Green_Fox's Avatar Green_Fox2/15/16 2:01 pm
2/19/2016 3:07 pm
Green_Fox's Avatar Green_Fox
I am the owner of Industrial Conquest that is just starting out. The server needs builders to help build the spawn and other builds. If you would like to help out please put your application down below. I also need staff such as moderators. Please note this server is modded and you need the technic modpack.

Exclusive builder rank (While not building you will get Builder(Inactive rank) (builders only)
Any item off the donation store that is there atm. (Both staff and builders if you wish)
Moderator Rank (Staff only)
[*] 10000 ingame currency.

About the server:
This is a story of war. The nations of a land far, far away have arised and are battling for dominance. Battling for resources using their abilities to control the gases around them, experting in sharpshooting and sword combat. The nations have learned to combine over forty different types of metal to forge the strongest of weapons. They have learned to craft the farthest and fastest shooting firearms. They have learned to tame the gases around them. They have learned to train beasts to do their bidding. And they have learned to make their foes bend to their will. But one question still remains. Which one nation will rise to the top? Controlling the others? And do they know of one player who will change their fate and mark their name in the history of this great land. That player is you.

What you are applying for:
Why you want to be staff/builder:
Examples of your past builds (builders only) (pictures):

For staff please also go here: [url]industrialconquest.enjin.com/staff[/url] and apply
Posted by Green_Fox's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer

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02/19/2016 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jacketedcorn's Avatar
Real Name: Alex
What you are applying for: Dev,Moderator,and or Builder
Skype:Will Pm if accepted
Experience: I have developed for a network called DesertedMC but after a year the owner decided to just close it even tho it had a 50-78 player base, I have worked with plentiful plugins and own a few on spigot. I have owned a few servers but many i sold, i am very friendly wit players but will not tolerate any kind of harassment.

Why you want to be staff/builder: Experience says it all
Examples of your past builds (builders only) (pictures):

02/19/2016 3:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Accepted for mod and builder . will. Contact later
02/17/2016 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Network
OMGTyca's Avatar
Minecraft Username:


How Often will you be on the server?

Most likely 2-4 days a week.
Any past experiences with being staff on servers?
Unfortunately I haven't played mine craft in a while so I wouldn't remember what servers
I was staff on, but I remember being staff on a lot of servers on and off before I quit.
Why'd you quit?
I get asked this a lot so I decided to include it with the application, I quit because I was having trouble in school at the time, and was recent arrested due to a bullshit reason, I will go into detail later on.

Why do you want to be staff on my server?

I would like to be a staff because, I am not a good pvper sadly, but I am good with handling situations, and my maturity is off the charts, for me being 15 I've been told I sound like I'm 20, and above but I'd disagree, I am very ethical and responsible when it comes to commands, I when what commands and witch commands are needed in curtain situations, Including chat spam, obviously a mute.. cheating, will be a ban. I'd say I would be a good staff because I pretty much don't have a life, well kind of lol, but overall I think I'd be a good fit, I got a quite en joyful username so people can have a laugh or compliment my username, I am a very entertaining person, I know when jokes get to serious or when racism goes to far, so as I said I think I'd be overall a good moderator.

Do you ever plan on donating?

If I ever do plan on donating, I wouldn't be able to donate a lot, I do not have a job yet and I do not have chores I get paid for but when I am 16 witch I will be turning next year on the 25th of September, then I would most definitely donate.

Why my server?

I picked your server to apply on for my first server back on for a while, this is actually the second ever server I applied on this account, so you should be happy lol, just kidding, but anyways I picked your server because I'm overall nice to people, witch I always am If they want me to be nice to them, then I'd like them to show some respect back.
Any more things you'd like us to know?


Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) -

Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -​

Timezone - Pacific Standard

Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? -
Yes I do.

Link to gaming twitter account (if you have one) -​

What time are you most often on? (your time) -​
9 in the morning until 6-7 depending on the day
for my school it would be 12 to 7-9.

Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​
No I am not.

When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -​
I've been playing since Alpha and I've came along way.

Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​

Yes, just for me having my IGN as ImOwner

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -​
I don't really apply for servers as much as I play on them, but I've owned my own
server before so I know what I am doing.

How many hours can you contribute per day? -​
Around 7-9 hopefully, as I said depending on the day.

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than they? -
"(Name)" just ignore them, you're to mature and very intelligent to argue with people that want attention.

Do you have any experience with depression? How have you dealt with this? -​
Umm, yes my friend actually has depression, I am very familiar with this.. unforgettably...

Are you able to record? -​

Yes I am, would I if I need proof, for sure.

How many server staff applications have you made before? -​
I have made 0.

What is the date of the last application you made? -​


Anything else we should know? -
I have a short school schedule so I will be most active on the server, most likely from my experience with my schedule It usually turns out that way.

Thanks for reading!
Sincerely - Ty, aka ImOwner
Skype: OutOfLube
02/18/2016 12:05 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
02/17/2016 11:50 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Still accepting staff and builders.
02/17/2016 9:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
is_there's Avatar
Have ran 2 servers and done some paid builds for servers.
Interested in the server idea, want to see if you get pets and guns.
02/17/2016 9:06 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Yes sir you can get guns and pets. Along with bi planes, grenades, c4, grenade launchers, custom weapons made with a combinations of up to 40 different metals and much more!
02/17/2016 5:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
piglord's Avatar
What you are applying for: Mod
IGN: Pigl0rd(May change soon)
Skype: piglord11
Experience: I have been staff on many servers but sadly they have closed down I have owned 2 servers myself and been Co-Owner on 3 and Head-Admin on 2
Why you want to be staff/builder: I want to be staff because I think minecraft is ore fun with a role of responsibility, I also love to help and get to know people.
02/17/2016 6:29 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Thinking about it.
02/18/2016 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
piglord's Avatar
Contact when you decide Thank you!
02/17/2016 2:43 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
still accepting.
02/15/2016 7:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
ShadowwGaming's Avatar
What you are applying for: Developer/Plugin Manager
Age: 15
IGN: ShadowwGaming
Skype: live:sergentjayshadow
Experience: : I have done a little work here and here on some easy little servers that don’t last forever. I have also owned my own server for over a year and made a little money off of it. It was Factions and that is my favorite game mode. But all good things must come to an end and after I ran out of time to maintain it I shut it down for school became more important to me. Some of the basic plugins were World Edit and essentials. All of the permissions and building were done by me and the most players that were online during that entire time were 102/200 and were quite busy. I have also done some work on The Unforgiven Network, which is a roleplay network that is still somewhat in development,
Why you want to be staff/builder: I am trying to gain experience to be hired for a Game Hosting company, and if I am hired, I may be able to offer cheaper hosting for all of the smaller servers out there, and if I am accepted, I may be able to work hard in my freetime along with helping the community

Just add me on skype if you need to talk
02/15/2016 8:25 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
I am only in need of builders/moderators right now.
02/15/2016 6:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
NovaArch's Avatar
What you are applying for: Builder
Age: 15
IGN: RedArchitecture
Skype: (Will not give publicly)
Experience: 3 Years, 4 Buildteams.
Why you want to be staff/builder: Mostly due to the part I have no other way to express my building oppertunities.
Examples of your past builds (builders only) (pictures): Check PMC
02/15/2016 6:30 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Could you give me your skype through pm?
02/15/2016 6:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Fox's Avatar
Now accepting staff!
Planet Minecraft


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