ExplorerCraft 1.6.2---Hermitcraft/MindCrack like server

lbpawesome1's Avatar lbpawesome17/24/13 2:38 pm
1 emeralds 2.2k 41
10/25/2013 6:33 pm
Jura_j's Avatar Jura_j
Hello I have just started a Minecraft Server called ExplorerCraft 1.6.2 I'm recruiting about 12 players that will be active on the server so here is the application:

How long you've been playing:
Why you should be accepted:
Building Skills(1-10)
Redstone Skills(1-10)
Skype Name(if possible)
Youtuber (yes or no)
Why you like Minecraft
And do you like puppies:
Posted by lbpawesome1's Avatar
Level 24 : Expert Crafter

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07/25/2013 12:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xn2r_cowboy_xlz's Avatar
Name: Sam Rudkin
IGN: xN2R_cowboy_XLz
How long you've been playing: 3 years
Why you should be accepted: I want to play on a server were people dont grief meh
Building Skills(1-10): 8
Redstone Skills(1-10): 7
Youtuber (yes or no): nope
Why you like Minecraft: Who dosent ?
And do you like puppies: FUKIN ELL YESS

- from the uk by the way
07/26/2013 7:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ExentoryStudios's Avatar
Name: Bram Korsten
IGN: ExentoryStudios
Age: 16
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: i LOVE BUILDING AND REDSTONE
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 8
Skype Name(if possible) BrammyKorsten
Youtuber (yes or no) YES www.youtube.com/exentory
Why you like Minecraft I LOVE BUiLDING
And do you like puppies: OFCOURCE
07/26/2013 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
redyoshi99's Avatar
How long you've been playing:since Beta 1.7
Why you should be accepted:I love building, have an above average understanding of redstone, and am a mature, friendly player
Building Skills(1-10): 9
Redstone Skills(1-10): 7
Skype Name(if possible): redyoshi99 (no mike)
Youtuber (yes or no) no
Why you like Minecraft: It is a very fun game where my wild imagination can run free
And do you like puppies: yes
07/27/2013 1:22 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
lbpawesome1's Avatar
Your in! Ip is
07/26/2013 7:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
Name: Jason Irias
IGN: jayjay0101
Age: 15
How long you've been playing: 2.5 years
Why you should be accepted: I love this idea of having only a small amount of people on a server, which would bring dedication from me. I also think I should be accepted because I am mature, helpful, and overall a great guy
Building Skills(1-10) 8.3
Redstone Skills(1-10)7.4
Skype Name(if possible) jasoni0101
Youtuber (yes or no) No (However once my Alienware computer ships yes)
Why you like Minecraft: I love minecraft becuase it gives kids and adults a chance to express themselves, and be who they truly are. I also like it because there is alitte of everything, Creative for builders, PVP for action lovers, And servers for people to have a good time with others.
And do you like puppies: I LUV EM! I HAVE 2 MYSELF!

07/27/2013 1:23 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
lbpawesome1's Avatar
You have just been acepted! Ip is:
07/27/2013 1:22 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
lbpawesome1's Avatar
ExentoryStudiosName: Bram Korsten
IGN: ExentoryStudios
Age: 16
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: i LOVE BUILDING AND REDSTONE
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 8
Skype Name(if possible) BrammyKorsten
Youtuber (yes or no) YES http://www.youtube.com/exentory
Why you like Minecraft I LOVE BUiLDING
And do you like puppies: OFCOURCE

You are accepted! Ip
07/27/2013 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Flaxxy's Avatar
Name: Megan Key
IGN: marksmax
Age: 15
How long you've been playing: About 2 years
Why you should be accepted: I would love to be part of a server with only a few people and build and play around on
Building Skills(1-10) 8.5
Redstone Skills(1-10) 6
Skype Name(if possible) marks.max.
Youtuber (yes or no) No
Why you like Minecraft: I love Minecraft because it gives you complete freedom in what you do and the community built around it is amazing.
And do you like puppies: Yep but i like kittens more
07/27/2013 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MrKlaud's Avatar
Hello my name is klaud and this is my app:

- My IGN is Klaudijus44

- I'am 16 years old

- I have been playing minecraft for almost 2 years and enjoying every moment

- You should accept me on the server because i'm a goofy, friendly guy who likes chatting with others and building

- My building skill is 7-ish, creative moments come and goes to me and i have the attention span of a spoon but when I do finish a project it turns out quite good

- My redstone skill is about 4, i know how that stuff works but i wouldn't be any help if someone wanted some assistance

- My skype is Mrklauduk

- My computer could record minecraft but I'm saving up for a new one.. so no

- I like minecraft especially, multiplayer because you can meet alot of interesting and fun people and the building aspect.

- I always wanted a puppy or a dog
07/27/2013 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lucas28's Avatar
Name: Lucas Underwood
IGN: sushiboy28
Age: 14
How long you've been playing: ! and a quarter years
Why you should be accepted: Because I will be a great asset to the server. I will help others out and be a good Minecraft citizen
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 6
Skype Name(if possible) lucas61234
Youtuber (yes or no) No sorry
Why you like Minecraft I like Minecraft because its a sandbox and I can use my creativity. Plus I like caving alot.
I love Puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/28/2013 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Honeyrod's Avatar
Name: Morgan Graves
IGN: Honeyrod
Age: 16
How long you've been playing: since beta
Why you should be accepted: I am good at survival and do not grief
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 5
Skype Name(if possible) Bluetumbas
Youtuber (yes or no) no
Why you like Minecraft: I love the freedom and that it can be played in so many different ways
And do you like puppies: yes, but prefer snakes
07/28/2013 4:42 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
TheCrazyPanda's Avatar
Name: Luke
IGN: Superluke120
Age: 16
How long you've been playing: 2 Years.
Why you should be accepted: I really really want to find a survival server.
Building Skills(1-10): If I actually try hard and plan it all out etc, 8/10
Redstone Skills(1-10): Again, if I am doing a long term project with redstone I can probably manage alot, so i'd say 7/10
Skype Name(if possible): --------------------
Youtuber (yes or no): Nope, sorry
Why you like Minecraft: Because it's life consuming haha
And do you like puppies: Yep, but cats are more entertaining to watch screw around
07/28/2013 4:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pyroninjapig's Avatar
Name: Fred
IGN: pyroninjapig
Age: 15
How long you've been playing: Since 1.1
Why you should be accepted: I moderately know what I'm doing, most of the time. And I work well with people.
Building Skills: 7.6ish
Redstone skills: 6 but learning more.
Skype: working on getting one
Youtube: no
Why like minecraft?: better than a game where the goal is to shoot people with guns.
Why puppies? Cuz they're fluffy.
07/28/2013 10:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dottres's Avatar
Name: Tanner
Mc username: Dotres
IGN: Dottres
Age: 16
How long you've been playing: 2-3 years, maybe beta 1.2ish ( i don't remember exactly)
Why you should be accepted: i should be accepted because i am a kind person looking for a server and some buds to play with. i dont want to go on those massive servers that use bukkit, because that takes most of the fun away, right? Vanilla is the way to play and it always will.
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 4
Skype Name(if possible) Tannercolsonpc
Youtuber (yes or no) yes, my yt: Dottres
Why you like Minecraft: I like minecraft because it is an escape from stress in the real world and it is simply fun. It's kinda addicting aswell. back when my friend showed it to me i thought it was a little bit lame, then i played it on his computer and i was addicted to it. within a mater of days i had my own account. (side note: that friend is now the owner of a server Called Simply Crafted, its pretty successful) how ever that is a bukkit server, so i dont play on it :/
And do you like puppies: Indeed i do, i have a very young Australian Sheppard

Thank you for reading this and i hope to hear back.
07/28/2013 11:49 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Cooper38365's Avatar
How long you've been playing: Since Beta 1.7.3
Why you should be accepted: I will be very dedicated and a frequent player. I enjoy playing with a nice community and would love to play in this one
Building Skills(1-10) 7.5
Redstone Skills(1-10) 6
Skype Name(if possible) Cooper38365
Youtuber (yes or no) Not at the moment, but i will get into it soon
Why you like Minecraft I love sandbox games, and Minecraft is the best one I have ever seen. Also, I love the great community it has.
And do you like puppies: I love puppies
07/29/2013 1:19 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
JustifiedJoe's Avatar
Name: Joe!
IGN: xReapzJ
Age: 15
How long you've been playing: roughly since Alpha, so about a year and a half now!
Why you should be accepted: I love small community ran servers like HermitCraft/MindCrack and I like to do my own thing without getting interrupted
Building Skills(1-10) - I'd say around 8 but I like to build in my own style.
Redstone Skills(1-10) I enjoy using redstone and know the ins and outs of it so i'd say 9!
Skype Name(if possible) JustifyedJoe
Youtuber (yes or no) yes, I can/and will record upto 1080p HD videos
Why you like Minecraft - Great flexiblity in what you can do and it's a lovely being able to do whatever you want whenever you want!
And do you like puppies: I eat them if that counts?
07/29/2013 9:37 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ConmanM's Avatar
Name: Connor
IGN: ConmanM
Age: 11
How long you've been playing:2 Years
Why you should be accepted: I Am A Fan Of MindCrack And HermitCraft And I've Been Wanting To Get In To A Server With People You Can Trust For Like A Year Now
Building Skills(1-10): 8
Redstone Skills(1-10): 2
Skype Name(if possible): Don't Have One Sorry
Youtuber (yes or no): Not Yet
Why you like Minecraft: Because Its Awesome And You Can Do Whatever You Want
And do you like puppies: Who Doesn't

One More Thing I Don't Greif I Am A Mature Respectful Person And I'm Really Hoping To Get In!!!
07/29/2013 9:51 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
ellytheverypro's Avatar
Name: elly
IGN: ellytheverypro
Age: 13
How long you've been playing: since minecraft 1.3 (not telling a lie :p )
Why you should be accepted: I have a very creative mind, often inspiring others with it. Although I do not usually 'inspire' others in minecraft, I think that using this oppoturnity, I will. I am very cheerful and not willing to be mad just becasue someone else is being a jerk. I treat things calmly and will offer the best of me to anyone, anything.
Building Skills(1-10) 9
Redstone Skills(1-10) 4
Skype Name(if possible) elliottwan123 (please message me on skype if i got invited please.)
Youtuber (yes or no) yes, although not that sucessful :p
Why you like Minecraft I love minecraft because it lets me use my creative personality to use a simple block and make it something that I call a masterpiece. Minecraft lets me do what I can't do; fight zombies, make a minigame, have potions of invisibility, and survive. I love survival and building, although I would gladly prefer survival over building when I need too.
And do you like puppies: yes, they are very cute and clean, although sometimes you dont want them to wake you up in a middle of a nice dream
07/29/2013 1:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Specialkplaysmc's Avatar
Name: Reese
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: Because I love mindcrack and I have been looking for a server that I could join like it.
Building Skills(1-10) 6-7
Redstone Skills(1-10)3-4
Skype Name(if possible) Specialkplaysmc
Youtuber (yes or no) yes Specialkplaysmc
Why you like Minecraft: Because it is very fun.
And do you like puppies: WTH do you think
07/29/2013 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ConmanM's Avatar
Did Anyone Get In Yet Please Reply
07/29/2013 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
JustifiedJoe's Avatar
I haven't been PM'd i don't know whether that's because he hasn't been on or I haven't got in, not sure
07/30/2013 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ConmanM's Avatar
Ok Thanks For Replying
07/29/2013 11:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ritz2011's Avatar
07/30/2013 11:02 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
zachattackz's Avatar
Name:Zachary Nelson
How long you've been playing:Since alpha
Why you should be accepted:I love being in friendly communities to build in
Building Skills(1-10) 8
Redstone Skills(1-10) 4
Skype Name(if possible) zachattcks
Youtuber (yes or no) I do twitch.tv
Why you like Minecraft:I love how you meet new people and work togather
And do you like puppies:YESSS
07/31/2013 1:47 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
wijjii's Avatar
Name:William(Will tell rest if accepted)
How long you've been playing: Early Alpha
Why you should be accepted:I'm Kind, I love to play with people, I'd love to pe a part of a "Network"
Building Skills(1-10) Depends on what i'm building, generally 7
Redstone Skills(1-10) 9-10
Skype Name(if possible) druid.eildor
Youtuber (yes or no) Yes (MrWijjii)
Why you like Minecraft: Exploring, Building, Redstone, Randomisation
And do you like puppies: Maybe
07/31/2013 4:08 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pokemon
Rocketmann9000's Avatar
Name: Drake
IGN: Rocketmann9000
How long you've been playing: 1 year now
Why you should be accepted: I enjoy playing with others and I'm online quite often
Building Skills(1-10) 5
Redstone Skills(1-10) 4
Skype Name(if possible) Rocketmann9000
Youtuber (yes or no) not yet
Why you like : the exploration aspect of the game, and the loud call for teamwork and cooperation.
And do you like puppies: Heck Yeah
08/01/2013 6:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Danielson2099's Avatar
How long you've been playing:2 years
Why you should be accepted:I love mindcrack and ill help out
Building Skills(1-10)8
Redstone Skills(1-10)6
Skype Name(if possible)Daniel.Bonanno4
Youtuber (yes or no)I will record if needed
Why you like Minecraft: cause its a great game
And do you like puppies:HELL YEA
08/09/2013 8:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
dst83's Avatar
How long you've been playing: since beta 1.7
Why you should be accepted: I'm a pretty good builder I'm also nice to all players and i stay up pretty late so ill probably be on the server for a while
Building Skills(1-10): 8
Redstone Skills(1-10): 6
Skype Name(if possible): Dst83
Youtuber (yes or no): no
Why you like Minecraft: its fun to build new things and to go exploring in a world that has never before been generated
And do you like puppies: Of course who dosent?
08/10/2013 9:41 am
Level 1 : New Network
Xiolage's Avatar
Name: Ross (or CMONDEN)
Age: 15
How long you've been playing: Since alpha 1.2.5
Why you should be accepted: I Think i should be whitelisted because i would love to help out And Enjoy the feeling of being in a Mindcrack like server! i would love to Chat and Play minecraft Build things and Even have pranks done to me :3 I Also have 128 Subscribers Very Active and Watch all my Videos! It would Be an Honor to Get on your Server!
Building Skills(1-10) 9
Redstone Skills(1-10) 8
Skype Name(if possible) the.van.man
Youtuber (yes or no) yes
Why you like Minecraft Minecraft is the game that started it All for me! Minecraft is An amazing Block placing game that has alot of fans and People who enjoy buliding and creating Features
And do you like puppies: Yeahh! Ofc i love puppies they are too cute and fluffy THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! ^-^
08/28/2013 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
G0ldRushHD's Avatar
Name:Serkan Marasli
How long you've been playing: 2 And A Half Years
Why you should be accepted:I love being in friendly communities to build in and i hate griefers and i would like to record for youtube
Building Skills(1-10) 9
Redstone Skills(1-10) 5-6
Skype Name(if possible) serkan.marasli
Youtuber (yes or no) yes
Why you like Minecraft:I love how you meet new people and work together and i love to build.
And do you like puppies:YESS
08/30/2013 12:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
blacklightning673's Avatar
How long you've been playing:2 years
Why you should be accepted: I would really love to join a mindcrack like server to have some fun with other people with out them stabing you in the back like in factions
Building Skills(1-10)7
Redstone Skills(1-10)7.5
Skype Name(if possible)gummyavenger999
Youtuber (yes or no) yes I want some thing to start recording on
Why you like Minecraft it is a place where i can get away from the real world
And do you like puppies: yes
09/19/2013 12:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dragonz2112's Avatar
-My name is Julian Zepeda.

-My In-Game-Name is Dragonz2112

-Age: 13

-I've been playing (and immensely enjoying) MineCraft for 2 years.

-I should be accepted because I am very friendly and I am a RedStone master. I want to get on this server and make new friends, ones who won't grief and steal from me. I've also wanted to be on a private server as well.

-Building Skills=6

-Redstone Skills=10

-Skype Name is Dragonz2112

-Youtuber- Planning on recording a series on your server, if you allow me.

-I love MineCraft because it is endless fun. There is no limit to what you can do, and I just love making RedStone contraptions. I love making new friends on servers and building RedStone stuff for people.

-I love Puppies! I have 6 of them! I NEED MORE!

-Thank you- Dragonz2112
10/03/2013 4:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ChaoticoMC's Avatar
Name: Kevin Ramsey
IGN: ChaoticoMC
Age: 18
How long you've been playing: approximately 1.5-2 years
Why you should be accepted: because I am active on minecraft, and more often than not I am playing MC
Building Skills(1-10): 9
Redstone Skills(1-10): 7
Skype Name(if possible): ChaoticoMC aka Soulurvivor
Youtuber (yes or no): Yes
Why you like Minecraft: cuz its awesome
And do you like puppies: yes
10/03/2013 5:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
corndog1003's Avatar
Name: Jared Hankla
IGN: corndog103
Age: 14
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: Because I've been in two Mindcrack like server and know the rules and how everything works.
Building Skills(1-10) 9
Redstone Skills(1-10)5
Skype Name(if possible) corndog103
Youtuber (yes or no) Yes
Why you like Minecraft Because theirs no objective no goal you just do what you want.
And do you like puppies: Who the hell don't!
10/03/2013 11:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Omakau4life's Avatar
Name: Jay M
IGN: Omakau4life
Age: 14
How long you've been playing: 4 years
Why you should be accepted: Because i love servers like this and love building in communitys
Building Skills(1-10) 9
Redstone Skills(1-10)8
Skype Name(if possible) Miller18658
Youtuber (yes or no) No
Why you like Minecraft: Because it is limitless and you can be creative
10/03/2013 11:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Omakau4life's Avatar
And i love puppies
10/04/2013 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KookieNomster12's Avatar
Name:Jonah Garcia
How Long been playing: almost 3 years
Why i should be accepted: ive been looking for a server like this forever im very trustworthy and i love to build and have fun with other people.
Building skills: 8 and a half
redstone skills: 5 maybe 6
skype: sorry no skype
why i like minecraft: I love being able to play with others and i love to build
DO i like puppies?: YES (my favorite is a husky)

Please accept this i would love to play on this server im kind and trustworthy and would love to play with you.
10/04/2013 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KookieNomster12's Avatar
Oh and Youtube:sorry no but still i would love to play
10/05/2013 12:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KookieNomster12's Avatar
Please i would love to join a server like this please reply
10/25/2013 6:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jura_j's Avatar
Name: Juraj Stefanic
IGN: Jura_j
Age: 14
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: because i want to play on some quite, non-disturbing server
Building Skills(1-10)- 8,5
Redstone Skills(1-10)- 8,5
Skype Name(if possible)- juraj.stefanic
Youtuber (yes or no)- Started 2-3 days ago
Why you like Minecraft- because there is no limit to my imagination
And do you like puppies- of course i do!
10/25/2013 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jura_j's Avatar
Name: Juraj Stefanic
IGN: Jura_j
Age: 14
How long you've been playing: 2 years
Why you should be accepted: because i want to play on some quite, non-disturbing server
Building Skills(1-10)- 8,5
Redstone Skills(1-10)- 8,5
Skype Name(if possible)- juraj.stefanic
Youtuber (yes or no)- Started 2-3 days ago
Why you like Minecraft- because there is no limit to my imagination
And do you like puppies- of course i do!
Planet Minecraft


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