Hiring new Moderators | Builders

RealityCrafts's Avatar RealityCrafts1/29/16 2:46 pm
1 emeralds 148 1
1/29/2016 5:45 pm
Jelunky's Avatar Jelunky

RealityCrafts is a new beginning In evolution!

RealityCrafts, a new PvP faction server which is constantly trying to improve itself to the top.
To to do that we listen to our members, while they share their awesome ideas of playing we listen and try to improve the server.

We have a large amount of customised plugins. An unique shop, custom created ranking system, custom enchanting and many more!

To keep our server monitored we need dedicated staff who are willing to spend their time on our server.

Our server thread for more information.
http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/r ... ons-raid-/

What is the job of a moderator?
As a moderator you are constantly trying to keep the members happy.
Which means: Sometimes you will have to pvp, other times you have to solve fights in the chat.
A moderator will play just like default players. He is allowed to grief, raid etc.
Because a moderator play just like any other he won't have special commands such as /give or /tp.
He or She is allowed to kick, warn or ban When players do not obey the rules.

Application format

Applying for: (Builder | Moderator)
What is your ingame name:
What is your age:
How many hours are you willing to play on the server:
What time zone do you come from(GMT + - etc):
How are you planning to help the server grow:
What is your current experience in moderating (1 - 10) :
Are you moderator on any other server right now:
Why should we choose you as Moderator (Use some commen sence here):
When you want to become builder include screens of your builds:
Posted by RealityCrafts's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Network

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01/29/2016 5:45 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Jelunky's Avatar
My Server Application - rg213 ( Lee )

Applying for: Moderator
What is your ingame name: rg213
What is your age: 15
How many hours are you willing to play on the server: Possible 6-9 Hours Weekdays and 10+ Hours Weekends
What time zone do you come from: UK: GMT+00:00
How are you planning to help the server grow: I Have many skills in terms of general knowledge, also i ran a pretty successful server around the time of 1 year ago and i am very good at handling things as simple as Essentials, all the way up to WorldEdit and GroupManager/PermissionsEX
What is your current experience in moderating (1 - 10) : 9 / 10
Are you moderator on any other server right now: No
Why should we choose you as Moderator (Use some commen sence here): As said earlier on in this interview i am very good at handling plugins and permissions, also i know when is right and wrong times to either kick, mute or even ban. i am good at things as simple as Minecraft Colour Codes. Since the age of 11 I Played minecraft everyday and at the age of 12-13 i started studying servers and plugins/permissions. It is my duty to help this server (If i am chosen) and i will not let the server down.

Signed: rg213 ( Lee )
When you want to become builder include screens of your builds:
Planet Minecraft


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