greigster's Avatar greigster6/5/13 4:11 pm
7/2/2013 10:45 am
Stepen77557's Avatar Stepen77557
Hello we're looking for new staff at GreigsCraft.
Our server is currently Survival but will be expanding to PlotMe and PvP arenas when it's fully public. At the moment its staff only.

Post a app here:

Available Ranks / Positions
You'll be a Trainee Mod for evaluation then you'll be promoted to one of the below:
4 Moderators
3 Admins
2 Admin+ (You need to be a admin for that promotion)

What rank are you applying for?:
Can you donate?:
Why should we pick you?:
What are you good at?:
What are you not good at?:
How long can you be on a day?:
How many days out of the week can you play?:
Building skill 1-10:
Mature 1-10:
Have you been staff before?:
Other info you might want us to know
Posted by greigster's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer

Create an account or sign in to comment.


07/02/2013 10:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
Stepen77557's Avatar


What rank are you applying for?:I would prefer Admin but you put me where you need me

Can you donate?:Parents wont let me yet

Why should we pick you?:I have joined many failing and new servers as a staff member and have watched the server climb to the top

What are you good at?:Redstone and building some things

What are you not good at?:Very detailed buildings

How long can you be on a day?:any time you need me almost

How many days out of the week can you play?:almost every day

Building skill 1-10: 7.5/10

Mature 1-10: 9/10

Have you been staff before?:Yes i used to own a server until the host site got shut down and the server wouldnt work anymore

Other info you might want us to know: I would like to help this server climb to the top. If you have any additional questions feel free to skype me at stephen.cooper427!
07/02/2013 10:37 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
06/12/2013 2:23 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Multiman99's Avatar
What rank are you applying for?:Admin
Can you donate?:yes
Why should we pick you?:Because you wont regret it
What are you good at?:redstone / plugin commands and keeping people in line
What are you not good at?:
How long can you be on a day?:2 hours at least
How many days out of the week can you play?:EVERY SINGLE DAY
Building skill 1-10:8
Mature 1-10:9
Have you been staff before?:yes admin and co-owner
Other info you might want us to know: just ask
06/12/2013 2:18 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Bump use the link we're employing now!!!
06/11/2013 11:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
megadethman12's Avatar
06/09/2013 4:40 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
06/08/2013 6:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
mattbartek1's Avatar
Okay, thank you.
06/08/2013 6:37 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Yes and website
06/08/2013 6:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
mattbartek1's Avatar
How will we know we have been accepted? Email?
06/08/2013 6:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Bump and http://greigscraft.enjin.com/staffapp has a easier form We're accepting via that
06/07/2013 5:30 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Thanks for all the applications people but as ive said please post them on the website greigscraft.enjin.com
06/07/2013 8:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
The_GreNaDier249's Avatar
IGN: The_GreNaDier249
Age: 14
What rank are you applying for?: Mod/admin
Can you donate?: No
Why should we pick you?: I Have had experience as mod/admin/guard on other servers
What are you good at?: Redstone/building
What are you not good at?: Coding :/
How long can you be on a day?: 4-6 Hours
How many days out of the week can you play?: Everyday
Building skill 1-10: 6 or 7
Mature 1-10: 8
Have you been staff before?: Yes
Other info you might want us to know Nope
06/07/2013 7:47 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
All those who have applied please copy your application to our website
06/07/2013 6:23 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Join the website and receive 800 in game money if you post PMC greig on your enjin wall
06/06/2013 3:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zavel's Avatar
Besides staff do you need builders or not?
06/06/2013 3:53 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Longusername's Avatar
Ign: longusername
Age: 15
what rank are you applying for ? Mod or admin
Can you donate : am not sure
Why should we pick you? Because am really helpful I am great with building and designing websites in case u want help designing yours am also helpful and nice
What are you good at ? Am good at everything related to minecraft I always have new ideas and suggestions am also good in designing websites and am somehow good with plugins
What are you not good at ? Redstone
How long can you be on a day ? From 3 to 10 hours
How many days out of the week you can play ? 7
Building skills : 10
Mautrity level : 9
Have you ever been staff ? Yes and I own a server
Other info: thank you for your time I hope I get accepted as staff I will try to help as much as I can
06/06/2013 3:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Noob_army's Avatar
IGN: Noob_army
Age: 16
What rank are you applying for?: Mod or Admin
Can you donate?: not at the moment
Why should we pick you?: I can advertise for the server and I can help anyone on the server
What are you good at?: I am a good leader, I can answer questions and I can take strict actions against those who break the rules
What are you not good at?: Im not good at permissions and im a decent builder
How long can you be on a day?: 6-8 hours a day
How many days out of the week can you play?: 7
Building skill 1-10: 7
Mature 1-10: 10
Have you been staff before?: Yes I have been Head-admin on two servers and admin on 4
Other info you might want us to know: My Skype is Brayan.Forcado (no mic sry)
06/06/2013 2:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aang2721's Avatar
What rank are you applying for?:Admin
Can you donate?:No
Why should we pick you?:I own a server, and have TONS of experince
What are you good at?:Commands, plugin set ups (not making), enjin module configuring, and following instructions
What are you not good at?: I cant MAKE plugins
How long can you be on a day?:I have my own server to cater for too, but i can be on for about 2 hours a day
How many days out of the week can you play?:Every week, depending on Stuff happening, i have a life outside of MC
Building skill 1-10: id say about 7 :/
Mature 1-10: 9
Have you been staff before?:I own a server and im Head-Admin on another server
06/06/2013 2:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
ARP 25 will accept and deny
06/05/2013 9:29 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pony
FlightCommand13's Avatar
IGN: FlightCommand13
Age: 13
What rank are you applying for?: Admin or Moderator
Can you donate?: No
Why should we pick you?: I'm skilled at redstone, even making tutorials on my youtube channel! I run a few servers of my own (One on snapshot, other not)
What are you good at?: Building and Redstone, Banning people who are cheating or hacking or being un-reasonable. Also, want to help as much as I can (Never like leaving things unfinished).
What are you not good at?: PvP, coding.
How long can you be on a day?: 4:00 to 9:00 Max
How many days out of the week can you play?: 6-7
Building skill 1-10: 8-10
Mature 1-10: 10-10
Have you been staff before?: Yes
Other info you might want us to know
I have a channel (not that good) but could make a promotion video for your server and show off the building and locations on your server!
06/05/2013 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
megadethman12's Avatar

What position would you like? Administrator

Why do you want it:
I would like to be staff on your server because, I love to help others and i am a active participant on a staff team i vote regularly, I always check the website and will help anyone with anything they need(as long as it is not breaking the rules or out of context).
Why i should give it to you:
I would be a great addition to your server Because, I would enforce all the rules and make sure there are no Hackers, Griefers, Tpa killers,etc. I am experienced with plugins and permissions, i have staff on other server's before and the reason i'm not staff anymore is because they have closed due to money reasons and people not joining enough.

How do you plan to act once given the position?
I would enforce all the rules. Help Build and start up the server and get people on. along with working alongside other great staff

Can you explain a brief history of your self? all we want to know is if you have any experience, or if you are trustworthy.
I am 16, I'm from Canada, I live in Mountain Time Zone. I have experience with Essentials, Deadbolt, Lockette, PermissionEx, Etc.
Alex lol
06/05/2013 7:20 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Alex lol's Avatar
06/05/2013 7:18 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Please make all new submissions via our site greigscraft.enjin.com
06/05/2013 6:29 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Kryz2 Would have been your colleague Tazclap Denied for Swearing
06/05/2013 6:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
heathmonkey's Avatar
What rank are you applying for?:Head-builder , head-mod or admin.
Can you donate?: No, sorry. I don't have enough money.
Why should we pick you?:I have been staff on many other servers. They were happy of my work.
What are you good at?:I am very good at building, but I often need to use world edit.
What are you not good at?:Sometimes, I rage up if someone is annoying me. But seriously, many people does that.
How long can you be on a day?:4 hours
How many days out of the week can you play?: 7/7
Building skill 1-10: 9
Mature 1-10:8
Have you been staff before?:Like I said before, on 9 servers now.
Hope you pick me!
06/05/2013 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gninthgil's Avatar
IGN: Gninthgil
Age: 13 (but very mature)
What rank are you applying for?: Im not picky, I noticed that all the applications were for admin but I can be mod if you like.
Can you donate?: Sure I can donate up to 500$ to the server depends how much I like my experience with it.
Why should we pick you?: I have been scouting on servers recently pretending to be a starter at minecraft. I would take notes on how the good staff members act when some1 needs help and how the bad ones behave.
What are you good at?: I am good at helping others, building, playing minigames (spleef, mob arena, etc.), making machines in survival, and teaching people cool tricks about minecraft about glitches, redstone, and other fun stuff!
What are you not good at?: I am not good at pvp but I know how to avoid it and how to handle situations like when people get into fights about 'He killed me! and chat like that'
How long can you be on a day?: Usually at night from 11 pm to 5-6 am
How many days out of the week can you play?: Every day of the week
Building skill 1-10: 8.5
Mature 1-10: 9.99 (i have that occasional flaw in behavior)
Have you been staff before?: Yes I am mod on a hub server and a free build survival server.
Other info you might want us to know: At school, I used to have friends who were bullied because they are 'gamers'. I was never bullied because I do lots of sports and never show my minecraft playing to the public. SO anyways, they were bullied and eventually I stood up for them. I told the bullies who I knew since kindergarten to stop and that we all used to be friends and what happened to them. They stopped and sooner or later joined and help start off the anti-bullying organization that my best friend founded at our school. I know how to handle people's problems and I even met bullying experts on different kinds of bullies and how to talk to them and tell them to stop. I can help you guys stop arguments. I also owned a server that was discontinued due to hackers because they hacked really badly (I had spent over 1000$ on it and couldn't retrieve it.). I know how to deal with hackers and wish that no servers will ever have to deal with what I did as I tried desperately to regain the sever maps, mods, plugins, etc.

I hope you liked this application and wish to play with you sometime soon! -Gninthgil
06/05/2013 5:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
Can you white list me so i can join.
06/05/2013 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
oh nvm
06/05/2013 5:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
The website is greigscraft.enjin.com
Alex lol
06/05/2013 5:42 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Alex lol's Avatar
What is the ip???
06/05/2013 5:40 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Alex its available on the website
Alex lol
06/05/2013 5:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Alex lol's Avatar
what ip????
06/05/2013 5:34 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Kryz2 Mod
Sorry for the confusion - you were the last to get it
06/05/2013 5:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
awesome thanks and its ok lol can you message me the ip?
06/05/2013 5:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tazclap's Avatar
plz greigster can u accept 1 more admin? i will help alot i promise and wht is the IP?
06/05/2013 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
begging wont help you any just wait like everyone else if he feels you can help the server he will tell you
06/05/2013 6:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tazclap's Avatar
and who the fuck might u be?
06/05/2013 5:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tazclap's Avatar
What rank are you applying for?: Admin
Can you donate?: I Will Donate If i am Staff eventually
Why should we pick you?: you should pick me because i have experience with servers and i want to help this server so we can have a successful server
What are you good at?: i am good at building, perms or anything else you may want me to do.
What are you not good at?: i am not good at recovering from griefers ( i tend to rage quit for a while then come back)
How long can you be on a day?: 4 hours
How many days out of the week can you play?: 7
Building skill 1-10: 8
Mature 1-10: 9
Have you been staff before?:I have been staff on 6 other server. i have owned 1, i am co-owner on 1 and a mod on the other 4 and all of those server are currently successful
Other info you might want us to know: I Feel if u make me admin i can make this server successful too!! xDD ty!
06/05/2013 5:14 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Ok As for now the current accepted users will be evaluated but we cant accept any more but we will not decline them so keep posting
06/05/2013 5:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
thanks for the opportunity for the position
if for any reason you need another staff member i am in touch just message me
06/05/2013 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kryz2's Avatar
IGN: kryz2

Age: 16

What rank are you applying for?: Admin/Moderator (prefer admin)

Can you donate?: Unfortunately not sorry

Why should we pick you?: I personally think that i have numerous attributes that will help the server exponentially.

What are you good at?: I am good at MineCraft in general, everyone has room to get better, and i am no exception. But i am a fast learner and will do my best.

What are you not good at?: mainly players that are "wronged" because the player is extremely upset and hard to work with.

How long can you be on a day?: As long as possible it vary's from time to time.

How many days out of the week can you play?: As many as possible.

Building skill 1-10: As i said before everyone has room for improvement I'm going to say 8.9

Mature 1-10: Everyone has a stupid joke once in a while including me 9.5

Have you been staff before?: yes i have been mod on 2 servers and 3 admin server positions

Other info you might want us to know: I would enjoy and thrilled to be a part of your server, i will try my best to do what needs to be done on the server for the enjoyment of the players playing the server. I will as well enforce, respect, and uphold the rules of the server thanks for your consideration
06/05/2013 5:07 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
eli1211's Avatar
Thanks dude
06/05/2013 4:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
eli1211's Avatar
Did you skip me?
06/05/2013 4:56 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
greigscraft.enjin.com Is the website
06/05/2013 4:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
theCitrus's Avatar
IGN: railguy_
Age: 15
What rank are you applying for?: Mod or Admin
Can you donate?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I have run two very successful minecraft servers and would now like to slow down and help others on their servers. I know a lot about plugins and can advertise.
What are you good at?: Im a good leader, I love helping people, answering questions and banning griefiers, hackers and xrayers.
What are you not good at?: Im not that good at building and permissions but am knowleged in almost every other plugin.
How long can you be on a day?: 7 hours
How many days out of the week can you play?: 5
Building skill 1-10: 6
Mature 1-10: 9 I very mature but that doesn't mean I cant joke around and stuff.
Have you been staff before?: Yes
Other info you might want us to know
Thanks for reading this and I hope you accept me, I also have a Skype: presidentherobrine
06/05/2013 4:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
Accepted As Moderator
06/05/2013 5:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skate4T1me's Avatar
Thanks man, will the server be up tomorrow? i will be on around 4 ocklock unless im skating which ill be on 6 oclock till 9 or 10
06/05/2013 5:06 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
The website will tell you and you need to join to get your rank
06/05/2013 4:48 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
eli1211's Avatar
What rank are you applying for?:Admin
Can you donate?:no
Why should we pick you?:Because i can be fun but not mean and make sure everything is going smooth! I am also VERY good with commands. I know that weather you are staff or not to treat you with respect and i love to help anyone in need! I always help everyone even staff i would make a great admin or any staff really! so if i don't fit for admin but i do for something else then you can put me there(IM FLEXIBLE)
What are you good at?:Commands Griefs and making sure everyone is having fun! Building is in the middle
What are you not good at?:redstone
How long can you be on a day?:i will try alot Monday thru Wednesday i can be on from 5 to whenever
How many days out of the week can you play?:all i hope
Building skill 1-10: 5
Mature 1-10: 8
Have you been staff before?:Yes
Other info you might want us to know: I am mature but i can have fun without being in-mature! I like to be Fun!
06/05/2013 5:05 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
greigster's Avatar
My Apologies you weren't on my screen Accepted as Moderator
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