Landlord plugin error

kingdragonex's Avatar kingdragonex11/26/15 9:48 pm
1 emeralds 296 3
11/27/2015 3:08 pm
macgarthur's Avatar macgarthur
Hi, i'm an owner of a small minecraft server running on spigot 1.8.8. I installed the landlord plugn as a way to claim land but it's not going so well for players. Whenever anyone types the command /ll claim, /land claim, or /ll unclaim or /land unclaim an error message pops up saying An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command. I have tried going through all of the config files, reinstalling the plugin and even reinstalling worldguard. Here is the pastebin link for the full log: http://pastebin.com/gQVwusht
this is a list of all installed plugins:
Posted by kingdragonex's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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11/27/2015 3:08 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
macgarthur's Avatar
Looks like it's an error with the plugin that the plugin developer has yet to fix. Sorry but nothing you can do. Maybe post on the official Bukkit page and ask for an update?
11/27/2015 10:54 am
Level 1 : New Network
kingdragonex's Avatar
The command still works but the error message is annoying people.
11/27/2015 12:17 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
macgarthur's Avatar
First comment from the Bukkit page:

"I've been getting an error message when trying to run the command(s) "/land claim" and "/land unclaim". It seems to still runs the command meaning as it still allows the player to claim and unclaim land, it's just showing an error message. Also, maybe turning off lava/water flow so they do not flow into the claimed land would also be great."

Is it still allowing players to claim/unclaim the land? Seems like this was never fixed.
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