[HorizonCraft Looking for staff! *CRACKED*

HeyImViruZ's Avatar HeyImViruZ8/4/13 5:04 pm
9/1/2013 2:50 pm
MrBoomboxHD's Avatar MrBoomboxHD
Hey im opening a new server called horizon story and it will be 24/7. I am looking for builders and mods to manage it when im away. So lets get started! I Really need all of them because the only Staff right now is me! Also almost every GFXer will be accepted (Im trying to make a banner for the server) and will recieve a SPECIAL GFXer Rank

If You do not use this app, You will not be accepted.


Premium or Cracked?:

Rank Applying:


Why you want this rank:

What you can do:



Builders App
Premium or Cracked?:
Redstone (1-10):
Building (1-10):
Detailing (1-10):

GFXers App
Posted by HeyImViruZ's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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09/01/2013 2:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MrBoomboxHD's Avatar
I cannot apply, planetminecraft thinks it's spam. I will message you my application.

08/22/2013 8:04 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
08/13/2013 6:50 am
Level 37 : Artisan uwu
zymasas's Avatar
IGN: FMCakes

Premium or Cracked?: Premium

Rank Applying: mod

Experiences: had a small server for my class

Why you want this rank: Because I know I'm not qualified for anything higher at the moment

What you can do: From september I can be on a server for about 3 hours a day, I can ban hackers, mute those who swear, I also love to help people.

Age: 12

Other: Good with redstone, knows almost everything that's written in the minecraft wiki, will be active.
08/09/2013 9:42 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragonborn
pioavenger's Avatar
IGN:My in-game name is pioavenger.

Premium or Cracked?: I use cracked minecraft launcher but if server is 1.5.2 i can be online from 6 to 9 hours a day.

Rank Applying: I am applying for Moderator Rank.

Experiences: I have owned a minecraft server, been admin on 4 of my friends servers and also been co-owner of a server that failed because of not enough donations.

Why you want this rank:I want this rank because i think i could realy help mantain and improve the server as well as promoting it in other servers.

What you can do: I am a good builder and am a peoples person...Alsso very helpfull.

Age:I am 15 but realy mature.


-Whenbuilding i can do massive redstone builds also including command blocks...only cant use comparators. I was voted 2nd best minecraft architect working with Cobble and Wood deriving resources and 7th in survival redstone ready.
08/09/2013 8:31 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
Do you Have any Building Screenshots? Or anything. Currently - Pending...
08/11/2013 1:51 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragonborn
pioavenger's Avatar
I dont have any currently but i have some builds and can post screenshots as quick as possible...I will try tomorrow. Till then have a good day.
08/09/2013 3:18 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
Bump looking for staff!
08/05/2013 8:42 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
sliven's Avatar

Premium or Cracked?:Premium

Rank Applying:Admin

Experiences:4 servers as admin

Why you want this rank:because i like helping people and the owner and severs in need like this one

What you can do:i can build i can guard

08/05/2013 8:47 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
Denied Needs More Detail
08/05/2013 8:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HeyImViruZ's Avatar
08/05/2013 8:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Annalise123hero's Avatar
Mod App retry

Premium or Cracked?:Premuim

Rank Applying:Mod

Experiences:I have had many experiences such as I ran a server I was a co-owner Manager Head-Admin Admin Head-mod Mod Jr_Mod Mini_Mod vip+ and vip also elite these all ranks were very fun and exciting yet frustating at the same time.

Why you want this rank:I want this rank because this rank allows me to help People and thats what i do everyday help people.

What you can do:I can Build,Pvp,and mine good and i'll rate them

Building Skill 1-10 (7)

Pvp Skill 1-10 also (7)

Mining Skill 1-10 (8)

08/05/2013 7:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Annalise123hero's Avatar
Mod Application


Premium or Cracked?:Cracked

Rank Applying:Moderator

Experiences:Owner of my own server and every other rank

Why you want this rank:Because I love to help its my pleasure to help and You won't regret me

What you can do:I can help build and mine and guard


Other: N/A
08/05/2013 7:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HeyImViruZ's Avatar
08/05/2013 6:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
IGN: killerbryan

Premium or Cracked?: Premium

Rank Applying: I would like co-owner, Head-admin Or admin. But any rank lower is fine.

Experiences: Right Now I have been a lot of ranks but I'm Currently staffed on - play.gamemode.org Worldwidewb I been admin,Terraformer,co-owner and host and more ranks on other servers in the past, But Either they have shutdown or the Owner quit the server.I Have never been banned on a server, I have hosted 2 Servers and i have a lot of experience with servers like hosting, and how to run them.

Why you want this rank:
Because I'm Helpful, Honest and responsible I get my work done when is needed, And I help people right away. I make sure all the problems are solved and fix before I go to someone elce and help. I will also help staff members, Also Guests on the server to make sure there stay is going good. If someone has a problem Ill make sure to answer it but If its an question that I cannot answer, Ill have to do the best I can to answer What I know from it. Or ask the owner the question. Ill also Advertise people into your server by advertising all I can.

What you can do:
Because I Am good with permissions also configuring plugins, I can also build a bit, But i'm more good at Adding details to plain Buildings that need to be added, I also do a bit redstone And also I did Do a bit of html, But That's Just The simple lessons, I also Have experience with hiring good people for the servers, So they don't grief Also they do end up deleting everything. I Can also advertise to make good posts And Also Make sure the server is perfect and running fine I can make sure all staff is doing What there suppost to Do and make sure No Abusing and No complaints of staff are going on. I'm Not really good at building but adding Detail And Making buildings that the owner likes on google, Or anywhere else building images be (Cannot do really expert buildings) , Also I'm good with plugin configuration,Using them And also a bit redstone. I Do good at worldedit terraform Mountains,Hills Biomes for the servers. I also Can do Very good Advertising Post for the server.

08/05/2013 7:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HeyImViruZ's Avatar
08/05/2013 6:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HeyImViruZ's Avatar
@GooberDaddy Accepted Your are a Co-Owner
@coyote12321 Denied for Double Posting
@notsogamer Accepted You are a Admin
08/04/2013 6:16 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Caveman
HorizonCraftz's Avatar
My server is already called horizoncraft
08/04/2013 6:12 pm
Level 49 : Master Bunny
gooberdaddy's Avatar
IGN: gooberdaddy ( My little bro made it up, and besides, its a chick magnet)

Premium or Cracked?: Premium since Minecraft Alpha

Rank Applying: Honestly, I got replaced on another community and was looking for another one to Co-own. That might seem a little sketchy to you, so I'll fill you in on the Experiences section.

Experiences: Loads of past experiences. I Co-owned a community called HostilityGaming for 8 months before they replaced me for "Not managing the community". The whole situation was bullcrap. Anyway, I did that as my first staff spot anywhere on the Internet. I recently joined a community with my friend, but you and I both know that doesn't count. I have experience with WorldEdit plugin, VoxelSniper, dynmap, Essentials, MCBans, etc. I have the experience for the whole deal. I think the best thing I can offer you is an Enjin website. Sure it's easy to make, but I'll pimp that up and hook it to the Minecraft. I'll customize every page of the website to your desire. Once we get a good server going with the forums filling up and donations, who knows what other servers we could start up (Gary's Mod, Team Fortress 2). I think you're getting the idea about me.
(P.S. Look at my PMC level. Scammers don't have that level, now do they?)

Why you want this rank: Something to spend my time on. As you can imagine, a 17-year-old guy still living with his parents is going to have a crap-ton of time on his hands. I do have a part-time job, but still have some 8 hours a day doing nothing.

What you can do: ... kinda went over that already with the limitless time moderating, website building, plugin configuring and stuff. I'll just add to that by saying that I like to think big

Other stuff you should know about me
and probably add to your application

Age: I am a 17 year old male. I find myself constantly changing maturity levels (Intentionally), meaning I will be that strong right arm, or that admin that imitates the little 7-year-old hackers.

Other: My father is a computer genius and is teaching me how to build, program, and edit a computer. I have a great memory and will be capable of remembering all of your requests. Finally, I could make you Youtube videos. Probably not several, but 1 or 2 advertising videos to add traffic into the server.

08/04/2013 5:49 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
coyote12321's Avatar
Premium or Cracked?: Premuim
Rank Applying: Moderator
Experiences: I was a Moderator 2 Times
Why you want this rank: I want this rank so i can keep the server safe
What you can do: I can Moderate the server and and the chat as well
08/04/2013 5:49 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
coyote12321's Avatar
Premium or Cracked?: Premuim
Rank Applying: Moderator
Experiences: I was a Moderator 2 Times
Why you want this rank: I want this rank so i can keep the server safe
What you can do: I can Moderate the server and and the chat as well
08/04/2013 5:41 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
notsogamer's Avatar
Premium or Cracked?: premium
Rank Applying:head-mod or admin
Experiences:co-owned a server back in 1.4.7
Why you want this rank: because i know how hard is running a server and i love to help servers in need like this one
What you can do: I can make sure everything is safe in the server
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