Enchanted Mc - Hiring Staff!

Camer04's Avatar Camer049/22/15 8:44 pm
10/2/2015 4:27 pm
Camer04's Avatar Camer04
Enchanted Mc

Enchanted Mc is an upcoming factions server that I have put together, this server runs on 90% custom plugins, all written by me. I am getting ready to rent the servers and open the server, but before I do that I need to put together a staff team to manage the server. I am looking for the following ranks:

Moderator(4/3) - Closed, thanks!


Youtuber(0/1) - Paid position, looking for someone with 3 000 - 10 000 subscribers. PM me on here, or on enchanted-mc.net/forum (recommended) with some info about yourself and a link to your channel.

Note that I am also looking for admins but I don't want to just hand that rank out, one moderator will be promoted around the time that I open up the server publicly.


The format for applications is available on our forum: enchanted-mc.net/forum
Posted by Camer04's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Network

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10/02/2015 4:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
10/01/2015 5:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
bump, added youtuber rank!
09/30/2015 4:16 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/29/2015 5:33 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MinecraftTrouble's Avatar
Not to be pushy or anything, but can you read my application on the first page?
09/29/2015 8:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
You didn't use the proper format, and if you read the full post it says to apply on our website; enchanted-mc.net
09/29/2015 5:06 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/28/2015 4:56 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/27/2015 2:48 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
I know I can't really force you
and your server name doesn't exactly match my server name,
but it annoys me that we "kinda" share the same name.

I think it's up to you if you wan't to do anything about it...
09/27/2015 5:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
Great minds think alike, how did you even find this? But no, I won't change my server name, I've already bought the domain
09/27/2015 1:29 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
_Insane's Avatar
Enchanted Mc

Enchanted Mc is an upcoming factions server that I have put together, this server runs on 90% custom plugins, all written by me. I am getting ready to rent the servers and open the server, but before I do that I need to put together a staff team to manage the server. I am looking for the following ranks:



Note that I am also looking for admins but I don't want to just hand that rank out, one moderator will be promoted around the time that I open up the server publicly.


The format for applications is available on our forum: enchanted-mc.net/forum

I'm not applying, but you should do enchanted-mc.net/forum instead of just enchanted-mc.net/forum.
09/27/2015 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MinecraftTrouble's Avatar
In-Game Name: BlazeCrafterMC

Age: 14

Have you ever been banned(if so, why?): No, i Haven't been banned

Do you have skype: Yes i do have Skype and it is: MinecraftMinner69

Will you be active on the forums: Yes i will be active on the forums almost daily.

Will you be active on the server: I will be on the server, every day, unless something major happens

How often can you be on the server each day: I will Online on the server for about 3-5 hours each work day, and about 5-8 hours on non-work days.

What would you rate yourself on Common Sense: I would rate my common sense as a 8.

What would you rate yourself on your speaking skills: I would honestly rate myself as a 7 for speaking skills, as i do sometimes stutter when nervous.

What would you rate yourself on maturity: I would rate my self as a 9 on maturity, as i Am a Polite Young man.

Is English you first language: Yes English is my First Language.

(At least a full paragraph or more for the following)

Tell us about yourself: My name is Jeremy A. Hill, I was Born into a family on August 24th, 2001, which makes me 14 years old yesterday. I am involved in Fall Sports such as Soccer, and Cross Country. I also have a older and a younger brother who if your on Skype with me, will hear either one of them, but that is rare. I Love to read, and Help others as I am the Class President of my High school 9th grade, I also, am a Ambitious Young Studious Fellow with a passion to succeed, and to help others Succeed.

What do you have to offer the server: I Can offer to the server my coding skills, Cheerfulness, my denoted sense of being Optimistic, and most importantly my time, and Devoted love to the server. I can Help Out where ever needed, as well as any time needed, unless i have school, or work. I Can Help Code a new Website, with a free domain, and Hosting, also i could help develop the server into a new era of excellence.

Why should you be chosen for Staff: I feel that i should be chosen for staff as i am a good Person, with good standings with the server's population. I also have experience of staff on a server as i was a Helper on CriticalMC, and i also used to own a network, until i shut down due to lack of funds. I know that you might not chose me, but i will still make time in my life to Come and play, hang out, and have fun on this server.

Describe what makes a good leader: I am a good leader, as i have a good heart, very optimistic, and very devoted to things. One thing that i am very devoted to is Helping everyone succeed in their daily lives, with short term goals, as well as Long term Achievements. I have received several awards acknowledging these things, such as the Leader of the Month, National Honors Society, and many other awards. Almost everyone that has met me has said that i am a very good leader, with abilities that are amazing for a boy my age.

Describe how you would and could be a good leader and role-model on the server: I will help Bring People onto the server, and help them learn and grasp the concept of this server. I will also Deliver Consequences when i fell appropriate, and help them understand what they did wrong, and try to make them see how to change, so it won't happen again.
09/27/2015 1:19 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/26/2015 2:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/23/2015 5:52 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
09/23/2015 4:05 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
Name: Nick
Age: 16
Skype: if I am accept I will pm you my skype
Gender: Male
Why should I make you staff: You should make me staff because I have a lot of experience that will help me help the server out the best I can, I am a very friendly person who can keep cool when someone is trying to make me mad, I am good with many in game things like watching over players and going undercover to watch staff members that could be abusing. I am also good at making sure the players are following the rules and having the best time that they can.
Why is your application better than the others: Honestly, I am not sure what makes my application better, sure I may be able to do things others might not be able to but that doesn't exactly make my application better then the others
Staff Experience: My experience as a staff member is very vast as I have been playing minecraft for 5 years now and 4 of the 5 years I have been staff on many servers and I have owned my own server multiple times as well. the ranks I have been would be: Owner, Co-Owner, Head_Admin, Admin, Mod, and helper, so I have pretty much been every rank that would be possible for a person to get on a minecraft server
Maturity: My maturity depends on the situation, if it's serious I will be completely mature so about a 8/10 but if it's you know not so serious and we are all just messing around it's about a 5/10
How often can you play: I can play as long as I'm not at school which is from 6am to 2:30 pm my time.
Time zone:(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
How long have you had mine craft: 5 years

What would you do if someone was cursing at you: If someone is cursing at me I would politely ask them to stop, and if they continued I would mute them for 5 mins and after that if they continued I would mute them for longer and if they still choose to be disrespectful I will bring it up with a higher rank and see what they think should be done to the player and if needed I will temp ban the players if I don't have a chance to talk to a higher ranking staff member
What would you do if someone was trying to get you to give them items:If someone was asking me for items I would explain to them that it is against the staff rules for a staff member to give out items, and if he continued to beg and pester me I would warn him that he will get muted if he doesn't stop
What would you do if there was a grief, and you didn't catch who did it: I would ask around to see if anyone witnessed who did the grief or I would use my resources to try and figure out who did it, alternatively I would set up a honey pot where I would sit in wait at the time the other build was griefed and try and catch the person who did it.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time: I enjoy watching anime and hanging out with my friends, I enjoy talking on skype with my friends as well.
Coke or Pepsi: Honestly I like them both but I kinda like Pepsi a bit more then Coke because it doesn't have the sweet taste that Coke has.
Other:[ I didn't see any application format so I used my own to apply for the server, have a nice day

Thanks for applying, I forgot to post the website link last night but please apply using our format on our website: enchanted-mc.net/forum (Just copy-paste whatever you can), sorry about that.
09/22/2015 9:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxBeastPlayerxX's Avatar
What's the ip?
09/23/2015 3:59 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Camer04's Avatar
The IP will be given to accepted staff members one the server opens.
09/22/2015 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mrfishtanx's Avatar
Name: Nick
Age: 16
Skype: if I am accept I will pm you my skype
Gender: Male
Why should I make you staff: You should make me staff because I have a lot of experience that will help me help the server out the best I can, I am a very friendly person who can keep cool when someone is trying to make me mad, I am good with many in game things like watching over players and going undercover to watch staff members that could be abusing. I am also good at making sure the players are following the rules and having the best time that they can.
Why is your application better than the others: Honestly, I am not sure what makes my application better, sure I may be able to do things others might not be able to but that doesn't exactly make my application better then the others
Staff Experience: My experience as a staff member is very vast as I have been playing minecraft for 5 years now and 4 of the 5 years I have been staff on many servers and I have owned my own server multiple times as well. the ranks I have been would be: Owner, Co-Owner, Head_Admin, Admin, Mod, and helper, so I have pretty much been every rank that would be possible for a person to get on a minecraft server
Maturity: My maturity depends on the situation, if it's serious I will be completely mature so about a 8/10 but if it's you know not so serious and we are all just messing around it's about a 5/10
How often can you play: I can play as long as I'm not at school which is from 6am to 2:30 pm my time.
Time zone:(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
How long have you had mine craft: 5 years

What would you do if someone was cursing at you: If someone is cursing at me I would politely ask them to stop, and if they continued I would mute them for 5 mins and after that if they continued I would mute them for longer and if they still choose to be disrespectful I will bring it up with a higher rank and see what they think should be done to the player and if needed I will temp ban the players if I don't have a chance to talk to a higher ranking staff member
What would you do if someone was trying to get you to give them items:If someone was asking me for items I would explain to them that it is against the staff rules for a staff member to give out items, and if he continued to beg and pester me I would warn him that he will get muted if he doesn't stop
What would you do if there was a grief, and you didn't catch who did it: I would ask around to see if anyone witnessed who did the grief or I would use my resources to try and figure out who did it, alternatively I would set up a honey pot where I would sit in wait at the time the other build was griefed and try and catch the person who did it.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time: I enjoy watching anime and hanging out with my friends, I enjoy talking on skype with my friends as well.
Coke or Pepsi: Honestly I like them both but I kinda like Pepsi a bit more then Coke because it doesn't have the sweet taste that Coke has.
Other:[ I didn't see any application format so I used my own to apply for the server, have a nice day
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