Legacy PVP looking for staff!

gkide's Avatar gkide4/17/14 1:58 pm
4/18/2014 3:57 am
Official_Nathan21's Avatar Official_Nathan21
Legacy pvp is looking for staff apply in game at mclegacy.hopto.org
come on quick before all staff spots are taken!
Posted by gkide's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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04/18/2014 3:57 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
pfft what disrespect to the community
04/17/2014 6:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
gkide's Avatar
We need 3 more staff on the server join now!
04/17/2014 4:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
gkide's Avatar
We are almost out of staff spots now so join quickly and get your application in! mclegacy.hopto.org
04/17/2014 3:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
gkide's Avatar
Also we still need 5 new staff.
04/17/2014 3:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
gkide's Avatar
Paul you were banned for your disrespect to the community ill let you ban appeal here if you would like.
04/17/2014 3:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
they dont even let you talk what twats
04/17/2014 3:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
this is a shit server dont join it. the admins are twats
04/17/2014 3:29 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
so you twats ban me when im talking. WELL FUCKING DONE
04/17/2014 2:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Clozahkiin's Avatar
Hey names Cai [IGN: Drakon197 / cloudinblack]
Applying for: Admin/Mod
Location: UK, Wales
Age: 14
Why you should pick me? I am a very experienced Minecraft, I began playing the game in around March/February 2011. I've been a member of staff on around three servers and I have been granted high-ranks many times. (Such as: Trusted or Knight etc) I enjoy interacting with new-players and I am a very dedicated person.
Experience: I keep up to date on the latest Minecraft news and I understand command-blocks and how to use most plugins. If I do not understand something, I can be taught easily how to do so.
My goal? I my goal is to help the server grow, prosper and to of course have fun while doing so!
Attitude: I am a very mature for my age but I can still have a laugh with both older players and younger ones. I'll try to be a fair and kind member staff in which players trust not fear.
Playing time: I play mostly every day between 4 - 10 in the afternoon and even more on weekends! It is currently half-term so I'll have plenty of time for the next two weeks!
Contact details: Skype: caithomas07 (I'm not sure if that's completely correct, but seeings my names uncommon it should be easy to find )

Note: I do really hope I get a position and I hope to hear from you soon!
04/17/2014 2:04 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
I'll be a mod or an admin, Im decent with commands and World Edit
04/17/2014 2:00 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
IamMartinEpic's Avatar
Hi there my name is Iam or Martin.
Today I am going to be applying for Admin.
Before I give you some reasons why you should pick me it is good to get to know me a bit first.
I am 14 and from the UK, I have played Minecraft for 3 years. My IGN is IamMorethat2, you can contact me on Skype, [I am nearly always online] my skype name is iammorethat2skype.
I want to have this position because I have had so much experience of being staff and even experience of just general Minecraft and the community around it. I think that I can help your server develop and together our server will grow in popularity. I also think that if you pick me I will be able to make people feel welcome into the community and have a fun time on this server.
I think you should pick me because of these several reasons:
Activity – I am a very active and regular player on Minecraft, every day I play for at least 3 hours and at most 5 hours. During these hours I will try to put them into playing this server and helping it grow.
Maturity – I am a really mature person, I never swear nor do I break the rules in anyway. I will not argue with the owner or other staff unless needed. I will also make other people follow the rules and I will make them understand if they don’t follow the rules consequences will be taken [First a Warning, then a kick and after a temporary ban and finally a permanent ban], of course I will contact you in case of and rule breakers or incidents.
Experience - I have been a member of staff on many servers. However the server owners didn’t spend the donation money on the server and therefore they were unable to fund the server cost and the server closed. But I am an admin currently on a server called SurvivalCraft and the server is running smoothly and I am great friends with the owner, I am also a Mod on a server called RazorWind. I am also I have been playing on that server for 1 year now.
I am also a good builder and not bad with graphic designing, but that is a whole other story and if you want to know about it just message me on skype. Take care. ~Martin
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