Faction Server Under Build {Need Staff And Builders}

VexroYT's Avatar VexroYT6/23/16 7:01 am
1 emeralds 406 8
6/24/2016 7:02 am
Kaybro's Avatar Kaybro
Hello there. I am a server owner looking for staff and a build team. As of now, I have no staff and the server has been freshly started. I will be needing builders to build the areas/spawn and staff to keep the server on the track. We also need a name needed to start the server. Here is what is availible and what has to be done -

Staff Ranks -
Jr Mod
Jr Admin
Chat moderator
Social Media Manager
Video/trailer maker

- How old are you?
- Whats your name?
- Whats your skype?
- Where are you from?
- Time zone?
- What rank are you going for?
- Why should we choose you over anyone else?
- What will you bring to the server?
- How will you benifite us in a good way?
- How often can you get on?
- What is your past experience?
- Any other info?

Good luck to all of you Will respond to everyone <3
Posted by VexroYT's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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06/24/2016 7:02 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Kaybro's Avatar
- How old are you?


- Whats your name?


- Whats your skype?

Kaybroplaysmc ( it's an old name xc )

- Where are you from?

Pennsylvania, USA.

- Time zone?


- What rank are you going for?

Preferably moderator.

- Why should we choose you over anyone else?

I have had plenty of experiences as a staff member in the past and know how to handle most mild situations. I am not the best at building, but I can make amends if it is required. I'm also a rather fast learner and can adjust quickly to many situations.

- What will you bring to the server?

My top priority as a Moderator would be as the title implies -- moderating. I would make sure there is a safe and welcoming environment for new and long-time players, and help wherever I am needed. I like to consider myself a fairly kind person, while I'm also very set to rules and conscious of enforcing them in the most effective and player-friendly way. I'd look over everything and help to my abilities to treat issues as they arise meanwhile helping around.

- How will you benefit us in a good way?

First off, I prefer to listen to both sides of an argument and get input from a third party before making a decision in any intense situations. I'm very flexible and creative, so I could also help when transitioning from one thing to the next and encouraging players to grow used to any big changes. Finally, I believe that all players sound be treated equally, so if I see that that's not happening, I will do my best to take action and confront the issue.

- How often can you get on?

About 5-7 hours daily.

- What is your past experience?

Co-owner x 2, admin x 2, moderator x 3, other staff specific to a server (such as guard) x 2

- Any other info?
06/23/2016 8:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kitghost's Avatar
- How old are you?

I Am 16 Years Of Age and Male

- Whats your name?

My Real name Is Kamryn While my MC Name is kitghost

- Whats your skype?

kitghost/kit kat

- Where are you from?


- Time zone?

Pacific Time Zone

- What rank are you going for?

Realistically ill take anything I can get but if I had to choose one I would go with either Helper, Builder, Mod, Admin Or video/trailer maker . (I love making videos it has been a hobby of mine for a long time and I am currently taking a film course in high school.

- Why should we choose you over anyone else?

Well For one people who make videos are rare. Also I just enjoy being friendly and helping people out alot!

- What will you bring to the server?

Either video editing skills or I could be a friendly mod/admin

- How will you *benefit us in a good way?

(This question is similar to the last question) But I am great at helping people on the server and being friendly and I would sit with sombody for an hour helping them if I have to.

- How often can you get on?

During the summer probably almost the entire day most days
During school only after 3:00 Pacific Time Zone

- What is your past experience?

I have been Admin, Head Admin, Builder, and Co-Owner on multiple different servers. (I could probably get somebody to say i'm good at it if you wanted)

- Any other info?

I just really enjoy helping people. Thats about it. Also I tried to keep my awnsers short so you dont have to read as much

I also forgot to mention I can build pretty well if the job requires it
06/23/2016 8:45 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MimiTheNooblet's Avatar
- How old are you? 11 (I'm young but I'm kinda mature for my age)
- Whats your name? MimiTheNooblet
- Whats your skype? I don't have one right now but I could make one and it would be MimiTheNooblet
- Where are you from? Utah but currently in Washington state
- Time zone? Pacific
- What rank are you going for? Chat moderator
- Why should we choose you over anyone else? Cause I know what to do to stop fights and if I get /mute I will not abuse it.
- What will you bring to the server? I will bring kindness and my friends possibly (about 4 players)
- How will you benefit us in a good way? I will build if I need to and will get rid of annoying or offensive players.
- How often can you get on? Very often, I play Minecraft almost all day over the summer. Not so much during school though.
- What is your past experience? I own a small server myself and have never been banned (accept one time for the stupidest reason :p) and have been admin on a server.
- Any other info? Not really :p
06/23/2016 8:10 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Nerd
BonzoDoot's Avatar
- How old are you?


- Whats your name?


- Whats your skype?


- Where are you from?

Pennsylvania, USA

- Time zone?

Eastern Standard Time (It's 8:05 when I'm sending this.

- What rank are you going for?

Trailer maker and/or Moderator

- Why should we choose you over anyone else?

I have experience in moderating a server, owning a private server, and video-making.

- What will you bring to the server?

My Badger Army.

- How will you benifite us in a good way?

As a moderator, I can be fun but also forceful if someone is doing something wrong.

- How often can you get on?

Over the summer:
Most days after noon, and any time on weekends.

I'm not sure.

- What is your past experience?

I have experience in moderating a server, owning a private server, and video-making.

- Any other info?

06/23/2016 5:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
thehugemuffin's Avatar
In-game username: Thehugemuffin (Made it in 2nd grade let me be)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: Central, Midwest. (Further Info can be given if necessary)
What is your skype [required]: Robert.Smith8745
How many hours can you contribute on skype everyday: 2. 3 max.
How many hours can you contribute towards the server everyday:1-3. 4 max.
How long have you been playing Minecraft:Since the patch after Beta I believe.
Previous experiences as a staff member: Admin 4x, Co-Leader 6x,
What makes you a worthwhile staff member:
Why we should choose you: I am a friendly person. I consider myself intelligent and just have a passion for minecraft. I enjoy being social being an only child, so working with the other staff team would be awesome for me! I have great experience, I offer great flexibility and variety, as stated below if you ever needed to I could do more then just my Admin duties. I have extreme loyalty meaning anytime I devote will be solely to this server. I have good judgement making skills when I can’t consult with others and have a sense of community. I have energy and finish what I start, and I think I am a good builder as well. I have attention to detail and am the best person for what you are looking for!!
Extra comments [optional]:
Hey! So I will be applying for the Administrator position on CrimsonRealms! I am and plan to maintain my activeness on Minecraft and it would only skyrocket if I had the opportunity to logon everyday to an amazing server that I get to help, so being active would not be a problem! I’ll kill two birds with one stone and start out saying that I am turning 16 next month so it knocks out the age requirement and find myself to be extremely mature. Mature in the sense that I’m fully developed physically haha. But to be serious I love to joke around and enjoy myself but will become serious not only on my call when I think I need to but when someone else needs to me to call on the more mature side I for sure will. I am very knowledgeable. Knowledgeable not only in the sense that I’m intelligent in school, do extra curricular activities that would label me smart but I know a lot about minecraft. Thanks to school I have taken ICS, a C++ class, AP ICS (College Programming), and a specific class for Java. I can rewrite, write, read, disassemble any code pretty much. So if the duty calls I can also program and I have been playing minecraft since 1.1.5, so maybe 5-6 years or more. I am extremely friendly, I am very social with kids my age, love little kids since I work as a part time babysitter over the summer and interact with adults. I know how to be nice even if me as the receiving end isn’t getting the same treatment. I believe my resume would show I am an extremely experienced person in this area. Also, I forgot to mention that I took a break of Minecraft last year and came back last month. But before that break, (Yes I did count, and I might be able to find a few of the servers I was on that still run) I had been an admin 4 times, a Co-Leader 6 times, and a Developer 13 times (Unlucky to stop there huh). I am excited if given the opportunity to be the backbone of the server. I’m a great problem solver and can help the players just as well, did I mention I’m a great multi-tasker? Being a developer many times over finding glitches is a breeze and can help the server run smooth as pie.

Thanks so much for reading!!
And, although I haven’t been considered for acceptation, if you add me I wanted to make sure you knew everything you could about me before a decision was made, so you can get to know more about me.
If you have any questions please ask! I might not reply immediately but will try my best!
Skype is: Robert.Smith8745, this is the best way to contact me if accepted!
06/23/2016 12:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheEndBringer's Avatar
- How old are you? 16
- Whats your name? Jacob
- Whats your skype? internal.error317
- Where are you from? USA
- Time zone? EST
- What rank are you going for? Whatever you feel like.
- Why should we choose you over anyone else? I have a massive amount of experience in running my own servers. I have run several different kinds varying from drugs, factions, prison, to even hunger games/mini games servers. I have a vast knowledge with many plugins and would be a great asset to your team.
- What will you bring to the server? I will bring a lot of experience to the team and help the server reach its maximum potential. I will do whatever means necessary to do so. I am very serious with staffing but can relax and chill with players and show them a great time on the server.
- How will you benefit us in a good way? I can help maintain players and keep everything fun but also protect the servers and players from hackers, ddosers, and rule breakers in general. I will also be able to do whatever you need me to do ranging from building to plugin work and even maintaining and training staff in new plugins.
- How often can you get on? I am currently on summer break so every day for several hours at a time roughly 5-10 hours daily.
- What is your past experience? I owned a network at one time with a Prison, Factions/Drugs, and Mini-Games server. I had this network for about a year before I had to close it down to focus on school and get my crap together.
- Any other info? If you would like to know any more information about me or other jobs I have had on other servers feel free to contact me on my skype. Thanks!
06/23/2016 9:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
MrBUTTER1399's Avatar
- How old are you? 16
- Whats your name? Colin
- Whats your skype? MrBUTTER1399
- Where are you from? NJ
- Time zone? Eastern
- What rank are you going for? Admin
- Why should we choose you over anyone else? You should pick me over anyone else because I know how to get the job done, I am fun, and have a great attitude!
- What will you bring to the server? I can build a little, after me and my friends are done with my adventure map i can give you another server, and I can help financially soon.
- How will you benefit us in a good way? Yes
- How often can you get on? Most of the day
- What is your past experience? I've owned quite a few servers but I owned a pretty successful modded one, also I have been admin on a bunch of servers, mod, helper... I've been everything.
- Any other info?I love making people happy
06/23/2016 8:21 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
ConnorJMiner's Avatar
Sounds cool!
I would like to sign up to be a builder (mainly for structures)

- How old are you? 12
- Whats your name? Connor IRL, ConnorJMiner IGN,
- Whats your skype? ConnorJMiner
- Where are you from? Alberta Canada (or Ontario, Canada, now)
- Time zone? EST
- What rank are you going for? Builder
- Why should we choose you over anyone else? Because I am an expeirienced builder that has had this game since for years and I learn from other builders to make my builds better.
- What will you bring to the server? Assistance building whatever you need for the server
- How will you benefit us in a good way? I can build many different things and I can also build INCREDIBLY fast.
- How often can you get on? 1-3 times a day
- What is your past experience? 4 years of learning based on others creations and online tutorials. (I also never play survival, I like to build so much)
- Any other info? I am one of the most responsible and smart twelve year olds out there (when it comes to Minecraft), and if you need anything else, just message me what you need or look at my profile. Thnx!

- ConnorJMiner
Planet Minecraft


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