JumpBoost Server | VANILLA | Whitelisted | ACCEPTING | (14+)

Osca32's Avatar Osca325/20/14 1:18 pm
6/16/2014 3:29 pm
Shelbs10MC's Avatar Shelbs10MC
G'day there! It's Osca32 here, bringing you a brand new (bar the name (old server I had)) vanilla private server! The server is run and hosted by me, and will be inhabited by carefully picked players who I think will benefit to the server's life. I want this server to last a long time, and I think the only way we can do this is if we carefully pick the people who will play on the server. For example if you have no sense of humor, grief people for fun and insult people you don't know, you probably won't be accepted. Actually, you definitely won't be accepted.
So here is some basic info about the server:
♦ Hosted in England, but I heard the server doesn't lag from other countries (specifically the US).
♦ Accepting people all round the world.
♦ We will do server events like killing the ender dragon, the first wither UHCs and the like. (For funzies and the lolz)

And here's some (obvious) rules:
♦ Don't grief.
♦ Don't steal.
♦ Don't be antisocial. No, I don't mean you have to talk to people all the time, but telling people to f*** off every time they talk to you is not a nice way to make friends. Or any way to make firends, but whatever.
♦ Help others when you can. And also write what you think about jam in your application, because we want to know if you read the rules. Yes I'm looking at you Timmy, make sure you read the rules next time.

Ok, I need you to apply as well, so here's what I want in your application (be thorough and use proper grammar, it will help).

♦ IGN:
♦ Age:
♦ Wherabouts do you live?
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺:
♦ How you'll benefit to the server:
♦ Why should we accept you?:
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself:
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...)
♦ Did you read the rules?
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it:
♦ Skype:
Posted by Osca32's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect

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05/24/2014 9:31 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Osca32's Avatar
05/24/2014 2:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ItzVinnii's Avatar
♦ IGN: Caeky
♦ Age: 14
♦ Wherabouts do you live? Canada

♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: None, sadly.

♦ How you'll benefit to the server:
I think I'll be able to benefit the server and it's players by creating a positive attitude all around the server.

♦ Why should we accept you?:
I really enjoy playing with people who share common interests which in this case is minecraft. I can also bring a lot to the table with 2+ years of minecraft experience.

♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself:
I absolutely love playing sports competitively such as basketball, I love almost anything related to computers, I spend most of my free time drawing, I also love hanging out with my friends, and some say I am quite intelligent.

♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...): No
♦ Did you read the rules?: Yes
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I like strawberry jam on my toast.
♦ Skype: itzvinnii
The Mexicator
05/26/2014 6:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The Mexicator's Avatar
IGN: Nightray113
♦ Age:15
♦ Wherabouts do you live? The U.S., specifically California
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: I really enjoyed them. Was online a lot, very active in them. Until of couse they went down.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: Every server needs a Mexican . Well I'm really not to sure. I can build well. Do some redstone. That's about it.
♦ Why should we accept you?: You should accept me because I said so. No, but really i think you should accept me because I'm really friendly i love being with other people. Aswell as playing minecraft with others.
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: Im a 15 year old mexican that lives in the United States. Love football (american), Watch some Soccer (Liga Mexicana). Also i'm a bit of a joker. Tend to be quiet, but can be really loud when appropriate.
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...)Nope XD
♦ Did you read the rules? Yes.
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: Well it's just basic rules on any other server. Not being mean. Keep cussing to a minimal. Don't be antisocial. (I think jam is incredible but in reality in a jelly type of guy.) Also help other when possible.
♦ Skype: hector.zavala64
05/26/2014 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrHappyErection's Avatar
♦ IGN: MrHappyErection
♦ Age: 15
♦ Wherabouts do you live? 'Murica, Oregon
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: They all died out and so thats why I'm on the search for a new one! but those servers were good while they lasted.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: Im a great community guy! I'm always willing to help out other people and socialize. Trust me I'm one of the most out-going people there is
♦ Why should we accept you?: Im a badass durr. I think the answer above^^ answers this as well/
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I play mine craft and basketball and thats about it lmao
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...) Nahhh dogg.
♦ Did you read the rules? Hell yeah!
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: Peach Jam <3 You're sarcastic and derogative haha I like it. and I don't tell people to fuck off when they talk to me unless they're really fucking annoying or a noob but ill try to be patient with them
♦ Skype: daryndotcom

-If we are whitelisted will we be contacted on here or Skype? Please let me know ASAP if I am whitelisted or not thank you
05/31/2014 7:57 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Osca32's Avatar
06/01/2014 12:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrHappyErection's Avatar
White list us!
06/01/2014 2:56 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
♦ IGN: joelchan00 (:
♦ Age: 16
♦ Wherabouts do you live? SIngapore
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: haha I have been on quite a few already and really enjoy them but some have been really inactive which I don't like thus I left.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I am very helpful and love to make new friends and am very friendly so I believe I can benefit the server that way.
♦ Why should we accept you?: Like I said earlier, I am very friendly and love to help people so I will be good. I won't steal or grief anybody so yeah (:
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I live in Singapore, I have been laying Minecraft for over a year now, I like to play other games like TF2 and stuff and studies always comes first but my exams are over right now so do not worry (:
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...) haha Obviously not (:
♦ Did you read the rules? YES
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I LOVE JAM
♦ Skype: Shasshen but there are quite a few so if you give me yours I will gladly add you
06/01/2014 4:55 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
TheLegendaryBox's Avatar
♦ IGN: blox12343
♦ Age: 14
♦ Wherabouts do you live? England
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: I've never played on one before.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I love to help people in any way i can and make sure i don't let them down.
♦ Why should we accept you?: As i said, i love to help people and keep them happy and entertained while still keeping a certain level or seriousness.
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I'm a casual gamer who likes to play games with friends and family. It could be Minecraft, WoW or any other games i like
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...) Hmm..this is the hardest question of all...maybe..just maybe...Nope
♦ Did you read the rules? Yep
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I hate jam
♦ Skype: makinbacon8
Alright, thanks for your time. -Blox12343
06/06/2014 1:30 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Osca32's Avatar
06/10/2014 12:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Osca32's Avatar
06/10/2014 12:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
y'all should definitely join this server! It is really fun and everybody is so friendly (: We are going to be having a UHC event very soon so if you join you can also participate in that (: Hope to see more people on the server soon (:
Chocolate Sprinkles
06/10/2014 1:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chocolate Sprinkles's Avatar
♦ IGN:animeanimie
♦ Age:15
♦ Wherabouts do you live?:England
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: I have such a long list *takes out micro-paper*
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I is a good builder and I moderated 29384 servers (5)
♦ Why should we accept you?: Because I love you?
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself:... yeah who is gonna reply to dat
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...) YUSH I GRIEFED HYPIXRLSZ (Nupe)
♦ Did you read the rules?: Yesh
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: Thou shall not tell thou to fuck off.
Thou shall not greif
Thou shall not steal
If thoueth join thoueth server thou shall help others.
♦ Skype:... Stalker alert :3
06/10/2014 1:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
06/11/2014 10:51 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
06/11/2014 12:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheEmeraldEye's Avatar
♦ IGN: TheEmeraldEye
♦ Age: 17
♦ Wherabouts do you live? Dublin, Ireland
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: Hosted a private server with friends a short while ago. Closed because of a lack of interest.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I think I have a decent knowledge of the game (other than redstone and being an awful builder), I like to help out people when I can and hopefully I can come up with some interesting ideas to add.
♦ Why should we accept you?: I enjoy Minecraft a lot and always look to help others enjoy the game as much as myself.
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I'm seventeen and will be going into my most important school year after summer but I plan on being as active as possible. I like to play alongside others and want to learn from others on the server.
♦ Are you a griefer? (Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...) No
♦ Did you read the rules? Yes
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I am not a fan of Jam
♦ Skype: finnser123(microsoft account)
06/11/2014 8:58 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
Ajabzz's Avatar
♦ IGN: Ajabzz
♦ Age: 16
♦ Wherabouts do you live? Michigan, USA
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: I have been on numerous other vanilla SMP servers that didn't work out, which really sucks.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I know how to build tons of different kinds of useful farms, so i can help out in that case, and I am also a pretty decent builder and I will be able to participate in most server events.
♦ Why should we accept you?: Because I am tired of looking for a grief-free, active, and fun server with players that know what they're doing, and don't build grass huts.
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I might have broken my pinky Monday, and I can't wait for the FIFA World Cup to start tomorrow.
♦ Are you a griefer? No I am not.(Why is this in the application, no one's gonna say yes...)
♦ Did you read the rules? Yes I did.
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I like raspberry jam, because It spreads better than strawberry.
♦ Skype: ajabzz
06/11/2014 9:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Qassimnm's Avatar
♦ IGN: Qassimnm
♦ Age: 15
♦ Wherabouts do you live? USA East coast
♦ Previous experience with private servers (Don't worry if you haven't been on private servers before, we won't judge ☺: Been on one for a while but it ran on a really buggy snapshot and nobody plays anymore.
♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I can build houses and help whenever i`m needed.
♦ Why should we accept you?: I can be a great addition to the server, just wait and see.
♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: I am bilingual (Both fluent) Play sports often, and during the summer i'm going to visit my family in the middle east and will have so much spare time to play.
♦ Are you a griefer? I like joking around but I always fix what i cause
♦ Did you read the rules? Yes..
♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: Jam is alright with toast.
♦ Skype: Q.nader

Hope to see you on the server XD
06/16/2014 3:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Shelbs10MC's Avatar
♦ IGN: shelbs150

♦ Age: 15

♦ Wherabouts do you live?: United States of America

♦ Previous experience with private servers: I've been and played on many private server in my years, to name a few, MineCarve Mine-Chronic BlueFumes ect.

♦ How you'll benefit to the server: I can build pretty well. I'm a member of the Hyperion and ArsenicCraft Build Teams, so I know my way around the blocks Also, I've played Minecraft for three years now, four in September, so I know all the ins and outs of the game. Finally, I am a very trustworthy, helpful, nice person.

♦ Why should we accept you?: I'm a nice guy. I don't/rarely ever get mad or angry at people, because, its all for fun! I'm very helpful, putting my time toward helping other and community builds. Also, I love Minecraft.

♦ I want to hear a little about you. Tell me about yourself: Well, outside of the game, I play many different sports, such as basketball, baseball, football, and I also run track. Also, I compete in many academic events for my school. I am a straight A student, at the top of my class, #Swag, but...truly, I'm a gamer at heart!

♦ Are you a griefer?: Uhhh....Yes! No no no no no Just kidding I'm no griefer.

♦ Did you read the rules?: Yeah :p

♦ Oh yeah? Prove it: I really like jam. I tastes good on about EVERYTHING! Humans couldn't survive without it.

♦ Skype: Shelbs150

Thank you for reading my application! Hope you accept me!!

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