Hiring for a new Theme Park Server!

ccanino561's Avatar ccanino5614/1/14 4:05 pm
4/3/2014 11:22 pm
McCookies's Avatar McCookies
Hi everyone! I was not sure where to put this so I guess I will put it here. I am planning on making a theme park server with parks like Universal or Disney or maybe the Disney cruises. So I have come up with a couple of positions if any of you would like to try for.

Tour Guide- Helps guests

Character- Signs books in or out of events

Builder- Park and resort builders (please provide a build that you have made somewhat related and if you have ever been to Disney or Universal)

If you are applying please leave your IGN, why you think you should be hired, what you can contribute to the server (not donation wise).

Thank you to all who are willing to help! More positions might open!
Posted by ccanino561's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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04/03/2014 11:22 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
McCookies's Avatar
Hi, My IGN is Affordable, I'd like to be a Character , I think I should be hired because I am a friendly, and a polite user. I can contribute my theme park server experience skills, and my idea's.
04/03/2014 10:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Moved to Server Recruitment

04/02/2014 11:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Gorrock5's Avatar
Great! I've been looking for a new theme park server to work on for ages!
Hey! My IGN is Gorrock2, and I would like to be a builder .
I have been to many Disney and Six Flags parks when I go on vacation to the United States (I'm British), and I have been to Alton Towers almost 500 times!
I am a member of the European Coaster Club and I have ridden a lot of coasters, so I could add some realism to the coasters, whilst getting an idea for entrances and things. I am also a builder for a few whitelisted theme park servers, and an admin for a coaster club server in the UK .
Thanks for reading!
04/01/2014 7:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
BaloonBaxter's Avatar
Hey dude,

my IGN is ashak1212 i have been an admin on the creative fun server(ip:creativefun.eu) for a pretty long long time. I am 14 years old and would like to try out for a tour guide, because as a crafter I know how it feels to be lost in spawn.
04/01/2014 7:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sirbacon101's Avatar
Hi My IGN is sirryan2002 and im 15 years old I have a lot of exp with Rollercoaster, Command blocks, Redstone and other themeparks i have worked with some people on a server that i believe has shut down. Thats it if you need any help just ask me im here at your disposal as long as i can help build/fix things
04/01/2014 6:57 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
felipeviolinist1's Avatar
04/01/2014 6:56 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
felipeviolinist1's Avatar
ign is an acronym for I n Game Name.
04/01/2014 6:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1597808's Avatar
04/01/2014 6:53 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
felipeviolinist1's Avatar
felipeviolinist i want to be builder i get bored without having somthing to build
04/01/2014 6:43 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
racer884's Avatar
I'd Like To be A Tour Guide Or Character,
IGN: Carz884
why you think you should be hired: Because I Will Help the Players And Be nice And I Will Obey the Rules.
what you can contribute to the server (not donation wise): I Will Give Ideas And Be Ride Tester Lol
Thanks Hope I get accepted Pm me If so
04/01/2014 5:19 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Goblin
Gbubble's Avatar
ive been to disney multiple times, all the parks except water ones, can i be a builder? ive also been to universal 1 time
ign: Gbubble
04/01/2014 5:07 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
BlackRose10802's Avatar
May I be a builder? :3
I've always been a fan of cartoons, theme parks, and building things in general
I think I'm a good builder, and very friendly
04/01/2014 4:42 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Portalguest's Avatar
I wanna be a builder. :3

Portalguest, I should be hired 'cause I like building, and I thing I'm ok at it.
I could make guests feel at home with my amazing hotel room ceations.
04/01/2014 4:21 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
lpriml's Avatar
I think the Six Flags parks would be cool, since there are already quite a few Disney servers already available. And Six Flags is affiliated with Warner Bros., so there are characters like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

I'd love to be a character, whichever park you decide to go for. My IGN is lpriml. I'm online quite a bit, and I have fiction writing experience so I will be around often and can stay "in character". I'm not a child, so I'll be bringing in a bit more maturity level.
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