Lazycraft Adventure RPG PVP and more; need builders for all.

bobbybighoof's Avatar bobbybighoof3/6/12 12:20 pm
3/17/2012 4:30 pm
bobbybighoof's Avatar bobbybighoof

Do you think you have what it takes to make a MC world come to life?

lazygamerz.org and LazyCraft needs your help. We have huge plans on a well developed but under built map that can handle 64 men on our bestnode server, and you could be just the builder we're looking for.

We have:

1) 50 man Ventrilo voice chat server with over 7 years of gaming up time.
2) private room support for groups off on their own adventure.
3) multiple game support for those who wish to take part in more that the community has to offer.
4) large in community voice chat management always available to help its users.

1) huge site and community of gamers to support including management and team members.
2) our own team of mc skin artists including support for up and coming artists to learn (on site support for the skinedit program.)
3) mod / plugin development team including support for learning how to join in and help in development.
4) our own (not mandatory to use) texture pack team with art support and default pack help for those to do more on their own.
5) The server has a large selection of plugins:
ChestShop, LWC, ServerSave, Stargate, BorderGuard, TelePlusPlus, WhosThere?, GiveTo, Iconomy, Log, Multiverse-core, MyHome, Permissions, RAM, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Burning Creative Suite (all for server and player support.)

1) The largest pre set map completely pre mapped out before generation (special private mod to image a map before it is world generated.)
Click the map to see larger picture

2) 8 pre arranged stargated continents (each continent spans around 100,000 x 100,000 blocks.Each continent will need a whole huge stargate city to represent that continent.) see the preview map for more explanation.
3) each continent to be named in the RPG layout as well as back story and future plans in RPG to be designed for each continent.
4) We use the multiverse core plugin to apply many other worlds to our server allowing us to stargate to other applied worlds such as a fully functional creative world and many adventure and games (such as a monopoly board game world) applied to the server for players use

1) exploration supported game play for those who just want to see where the next hill takes them.
2) personal and group adventure and conquest supported game play for those that want to make an adventure happen.

1) on site and in server support for personal house areas each player granted 500 x 500 block area for personal house / fort construction.
2) Build it your way with personal stargates for each players homes and many other locations preset at your finger tips. So you can build as far away from anyone as you want.
3) Build grief and vandal free in the non pvp area of the map. (grievers will be banned. We use the “Log” plugin to help us know exactly who did what and where.)
4) player protection available for large scale projects that need extra care and looking after.

1) personal RGP design and set up supported for those that wish to take part in the in the works Lazycraft RPG back story and layout that the community is working on; with on site support for story telling and back story presentation.
2) Server plans for RPG back story including community support for story writers, RPG theory talks, and layout talks to finalize the RPG direction Lazycraft wants to take. (we are going for a steampunk back story with post industrial modern age present game play.)

1) PVP continent available for players to set up personal bases and take part in the fun and games of just killing off your fellow players.
2) faction plugin might be soon applied to be used in the PVP continent, depending on the support for it.

What we don't have is a ton of people helping to build the world up. There is tons you can join in on in the community.

We started over fresh on a fresh map when the game went from beta to finished product and we have been scrambling to build a whole new map every since

You can create what ever you like in our creative world and have it easily world edited into the regular world. You can be put in creative mode and build it on the spot, or you can chose from a large selection of already set aside schematics and build your own little paradise one pre made building at a time.

Each server builder is granted 500 x 500 blocks of map space in the regular world for their personal use, and we even have a nice pvp space on the map set aside if you just have to go smack your fellow server builders around for a bit.

And the Lazycraft community is very supportive. We move, change, and improve as a team with a huge web community of support. If you can rally the support for it you can own the world. We will do what ever our community wants, and we do our best to keep our mc gamers happy. (just don’t try to take that too far every good team has its limits.)

Would you like to build with us? Post here or pm and we can talk about it or join us at our gamers site and simply join in http://www.lazygamerz.org/forums/index.php
Posted by bobbybighoof's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince

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03/13/2012 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kevork's Avatar
I must say, I made an account just to post. I registered on your guys' site and the server has so much to explore. Great server for me to play on for a long time. I can't wait to get to know you all and I have almost the same name in Minecraft. So is lazygamerz.org nonprofit? If it is, it's amazing what you guys have done and I am sure you need as much support as you can get
03/12/2012 9:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
adadad136's Avatar
We have created a beach! That's right an epic beach resort type thingy it's pretty cool you should join us to check it out
03/17/2012 4:30 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
Sorry for the delay in reply its been a huge busy week with lots done on the server and on site. We are still looking ofr more builders and more players to fill our 65 man pre paid server. Its a beastnode and its beastly.
03/08/2012 7:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
socermus's Avatar
Everyone should checkout the over 300 player screenshots lazygamerz.org has for this server located HERE

These screenshots are brought to the community by players of our server and players are encouraged to join in by showing the community what they have going in their player homes.

You should come build with us and see what we can build together.
03/10/2012 7:29 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
Thanks Sorc old buddy your right we did miss that in the main post lol too many things to add all of it in but thanks for briging it to their attention.
03/07/2012 9:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
botme123's Avatar
This server is well worth signing up on their site
03/07/2012 2:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
thanks we are still looking for builders; builders for things, builders for RPG, builders for cities, builders for community. All kinds of builders are welcome.
03/07/2012 8:08 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
Thank you to all who replied yesterday as we set this post up. We have reworked the original post to help users to see what we have as well as what we need help with. We hope that we can find more people here on Planet Minecraft willing to help out with this very extensive project we have in the works.

Simply post here showing your interest in our server and we will gladly talk with you about what you would like to see from us as well as what we can do to bring you on board our community’s project. We will gladly talk about any special needs or desires that any interested user has and would like to have understood before agreeing to join in our team.
03/06/2012 3:46 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Iggypup2s's Avatar
Hey, can i help with your server? I feel as if i am a really good builder when i have the correct materials and you said it would be on creative! So, may i help?
03/06/2012 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
StarkillerLG's Avatar
Of course, we are always happy to have new members. All you need to do is go to our site, which is at http://lazygamerz.org, and sign up. After you do that, post a whitelist request in the proper section and we will whitelist you ASAP. After you are whitelisted, someone will surely help you around the server, and show you around.

I am a part of this server, it's the only server I play on, and BY FAR the best server I've been on!

I'm also a moderator on the site, so if you have questions, feel free to message me on site. I go under the same name, minus the LG.
03/06/2012 3:25 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
mccready10's Avatar
Hey man can i please help i have experience with building if you have skype add me up john.mccready10 i am 17 from Canada IGN is mccready10 and i have also bought a 64 beastnode server too i can probs buy another one if u guys want 2 servers running just pm me
03/06/2012 3:41 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
we would love to have on board we use ventrilo for all our voice chat needs. you are very welcome to register on our site and post in the minecraft server boards.


start by asking to be white listed in the white list request boards and lets move from there. Get on ventrilo server info on site for what you need for that,


and we can talk about what you got and what kind of support we can help you with as well as what you can do for us.
03/06/2012 1:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
theguycalledlewis's Avatar
hey i would love to help i am an okey builder, i usually build houses which i have to say are of a very high standard, also i helped create darknesscraft.com before the major greifing, so pm me if your interested
03/06/2012 1:17 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
We are very interested in having you with us, and will do on the pm hittign that button now.
03/06/2012 1:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
johnelito's Avatar
can i join i love build and i have creativity
03/06/2012 1:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
you would be very welcome on our server you could creat to your hearts content, and be <3ed for it. Join the site and drop us a line over there and we will add you in.
03/06/2012 12:47 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
adadad136's Avatar
This is a wonderful server, I have personally helped on a few major builds and had a great time doing it! If you want more information before you go to lazygamerz.org you can go here:www.planetminecraft.com/server/lazycraft-584731/
03/06/2012 12:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
thorins666's Avatar
Hey i would like to be a builder on your server IAM A REALLY GOOD BUILDER and i have my own server to.
03/06/2012 12:55 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
bobbybighoof's Avatar
would love to have you on the team join us on the site we might be able to get you some support for your server as well. Would be nice to expand into multi servers.
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