FTB Server Looking for Staff

Ztrille's Avatar Ztrille5/25/14 4:28 pm
1 emeralds 198 7
5/25/2014 6:59 pm
pokemon5184_'s Avatar pokemon5184_
Hello, let's cut to the chase shall we? Cause you came here looking to become staff and I came looking for staff. To put it out simple, I've started up a small server that I just have for fun and are looking for people that may or may not be interested in joining up as staff. I'm looking for BuildTeam Leader, Mods, Admins, Pluginer-/moder and I'm accepting almost anyone as long as you answer the following questions either here or in a PM:

1. Age(Must be +16):
2. InGame Name:
3. Real Name:
4. What are you applying for:
5. Any form of previous experience:
6. Why are you applying and why should I accept your application:
7. Skype:

Edit: Need no more Admins for now.
Posted by Ztrille's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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05/25/2014 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pokemon5184_'s Avatar
1. Age(Must be +16): 17

2. InGame Name: pokemon5183

3. Real Name: Ethan Hickman

4. What are you applying for: Any open slot that is open that needs help but mod is ok!

5. Any form of previous experience: Yea I have been Dev on two servers and I have been Admin on three servers! I have also have been Owner of two different servers. If any more information about this is needed msg me on Skype

6. Why are you applying and why should I accept your application: Well I have tons of experience as staff and I know what I am doing. Also I have been playing FTB for a long time and I think I could help other players with mod items. I also just like helping out servers!

7. Skype: pokemon5183
05/25/2014 5:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bobby_Joe_'s Avatar
Oh sorry, forgot about that. here they are...
I was a Mod on LeafCraft
I was a Mod on PimpCraft's Factions Server and Creative Server
I was an Admin for a while on Xeal SG, but i had to give it up because of school.
I was a Head-Mod for RainKraft for a while,
And I was the Owner of my own server, but for other reasons it didn't work out that well.
05/25/2014 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ztrille's Avatar
okeyy, sounds good, welcome aboard.
05/25/2014 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ztrille's Avatar
Bobby_Joe_1. Age: 16
2. IGN: Bobby_Joe_
3. Real Name: Lazarus Barker
4.What i am applying for: Admin/Op
5. Any forms of previous experience: I was Administrator on a server, and Moderator on a few other servers, so Yes.
6. Why am i applying and why should you accept my application: I am applying because I want to help with anything like annoying players being knuckleheads, to any problem with the server, and i can help with advertising the server more, and i can really help this "small" server grow to be more than it already is, And you should accept my application because i have 4 and a half years experience with Minecraft, and anything Minecraft related, and i can respect those above and lower than me.
7. Skype: lazarus.barker32

Seems Good, though I'd like if you could name any of the servers you've been Admin and/or Mod on.
05/25/2014 4:49 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bobby_Joe_'s Avatar
1. Age: 16
2. IGN: Bobby_Joe_
3. Real Name: Lazarus Barker
4.What i am applying for: Admin/Op
5. Any forms of previous experience: I was Administrator on a server, and Moderator on a few other servers, so Yes.
6. Why am i applying and why should you accept my application: I am applying because I want to help with anything like annoying players being knuckleheads, to any problem with the server, and i can help with advertising the server more, and i can really help this "small" server grow to be more than it already is, And you should accept my application because i have 4 and a half years experience with Minecraft, and anything Minecraft related, and i can respect those above and lower than me.
7. Skype: lazarus.barker32

Hope I can get accepted, and good luck with your server.
05/25/2014 4:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
CzarinaBanana's Avatar
1. Age(Must be +16): 17
2. InGame Name: CzarinaBanana
3. Real Name: Mary
4. What are you applying for: Admin or Op
5. Any form of previous experience: Yes!
DevaCraft: Senior Admin
Warsteal: Staff Manager
NerfCraft: Admin
DerpCraft: Op
MinePlaza: Op
SurvivalCraft: Admin
MortalityServers: Mod
Mineplaza: Head-Admin
Factions101: Admin
GhostCraft: Mod
TavCraft: Head Admin
6. Why are you applying and why should I accept your application: I am applying because I would like to help this "small" server grow into a huge server full of players. I am very good at building and good with commands and some plugins! I have good people skills and respect all players or staff above or below me. You shoud lexecpt my application because I have plenty of experience and I am very active ( I play Minecraft up to 32 hours week, or more ).
7. Skype: I will tell you on server or on a pm.
05/25/2014 4:47 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ztrille's Avatar
Seems good to me, welcome aboard Mary!
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