-_Arctic_Fire_-'s Avatar -_Arctic_Fire_-10/20/14 10:22 am
10/20/2014 10:27 am
MCPlaysMC's Avatar MCPlaysMC
Hey Guys!
The Arctic Network is very nearly complete however our factions needs an awesome pvp arena built! Reply with your creations and when the server is up and running you will have the unique builder rank! APPLY IF YOU ARE AN AWESOME BUILDER!
Posted by -_Arctic_Fire_-'s Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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10/20/2014 10:27 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
MCPlaysMC's Avatar
What is your ingame name?

Have you ever been banned? if so, why?
Never been banned.

What is your date of birth?
July 10, 1998

Why do you want to become a moderator?
I want to become moderator so I can better the server. I feel if I were to be accepted, I could help a lot more than I can now. Such as chat, so when other staff members are gone, I am there to take control and deal with the problem. I also can help with problems such as building within the server. Considering I am a decent builder, I could do some small jobs without you having to hire another builder. Most of the time, I will go to spawn and mess around on my computer. I usually leave the tab open so I can see what is going on, so I can always tell if someone is doing something there not supposed to be doing in spawn. Recently I've seen the lack in staff on the actual Factions server. I've only ever seen Shay and fergy on and that was for a brief minute or two. So I want moderator to fix this problem.So hopefully I get accepted because I am on nearly everyday for around 2-5 hours. If I am accepted, I will easily fix the problem of staff not being on the server. I feel that there should be a staff member on close to all times. So you need a staff member that is responsible enough, friendly enough, and is on enough to be able to watch over those players.

Why should we chose you?
You should choose me because I am respectful to all players and I am a loyal player. I have never been banned and I have experience with beholding a position as staff. I am willing to listen to people and I am very reasonable. I will NEVER abuse or be unfair to a certain player if I don't like them. Also, I will never screw things up ingame to ruin any one's experience on the server. I am on the server nearly everyday for around 2-5 hours and only twice have I seen staff on. I think this is unfair to the people applying because we actually play factions, and we want to better the server. There are some people out there that just want staff to be able to say they have it, but I genuinely want to become staff so I can make sure that everyone is playing fair, and when players are confused that they have someone to resolve the problems. Hopefully you can realize that you need more staff members as your server is growing rapidly, and that I would be a suitable person to fit this spot. I am willing to put more hours in to make this server and it's community a better place.
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