in position(s)? I have been admin on Ourcraft and ran Harmonycraft as an owner for a while.

4. What is your specialty in Minecraft? Working together to accomplish major goals.

5. Hour available during weekday and weekends? Yeah.

6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? I believe I can make your server better by creating a happier environment through enforcing rules and distributing justice.

7. Why should I pick you? I believe I am a suitable choice for staff as I am mature, helpful and can have a laugh when needed. I can also punish rule-breakers when necessary.

8.Ign? Peanut555

9.Skype? peanut555_

10. Hi. Hey
01/09/2014 8:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
noasjffen1's Avatar
AGE: 13
Position: Mod
Experience: Builder
Specialty: Parkour, building
Hours: a week 10 to 12
Helping: building spawn, building parkour, ect
Why: I have ex at parkour and building
Ign: none
01/09/2014 7:53 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xiitoxiic137's Avatar
1. How old are you? 16

2. What position are you looking for? Admin/Head-Admin or Co-owner

3. Experience in position(s)? I am owner of my own server Toxic-Craft i have been admin of 6 server and am currently admin on 1. The others were shut down due to lack of funds. I am co-owner on 2 servers which are still up. And mod on 3 servers.

4. What is your specialty in Minecraft? Being staff and keeping staff and players in line and make sure they enjoy their time on the server.

5. Hour available during weekday and weekends? On weekdays about 3 hours and on weekends about 5 hours.

6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? I could tell all of my friends who play minecraft about it and post it on my instagram with a picture of the spawn.

7. Why should I pick you? You should pick me for your staff because i will bring alot of experience to your server and maybe some tips. If you dont have a host for your server i will buy a host for it from beastnode it will make it 24/7 and giving it a custom ip of your choice. I am very mature and very trustworthy. If you have any further questions for me you could contact me on skype or at xiitoxiic@yahoo.com. I am eastern time by the way.

8.Ign? xiitoxiic137

9.Skype? xiitoxiic United States.

~Hope to hear from you soon
01/09/2014 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Vortex119's Avatar
1. How old are you? I'm 12 years old.
2. What position are you looking for? any.
3. Experience in position(s)? none.
4. What is your specialty in Minecraft? mineing and bilding
5. Hour available during weekday and weekends? 1 Hour most days.
6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? I've play most mini games.
7. Why should I pick you? no idea.
8.Ign? what?
9.Skype? none.
10. Hi. hello I really like your sever and I would like to help you.
01/09/2014 7:48 pm
Level 1 : New Pirate
ViLExD3M0N's Avatar
Unfortunately you have not met our quota and we will have to deny your application
1.Too Young
3.No experience
4. Not needed
5.Not available enough
6. Not confident or specific.
7. Specifics and no confidence
9. No outside communication
10. Too broad

Thank you for applying! Try again at a later time and we may accept you!

01/08/2014 6:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
daplaya99's Avatar
How old are you? 15

What position are you looking for? Administrator

Experience in position(s)? I was Admin on 4 previous servers, Moderator on 3 previous servers and I am Owner on 1 Server

What is your specialty in Minecraft? The typical Admin-Work (Plugins, Coding, Making sure the staff and players are doing fine.)

Hour available during weekday and weekends? Weekends: More than an Hour a day
Weekends: 3-6 Hours each day

How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? Every server needs at least 2 things to be succesful: A good team of staff and a Strong server community. I believe I could be the core of the staff and make sure I do my best to let this server Thrive.

Why should I pick you? I have had over a year of Admin on Superfuntime-Factions, InspirationPVP, JuicyFactions, MrGreenGaming servers. The community contains 2 servers that have a very high user base. During my time with them, I learned the majority of my staff skills and making good connections with some very well known admins. My experience will be much needed when it comes to higher-rank positions.

IGN? Bac1

Skype? daplaya999
01/08/2014 7:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ScyptileFX's Avatar
1. How old are you? 15
2. What position are you looking for? Admin
3. Experience in position(s)? Been co-owner in 2 servers, admin in 1 server and mod in 1 server
4. What is your specialty in Minecraft? Keeping the server safe, hate hackers, plugins .etc
5. Hour available during weekday and weekends? weekdays 3-5 hours weekends the whole day
6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? Keep hackers out, keep chat safe .etc
7. Why should I pick you? Im really not sure >.< Its not good to say you are better then others as there might be people better then you.
8.Ign? ScyptileFX
9.Skype? No skype sorry
10. Hi. Hi
01/08/2014 3:41 am
Level 1 : New Network
Thomaspower's Avatar
This is my first application for any thing so i would like some feedback.
1. i'm 14. (i'll be 15 next month)
2. i would like to be a "Builder".
3. i'm a server lobby.(i'v built a lot of other stuff)
4. creative mode stuff.
5. about 4;00 pm all through the week.(i'm in Sydney)
6. i have several ideas for mine games and a game in development (it's a zombie game)
7. i have never done any thing to help the development of a server
9.i have Skype but it's not working at the moment.
10. i'v only played minecraft for a year or so but if you go to the creative server on play.craftcadia.com (my plot id is "39:9") you can see my building skills.
01/08/2014 1:38 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Libbis's Avatar
1. How old are you? 13

2. What position are you looking for? Any but either Mod or if possibly Admin.

3. Experience in position(s)? Ihave lots of expirence with them, I know most commands to most plguins, I know when certain things are nessarcey to do. My Number of staff on server is 27 mod 20 admin and 3 Head admin/Co-Owner

4. What is your specialty in Minecraft? Mainly knowing how to do things and helping others i can also build but not Gigantic Stuff.

5. Hour available during weekday and weekends? Well im on holidays right now so any time, But When i goto school rounding from 3-5 Hours and weekends is any unless im going somewhere

6. How you could make the server better, or how you could help it? I could help you notice players for extreme skills or niceness or something like that, I can also help with kicking, jail etc. When it is neccarsey

7. Why should I pick you? Because i am a Nice person that doesent get angry easy, I love helping people in what matter of state they need except redstone.

8.Ign? ethanlibbis

9.Skype? Ethan.Libbis

10. Hi

Sincerly~ Ethan
01/08/2014 1:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
SwiftFX's Avatar
Here is my application it answers everything you wanted
Hi my name is Lachie, I am from Australia and my IGN is lachlan_czumak and my age is private.
Do I have a mic yes, ask me for skype.
how good am i at building 6/10
how good am i at redstone 6/10
Plugins 10/10
Groupmanager 10/10
Perms 10/10
I am applying for Staff this server because I would love to be apart of the community.
There are loads of good reasons for me Help protecting and helping players out.
My Experiences of being a staff member:
I have loads of experience of being a staff member for all these reasons listed:
Helping players, Monitoring players, Answering questions, Being kind, Stopping people grief, and helping staff etc.
Staff ranks I have been: Co-Owner , moderator, Admin, and owner on 1 server.

What can I do to help this server:
I can do help this server with loads of complicated and basic things such as, plugins watching and helping players.
I can be on the server 8 hours a day, and more on other days.
I will give 100% to this server .
Sometimes you will come across people that spam and curse which I don't tolerate, this is because I want to give all players GREAT experience on this server.

How good am I with perms and plugins: 10/10. I have had 2 servers before which I have owned And cost me $20 A month, I had to setup everything by my self then I recruited staff.
I can do perms for staff ranks and for player ranks.
How good am I with WorldGuard + Worldedit, I am really good with these they save a lot of time and hastle.
I can do almost anything involving perms, PermissionsEX, Plugins, Building etc.

What would be my Best rank and why?: My best rank would be Moderator and Admin, the reasons why are because these ranks you have to be trusted and experienced.
These ranks also show that you are loyal and protective over servers, and you will do anything to stop griefers and ddossers.

how mature am i 9/10
I am really mature when it comes to servers, this is because it is respecting everyone.
How trustworthy am i 9/10
You don't know what age group will be playing this server too so being mature isn't hard at all it is being professional.
I have laughs all the time but if they are rude I will keep them to my self.
Maturity is what everyone should have.

Being respectful:
I love being respectful because you get it back too.
This server has a load of respect towards staff members and players, this is good for new players that join.
Experiences:I am good at plugins and more, There are some weeknesses but I can make them strong I can help this server with perms plugins and more
What would this mean to me:
This would mean a lot to me this is because this Seems like a great server, And hopefully lots of great players and staff.

Thanks for reading my app Hope the best. P.S I will be on a lot.
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