►Flare Network◄ Recruitment !

Jujuky's Avatar Jujuky8/10/14 10:38 pm
1 emeralds 163 5
8/10/2014 10:57 pm
Imnathananthony's Avatar Imnathananthony
Hello i am the owner of Flare Network. As of right now i am currently recruiting. I I would like to get a vass majority of Builders, Plugin Developers, Web Developers, Graphic Designers, helpers, and Mods. I am looking for the best group of players who are: hard working, mature, active, and likes to have fun. Below will be a list of Applications to fill out. Good Luck Applicants!
(highlighted in red; we need most)

# Note, first person selected for the job is Team Leader
# Once accepted I will PM you the IP Address

Builder Team Application:
Click to reveal
(Builder) - You are expected to work in a collective group to build projects that will be assigned.

14 and older
Must have over 5 months Building Experience
And assistance at least 4-6 hours out of the day.

Previous Work:
Building Experience Time:

Plugin//Web Development Team:
Click to reveal
(Plugins Developers) - Are expected manage, and or develop any and all plugins on a specific server.
(Web Developers) - Are Required To manage, and or develop Flare Network's website.

14 and older
Must have over 5 months Developing Experience
And assistance at least 4-6 hours out of the day.

Plugin/Web Developer
Previous Development work
Coding Knowledge
Development experience time:

Graphic Designer Team:
Click to reveal
(Graphic Designers) - Expected to design and create custom artwork for our server and website.


14 and older
Must have over 5 months Graphic Designing Experience
And assistance at least 1-2 hour(s) out of the day.

Previous work

Staff Team
Click to reveal
(Staff)- Depending on you rank, you are expected to solve any problems out players have encountered.

14 and older
And assistance at least 6-7 hour(s) out of the day.

Staff Position Rank
Staff experience with that rank:
Why you should be an in-game staff member:
What will you contribute to Flare Network:
Why should i choose you?
Posted by Jujuky's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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08/10/2014 10:51 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
blake852369's Avatar
Skype: blake852369
Staff Position Rank: Admin+
Staff experience with that rank: I have owned and or moderated or co owned many successful servers
Why you should be an in-game staff member: explained at bottom
What will you contribute to Flare Network: Explained At Bottom
Why should i choose you? Here Is Why You Should choose me these are my principles that i live and work by:

What makes you qualified for the position? There are a variety of reasons that make me qualified to become Staff for This Server. Some reasons include my personality traits. Some personal traits that I have include Patience, Maturity, Honesty, Intelligence, Responsibility, Knowledge, Fairness, and many more. I will go more in depth with a few of these below. I also really enjoy helping users, and interacting with a large community; even without a “Staff” tag. I also have an extensive amount of experience with playing Minecraft itself, and playing on many different servers in the past. Another reason why I am qualified is my experience. I have been staffed on a few servers in the past. These servers influenced how I perform duties as a staff member on any server. I feel Traits, and Experience are two main things that make you qualified for staff on any server. This is just my opinion, however. As for This Server itself, I will stick with it during rough times, and times when they are easy. This is important because you know that you’ll have someone who you can depend on through the hard times if they may occur. This is overall what makes me qualified. Below, I’d like to go much more in depth with some of the reasons I mentioned above.

How will you help the server?

There are a lot of ways that I will be able to help the server. My personality traits are what will really help the server. Allow me to share some of my traits, and why they will contribute to helping the server:

Patience: This is a big one. A great thing about me is my level of patience. I don’t mind if a player is going too slow. I tend to take things easy with the player so that they do not feel rushed in any way. By me being patient, I then feel that the player is comfortable with speaking with me. I try my very best to stay calm, and maintain myself even when situations may be rough with another player. This will really help the server because it shows that I take my time with other players to make sure that they are feeling comfortable, and safe. Patience also shows that the staff cares about the users by taking it calmly, or slowly if need be.
Maturity: For a 14 year old, I consider myself to be a very mature individual. Like a lot of other 14 year olds they are all out to play jokes, and some just be overall nasty. I am none of that. I am a very mature person who does what he is suppose to do, and play fair. I don’t do dumb things like some would. I am serious with my role, but at the same time also a “funny” kind of guy. I take jokes well, and enjoy joking around sometimes. This will help the server because people who are mature is a must. There can not be staff just going around and not doing their role wrong. They could be muting, or jailing players unfairly, and may not be doing their best. All staff need to be mature, and understand when, and why to perform a specific action. I am someone who can do this.
Dependable: I am someone who you can count on being on quite often and keeping our moderated. I would for sure put more of my time toward the server if I had to, which is perfectly fine for me. On a general weekday, I could put in around a solid 2-3 hours of playing, and moderating the servers. On the weekends, however, I could for sure get a solid 4-6 hours in of moderating, and ensuring that everything is being moderated. This will help the server because I can be on a consistent schedule, ensuring that the community is safe, and I can be there to moderate both in game, and on the Forums. I think there should be staff who try to be on as much as possible. I could easily change my schedule around to allow a little more time on the server if that is needed.
Knowledge: I have been with This Server on the forum site for around a month or so now. I browsed through the threads, just wanted to learn about the community, and the server itself. From doing that, I learned about some of the members the community has, and also a little bit about the server. When I learn new information, it stays with me almost forever. This would really help the server because I can be constantly helping the community by answering their questions. I also have experience with being staffed on servers, and using moderation commands. I’d also like to mention that I have experience with Factions, Skyblock, Survival, and a variety of different mini games. I also have some knowledge aside from Minecraft, and Moderating. Other knowledge I have is with Server Support. Such as handling support issues with purchases, Ban Appeals, and Player Complaints. These are still somewhat to do with the server, but I do a decent job at this, I think and others do too.
Fairness: This is another important one because I have to be fair with each of the users. Just because a player is my friend does not mean the punishments do not apply to them. As much as I would hate to punish them, I have too. Which this is the right thing to do. I am sure that my friend would understand why I did so and that they would take the punishment and not be mad at me for doing what I am expected to do. Fairness is something that will really help out. If I am not fair with users, then that may make other members feel uncomfortable, and may want to leave the server. I do not want for that to happen. All users should be treated the same. Again, this will help the server too, because players won’t feel left out, and they will feel equal with everyone else.
Now, I want to talk a little bit about me, as a person. I am a very mature, outgoing person, who really enjoys, and takes pride in what I do. I really enjoy helping out on servers, and ensuring that everyone is having safe, and a fun gaming experience whilst on This Server. I want This Server to be as successful as possible. With someone like me, I would be very dedicated and put quite a bit of my time toward the server to ensure that it is all going great. I also have a great knowledge of what I am doing and how my role should be taken. I know when to use moderation commands like Muting, Jailing, and Kicking. It takes a very mature and responsible person to have these commands. All of my traits will greatly help the server in different ways. Some other things I will do to help the server include enforcing rules, helping users, keeping it safe, and much more.

Do you have any previous staff/work experience? Yes, I do have a few minor servers that influenced how I do my role of moderating. These two servers really helped me a lot when it comes to moderating, and performing my assigned duties. Allow me to share some servers that I have been staffed on...

December 2013-February 2014 A server that I am Especially proud of getting a position on is TownyMC (Part of the LoreCase Network). In total, the Network has had around 50,000 players join in their 4 unique servers. Here, I was a Staff. The specific server I was staffed on in the Network itself has just over 8,000 total users since its launch in October of 2013. Now, it has around 100 - 150 active users each and every day. While Staff on here, I moderated the chat, helped players, and on the forum too.This also gave me a lot more experience with moderating somewhat larger servers. As a Staff I took care of muting, jailing, and kicking players who were not obeying the rules. I also had the ability to temp ban players for a limited amount of time. On the server, the players really liked me. They felt that I was chill for the most part, and always helping out. I feel good when I see players complimenting me on my work. It makes me feel like I am doing a good job with my role.
Thanks for considering me And I Hope To Hear Back Soon!
08/10/2014 10:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Imnathananthony's Avatar
pretty sure theres no admin+
08/10/2014 10:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jujuky's Avatar
08/10/2014 10:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Imnathananthony's Avatar
Plugin/Web Developer
Age 15
Ign PrankVsPrankFtw
Previous Development work I have helped many developing servers with their plugins and setting up their donation system. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.I am pretty good at advertising look good. I know how to make people want to donate to servers. I am very fast at setting up server and can get the job done dispite my young age. I know what types of plugins amazes people. I am a pretty good builder and I know some pretty advanced redstone.. I strive for perfection in my grammer, builds, and plugins. I always use proper grammer, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, ect. I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!
Coding Knowledge im not really the type of guy that makes plugins just helps with them and i could help with the website if you would rather me go with that
Skype thelittletoomuch
Development experience time: ive had a little over 2 years working with plugins and a year with websites
08/10/2014 10:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jujuky's Avatar
Very interesting Skyped
Planet Minecraft


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