[Ptcruisercraft] Hiring. Possibility of being paid.

littleboy8399's Avatar littleboy83999/24/14 9:09 pm
1 emeralds 245 5
9/24/2014 10:44 pm
VideoGaming_HD's Avatar VideoGaming_HD

Ptcruisercraft is a professionally run server with about 15 staff members. It has been up for over a year now, and we have had ups and downs in popularity. I, the owner, focus on providing the best possible Minecraft experience. I base the way the server is developed on my past experiences and good advice from the players. Over 8,000 people have joined the server, and over 8,000 people have visited the website. We have ~50 donors. 10-20 of them rarely come on anymore. Others play on school nights and weekends. Multiple youtubers have been on, but the two main ones are bodil40 and baki961. We plan on having them on again multiple times within the next few months. Baki has two videos on his channel of the server. "I found my girlfriend" is the most recent one. The server has been going through redevelopment for the past 5 months. We currently have 2 server sections open. One being Factions and the other being Zombie Survival. We try our best to be unique as we can while providing the best gameplay experience for our users. To do so, we decided to add guns, airships, and custom terrain to our factions server. We also added guns to the ZS server. We plan on adding two more servers by the 27th. Gun Kitpvp/Kitpve and PrisonZ. I will explain those two servers if you are accepted as an MIT (Mod in Training). The current server is kind of destroyed, because we wanted to give our players a bit of fun before we reset for V3.2. They had a bit too much fun, but....

The positions:

I am looking for 10-20 people that can become MITs. These people will not have access to special gameplay perks like donors do. Donor perks include but are not limited to: /fly, /kit (nameofdonorrank), /spawnmob, /spawner, ect. You will only be given commands to perform your job to the best of your ability. MITs will have lot's of jobs such as:

- Helping new players
- Building plots to sell
- Building projects
- Raising awareness of donor perks and voting
- Engaging new players
- Investigating reports
- Checking logs for suspicious behavior
- Spread word about the server or encourage players to
- Provide decent suggestions and report problems/players/staff
- Being mature
- Being professional
- Controlling players when very famous youtubers are on (bodil40)
- Having fun

These people are mainly going to help build for the PrisonZ server for now. They will not be on the main server until V3.2 is released. This is a massive update for the server. The application will be placed at the bottom of this post.

Staff Policies:

Paid: Some staff will have the opportunity to be paid. The only way to be paid is by getting players to donate then having those players tell a head staff member that (so and so) got me to donate or made me aware of the perks. The first time you get somebody to donate, you get promoted to a Paid MIT/Mod. You will receive 5% of that first donation. As a Paid staff member, when you get somebody to donate, you will receive 10-20% of that donation. If you play your cards correctly, and get one person every week to donate 150$, then you'll be getting 30$ a week. That will allow us to bring in even more players, which will allow you to send more people to check out the donor perks. If you're really good at getting people to donate, then further discussion of even higher pay will be discussed. The opportunity to be a paid staff member will be available when V3.2 comes out.

Privacy and Misbehavior: I can guarantee that your IP and skype name will be kept private if requested. It is also your choice when giving out your own skype name to a player. Once you do so, your relationship with that player no longer just exists on the server. That player can ddos you if you mute him for disobeying the spam rule. We will not support you in that case since we don't give our skypes out to normal players for that exact reason. You will not give anybody's skypes out to anyone without their permission if your relationship to them stems from the staff chat group or the server. Punishments for misbehavior or unjust and inconsiderate actions may be serious. Offenses, such as spawning in items/money for a player in creative or kicking/muting/tempbanning somebody that wasn't breaking any rules will result in demotion and possibly a 3 day ban.

If your application is accepted, I will add you on skype within a week of your submission. No more positions are available when I remove the thread.

Reply to this post with application template filled out. You may leave your skype name out, and PM that to me.

The server ip will not be released in this thread, because I don't want people coming on and asking for staff. All I want are some applications, and I will give a test server ip for you to work on via skype if you are accepted.

Edit: Just realized the ip is in my signature XD



Minecraft Name:

Skype name (This can be sent in a PM to me, but don't send me this application with it):

Available hours:

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time?

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server?

Are you a fast learner, are you creative?

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins?

Are you a good builder?

Are you currently staff on any other servers?

Have you ever owned a server?

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server?

Other info you think I should know (Impress me):
Posted by littleboy8399's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Princess

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09/24/2014 10:44 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
VideoGaming_HD's Avatar
Name: Andrew Mathews

Minecraft Name: KingofMadSkillz2

Skype name (This can be sent in a PM to me, but don't send me this application with it): I will PM you

Available hours: Week days: 3-4 hours after school. Weekends: All day

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time? Yes, i do have the skype app on my phone.

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language. No

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server?: I have great ideas that can benefit the server. My ideas may not be huge but they can still enhance the way the game is played. Most servers i have applied for staff and been staff on usually don't end up being a popular server or lasting very long. For some reason this server seems like it is owned by a very mature owner and i can definitely see a bright future for this server. Mostly the reason why I like to be staff is because I love to see players on a server that actually have a good time, by playing on a server the whole day, and playing with their friends all day everyday, it just brings joy and happiness to my face.

Are you a fast learner, are you creative? I am a fast learner, sometimes it really depends on what it is, but for the most part i am. I am mostly creative when building or making sever banners, websites, etc.

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins? When it comes to dealing with bukkit plugins and coding i am not the best. I am taking courses right now in school to learn how to code.

Are you a good builder?: 1/10 I'd say i'm a 7/10 or 8/10, i have made a mini games spawn before for a different server. I tend to do much better when working with other people while building.

Are you currently staff on any other servers? Yes, I am currently the Co-Owner of CupCraft(i can PM you the ip).I am also head mod of EnderCraft, Recruiting Manager of The Devil's Network, and Admin on FlipperCraft.

Have you ever owned a server? No

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server? I have seen a lot of people cheating and using hacked clients with frustrates me beyond belief. Every time I see someone cheating I just wish I could do something about it however I cannot.Using hacked clients ruins the game for not only the player using it but for everyone as well. As I staff member I plan to do things for the players; to enhance their excitement of playing and keep it fair for all. I plan to be of assistance to any players on need.As a staff member I plan to be there for the community 24/7 no matter what because I care for them. Even if I am being yelled at by another player I will stay calm, cool, and collected because nothing can be solved with two people going at it. I have had plenty of past experience with these types of situations and trust me there are going to be a bunch of them if you have a new server, but you just gotta find a way to calm or settle it down.

Other info you think I should know (Impress me):My Timezone is Central. I can also help make a server website, banner, advertise, etc.If you search up CupCraft on PMC the first one, I made that banner.
09/24/2014 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Artomagon's Avatar
Name: Andy

Minecraft Name: Artomagon

Skype name (This can be sent in a PM to me, but don't send me this application with it): I will PM.

Available hours: I am only able to play for two hours a day. I usually play from 8-10pm-ish (EST)

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time? I do.

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language. I know how to use Google Translate... .

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server? l want to be staff on this server because I enjoy seeing people having fun. Also, I would love to help build the community into one that everyone enjoys being apart of. I have been Moderator/Admin on many a server, and I would dare say I have done a good job on them. I would absolutely love to the chance to give other players a feeling of happiness while playing this server. Helping people is actually very fun to me.

Are you a fast learner, are you creative? I am a fast learner, and somewhat creative. Well, I am creative, but my ideas might not be fantastic.

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins? Not really. I do have a small amount of experience with Java, I know some of the basics.

Are you a good builder? If I had to say, probably 6/10.

Are you currently staff on any other servers? Yes, I am.

Have you ever owned a server? I have co-owned a few before.

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server? I will perform all of my duties as
staff to the very best of my abilities. I will be quick on my feet, can respond
to all players questions as soon as possible. (I'm not sure if this really
matters, but, I can type pretty fast, if that is ever helpful in a situation.) I
will try and please the demand, as long as it is in my power, and not abusing,
or harmful to the server. I would answer peoples questions to the best of my
abilities. I would never dare abuse my powers on purpose, that would be the
worst possible mistake a staff member can make. I can remain calm and collected through stressful situations, in which others may crack under the pressure. I almost never get angry over players complaining. I would handle any and all problems as calmly as I can. As any human does, I do make mistakes, so I ask that you would please forgive me if I ever made one that affected the server.

Other info you think I should know (Impress me): Contrary to popular belief, Watermelons do not equal potato. Also, chicken is good.

Thanks for reading my application! I appreciated it!
09/24/2014 10:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheCreepernoid's Avatar

Minecraft Name:

Skype name (This can be sent in a PM to me, but don't send me this application with it):
Ill PM it to you if I get accepted

Available hours:
This can vary on the days but usually on schooldays it is from 7pm-9pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) And on the weekends 8am-5pm

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time?
Most of the time yes, but when in class as I am 17 I do not have it on and after school I do not have it on until about 6pm. And on weekends yes I do carry it with me all the time but I may not be able to answer instantly.

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language.
I speak a bit of French but if I can use google translate if I am typing to one person in another language and I am a fast typer so I will be able to do it fairly quickly.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server?
This server looks very professional and looks like it is not owned by a 6 year old like most servers on planet minecraft. It looks like a great opportunity to become staff.

Are you a fast learner, are you creative?
I am a VERY fast learner and I am a kinesthetic learner so once I have done something I will be able to do it again and again. I would say I am very creative and I could come up with some very interesting add ons and game types.

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins?
I have made 1 bukkit plugin before but it is not my specialty I am very good with commands and things in-game but when it comes to coding I am not the best.

Are you a good builder?
I am a decent builder and if I get given a pattern or a picture I can easily copy the pattern or replicate the pattern.

Are you currently staff on any other servers?
No I am not and I only like being staff on one server at a time because if you are staff on multiple servers at once you wont be doing your best on each server but spreading out your time and talent over multiple servers. So I only like being staff on one server at once. If I apply for staff on 2 servers and I get staff on both I will choose the best server with the most potential and I will work on that one and resign as staff on the other ones.

Have you ever owned a server?
Yes I have owned a server. It was going to be a minigames server but it did not go to well I never got more than 50 people on at once. I was getting enough donations to pay for the server but it just didn't become a big hit. Then after a few months the server started going down-hill. It was making profit but I finally decided to close down the server and help others with their servers.

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server?
I have been staff on many other servers and I know how to do lots of in-game commands. As I said before I am not great at coding but I am a fast learner if I had to I could make plugins but my strength is using plugins not making them.

Other info you think I should know (Impress me):
1. Timezone: Australian East Coast AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
2. I can be on the server often. In the school holidays I can be on the server for about 5-10 hours per day and on school days about 2 hours a day.
3. I will not be abusive. I will not bully other players or say anything mean like swearing ect. And I won't take advantage of my powers because I know if I do I will lose my rank.
4. I am great at multitasking. Someone can be asking me a question while I am fixing things I can help them and fix the problem. I am also a fast typer which makes it easy for me to answer many questions in a short amount of time.
5. I am good at resolving issues. Anybody who has a problem I can fix.
6. I will not make up lies when someone asks me something and I do not know the answer. I will tell them I do not know but I can find out.
7. This brings me to my next point. I am efficient at doing things like finding the answer to someone's problem to teaching myself how to fix things so if I ever need to fix something I will already know.
8. I put others first before me. If I am playing on the server and another player needs help with something I will not ignore them and keep doing whatever I was doing I will stop to help them even if that means that I have to spend hours helping them.
9. I will take this role very seriously. I will not annoy or troll people because this is a serious job.
10. I am very active and I will monitor the chat. If anybody cusses (unless it isn't a bad swear word like damn it or crap). I will also monitor the chat for people spamming, using caps or advertising. As I said before I will put others before me and stop what I am doing to help them.

If 2 hours on weekdays is not enough I can be on the server for longer if I do change my studying schedule.
09/24/2014 9:38 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
WaffleM's Avatar

Name: Janhvi N.

Minecraft Name: WaffleMasters

Skype name: wafflemasters

Available hours:

I am available around 2-4 hours a day on weekdays. For weekends, I am available for about 3-5 hours a day. If I have a plan coming up that will mess up my schedule, I will inform the General Staff about this.

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time? No, I don't, but I spend most of my time on my laptop, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language.

For now, I speak fluent English. I am learning Spanish right now so I know how to say the basic words in spanish. My dad is from a Spanish-Speaking country so if I need help I could ask him.

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server?

I would love to be a staff member for many reasons. First of all, I have experience as a staff member. Being an admin, moderator, and owner on servers is a piece of cake for me since I’ve done it before. Another influence that pushes me to become a staff member is that, I have been moderating servers for a humongous amount of time, that if I don't use my experience to help others, it would be selfish of me. Also, I believe I have the experience to take hold of this job because I have been a leader and a good team player on several occasions. This would be a great chance to learn some new leadership skills, as improving on old ones. The most influential reason for me wanting to become a staff member is simple: I want to be that figure that people look up to. Not the super-hero kind of way, but as someone who people know they can ask for help. Someone that if they are having any type of trouble, they know they can ask me for help. This is the ultimate reason for why I want to become a staff member.

Are you a fast learner, are you creative?

As I mentioned, I have experience, so I do learn fast about what my job is for each and every server I work for/have worked for. I am creative when it comes to topics and themes. For example, if there were to be a theme of the month, I would think of something to make people feel inspired and give them that "WOW" type of feeling.

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins?

I am not good at developing bukkit plugins, but I can help configure bukkit plugins. I've configured a variety of plugins for the servers I used to work for. Sometimes, people payed me to configure their plugin which wouldn't seem to work for them.

Are you a good builder?

I wouldn't say I'm the best as a builder, but I could help contribute as to what patterns a person is doing. If I were to make a pattern, I could tell you that it wouldn't be a very good pattern. I like to be creative, but being a builder isn't on my to-do list for minecraft, so I don't focus much on that.

Are you currently staff on any other servers?

I am currently staff on a server for Helper. Sometimes, I go to the new servers that are posted and help them out then leave. They op me, but I come and help, then I deop myself and say Good Luck! I would only do that in several occasions in which the owner doesn't know much about running a server, so I teach them and help them out.

Have you ever owned a server?

Yes, I have owned a server before. Before I left minecraft for a month, I used to own a server with 30 people on daily. I didn't add any donation website because I knew I would close down soon so it wouldn't be fair to them. Soon enough, I found someone who would take charge of my server while I left for minecraft, so they currently own the server with 50 people daily. Owning a server was a huge responsibility for me, but it has helped me learn how to moderate servers and take control of players when they need help.

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server?

My experience, leadership, sportsmanship, and honesty are qualities that makes me qualified to be a moderator on this server. It's not very easy being a staff member, but once you learn it, it gets easier and you get tougher.

Other info you think I should know (Impress me):
There's not really much. My name is WaffleMasters in game, known as Waffles, and I am a girl gamer. I'm 14 years old and live in the Caribbean. I love math (I know it sounds nerdy) and I absolutely DESPISE science. I love making new friends and having playing around, but I could easily be serious if it is necessary. Basically, I know when to stop playing around and focus. Thank You for reading my application
09/24/2014 9:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ClarityRush's Avatar
Name: Austin

Minecraft Name: ClarityRush

Skype: live:millsa39

Available hours: mostly after 3:00 PM EST

Do you have Skype on a mobile device that you carry with you all the time? Yes

Do you speak any other languages? If so, specify the other languages you speak and how properly you can type in that language. I only speak English, i know a little bit of Spanish

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team on THIS server? It seems fun and i get to help people(:

Are you a fast learner, are you creative? Yes

Do you have any experience with developing bukkit plugins? Developing? no, configuring them to your exact liking? yes

Are you a good builder? I'd like to say i am but thats for you to decide

Are you currently staff on any other servers? I got into a fight with my friend and she banned me from her server after i got done building it

Have you ever owned a server? Yes

What makes you qualified to be a mod on my server? I don't mess around when it comes to the rules being followed

Other info you think I should know (Impress me): I like puppies<3
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