Looking for full staff for PVP faction server!

jessimarie's Avatar jessimarie5/26/13 11:34 am
7/28/2013 2:17 am
killerbryanxx's Avatar killerbryanxx
Hello everyone!

I am planning on creating a server soon and I am in need of a full staff.

I'm a very chill person, so I'm not going to freak out on people, but I do enforce the rules. So if you do not like following the rules or you like to ask for higher positions, or you like to do your own thing before running it by a higher staff member, please do not apply for a position. I love listening to new ideas and supporting them if they would fit into the server, but I cannot deal with people who do not propose their ideas before following through with them.

Every position will be asked to express their own ideas freely, but not to follow through with them unless it is just a small matter of judgement or if they have talked to an owner about their idea and gotten it approved. I want the staff to be a tightly knit group that works well together, so please do not apply if you cannot work well with others.

Server Information:

Factions, PVP, peaceful faction option, economy, "drugs", minigames, adventures, possibly hunger games, + more with staff ideas!
Right now I have the money for an average sized server, but with very small donations from people, I can set up an even bigger server.
I have a lot of people who want to play on it already, I just need to set it up, set permissions, and build spawn, for which I will need very important people to help me out.
This server could be very large if we have the right staff and the right setup. c:

Positions Needed:

Co-Owner (1-2): Mature, responsible, active, and fair. Jobs consist of: building (if you are a builder), keeping staff and members on track, being online often to watch over the server and members, advertising where allowed, helping with any other tasks. (Must have 1.5+ years of minecraft server experience)

Moderator (2-4): Mature, responsible, active, and fair. Jobs consist of: building (if you are a builder), keeping lower staff and members on track, being online often to watch over the members, helping with tasks, identifying spamming, cheating, hacking, glitching, misuse of anything on the server and addressing or reporting the situation. (Must have 1+ years of minecraft server experience)

Architect (3-6): Mature, responsible, active, fair, and immense knowledge of building styles, with great architectural skills. Jobs consist of: building, being online to help build, checking for mistakes in architecture anywhere on the server, landscaping (if you can landscape), helping with shops or other tasks. (Must have 1+ years of minecraft experience)

Tester (6-8): Responsible, active, fair, and understanding. Jobs consist of: helping spot problem areas, mistakes, and issues around the server in any aspect, playing the server, testing out commands, being online to help test and get first access to the server's player benefits as soon as they're added, getting a head start in building top factions. (Must have .5+ years of minecraft experience)


The application is somewhat detailed so that I can see who would be best for the server.

What position(s) are you applying for:
How long you've been playing MC:
How long have you been playing on MC servers:
Have you ever been a staff member before:
If so, what server(s):
Why would you like to be apart of our staff:
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know)
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:
Posted by jessimarie's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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07/28/2013 2:17 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
killerbryanxx's Avatar
Name: bryan
IGN: killerbryan
Age: 13
What position(s) are you applying for: Co-owner , Moderator
How long you've been playing MC: Since 1.2 beta
How long have you been playing on MC servers: For about 1 or two Years, I currently Don't remember but it was long ago
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes
If so, what server(s): Play.gamemode.org Play.womc-mmorpg.com:25565 Also (I'm helping on this one )
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: Because I Am good with permissions also configuring plugins, I can also build a bit, But i'm more good at Adding details to plain Buildings that need to be added, I also do a bit redstone And also I did Do a bit of html, But That's Just The simple lessons, I also Have experience with hiring good people for the servers, So they don't grief Also they do end up deleting everything. I Can also advertise to make good posts And Also Make sure the server is perfect and running fine I can also Help set-up Donation perks And buycraft for you, And get more people for the server. Also we can do beta-test to see what people like and do not like
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) Maybe In the future, Yes
07/28/2013 1:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HomelyHorizon11's Avatar
Mutant that is no reason to apply because she is pretty....
07/28/2013 1:50 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MutantRage's Avatar
Name:Rhonmark Samson
IGN: MutantRage
What position(s) are you applying for: i wan't to apply for admin.
How long you've been playing MC: Im playing minecraft for 3 years
How long have you been playing on MC servers: It's the same a above its 3 years.
Have you ever been a staff member before:Yes and its a cracked server but now im a premium user so they take me out.
If so, what server(s):The server was MinerCrafter:25565 but my it was closed now because they are so mean to other players
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: Because i want to help your server and i want to help you to make your server popular i can advertise your serve if you want to.
Would you be able to donate: Ahmmm Donate? sure thing. im want to help you.
07/28/2013 1:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MutantRage's Avatar
Damn you're gorgeous! i want to apply!
07/28/2013 1:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MutantRage's Avatar
Damn you're gorgeous! i want to apply!
07/28/2013 1:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HomelyHorizon11's Avatar
Name: Cassidy

IGN: HomelyHorizon

Age: 17

What position(s) are you applying for: Co-Owner or Admin

How long you've been playing MC: Since 2012

How long have you been playing on MC servers: I started playing on servers at the middle of 2012
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes I have been on several different servers. I am very experienced.

If so, what server(s): Happycraft, Bearcraft, Buttercraft, Cocoacraft

Why would you like to be apart of our staff:First of all, I'm helpful and respectful to all players, admins and staff. Secondly, I'm highly cooperative and easy to get along with. Thirdly, I'm highly experienced with advertising, managing sites and writing threads, post and etc for servers. I'm also responsible and I can make sure everyone follow rules. Fourthly, I keep a positive and friendly attitude to all the players and staff on the server at all times even and I am patient with any situation I am dealing with such as answering questions and guiding new players. In conclusion, I treat the players the way I like to be treated and I wanted to be an admin or head admin because I love to answer people's questions, help to develop the server into a better and You should pick me because I can stop the rulebreakers, I'm mature, I take care of things the right way. I've always promised to dedicate all of my time, effort and hard work to the wonderful servers that I become Staff on and try my best and attempt at everything that is required for me to do.

Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) I may be able to in the future.

How will you help improve the server: I could improve the server by advertising it over the internet(mainly writing), managing sites, also I can keep the new people go goes on the server happy by answering their questions since I had been playing minecraft for 2 years.

Can you advertise well for us? Yes I advertised about 3 servers now that are developing and it boosted there players by a bunch in the first few hours. In fact, the best thing I can do for servers is advertising and making threads(writing)

what do you do if someone repeatedly cursed or spammed after asked not 2: I will talk to admins and staff online to discuss about him, if there is no staff online, I will kick him or mute. However if he continues I will eventually temp ban then ban.

Rate: about 10 hours a day
Hope you liked it.
07/28/2013 12:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tristanduarte's Avatar
Name: Tristan Duarte
IGN: tristanduarte
What position(s) are you applying for: moderator/architect
How long you've been playing MC: 2.5 years, but i play most of the day everyday
How long have you been playing on MC servers: about 2 years

Have you ever been a staff member before: I have had 4 staff positions on servers such as admin, co-owner, and moderator, but these were all long-term positions
If so, what server(s): prodigy pvp, dirtcraft, recluse pvp, and combine craft

Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I would love to be staff because I am generally a very friendly, and chill person just like you seem to be, and this looks like a great opportunity to help out a upcoming big server! Also am a pretty great builder, but i cannot manage to get the pictures of my builds up :/

hope to see you on the server soon
05/30/2013 1:32 pm
Level 41 : Master Tiger
Wears_12's Avatar
Name: Brockton
What position(s) are you applying for:Co -owner
How long you've been playing MC:since 2009
How long have you been playing on MC servers:Since 2011
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes
If so, what server(s): DynastyCraft (down) Techno buffalo(quit)
Why would you like to be apart of our staff:I really want to be a part of your staff because I know that I am capable of helping your server to become even better than what it's destined to become. I'd love to be a part of helping a community grow in the best way possible.
Would you be able to donate: Maybe (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know)
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:
05/30/2013 10:57 am
Level 32 : Artisan Ranger
mathweev's Avatar
well, i'll apply i guess, dont expect me to actually be on the server actively or anything though,

Name: just call me Math, everyone does.
IGN: mathweev
Skype: my IGN
Age: 17
What position(s) are you applying for: Architect
How long you've been playing MC: almost since it came out on 1.8
How long have you been playing on MC servers: 2-3 years? i dont know
Have you ever been a staff member before: i've owned several servers, but now i just mostly take Building requests and build stuff.
If so, what server(s): SoupCraft, The Lores of Arkanthia, The Miltie's (Note: Theese servers does exist anymore)
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: to build?
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) no i will not donate, as you can see i just want to help create a spawn.
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:

A project about the Mines of moria, i didnt find any about all our tunnels and small houses inside though:

a small city i made in Singleplayer:
05/29/2013 11:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
ilovebrook99's Avatar
Name- Shelby Miller
IGN- ilovebrook99
Age- 14
What position(s) are you applying for- Co-Owner (or wherever else you can put me)
How long have you been playing Minecraft- About 2 years
How long have you been playing on Minecraft servers- About a year and a half
Have you been a staff member before- Yes.
If so what server(s)- AdventureCraft- Head-Developer, CrazyCraft Co-Owner, TechnoCraft Head-Admin, BroCraft Head-Admin, WinksCraft Co-Owner, and others that I have forgotten. Most of those servers closed so I'm not that busy now.
Why would you like to be apart of our staff- I love helping servers that are just starting to make an impression on the Minecraft world. Giving the server a chance to shine. I would love to help your server get that chance. Wether it be behind the scenes or up front with the players, or both.
Would you be able to donate- I might be able to but I don't know for sure. I usually can't.
Additional Info- I am a builder as well as a coder.
05/29/2013 10:36 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Cake
Bar3lyblind's Avatar
Name: Parker
IGN: Bar3lyBlind
Age: 13
What position(s) are you applying for: Co-Owner, Admin (Head-Admin) if there is one.
How long you've been playing MC: Since Alpha 1.2.5
How long have you been playing on MC servers: Since idk, forever o.o
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes, i've been an Owner, Co-Owner, Admin, Moderator, and a Helper.
If so, what server(s): My server, friend's server, R3DEMPTION Craft (Mod and helper), Admin on some other server a long time ago.. Yeah
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: Because i love helping people out, making sure the server is a friendly enviroment. I am capable with everything, building, plugins, helping, whatever you need i'm all for it
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know): No i am a poor white kid.
05/28/2013 8:27 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Knyghtfalcon's Avatar
Oh, and i forgot to mention it in my application on the previous page, but i can handle permissions as well.
05/27/2013 4:02 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Mage
rocknsugar's Avatar
Name: Robby
IGN: Rocknsugar12
What position(s) are you applying for: Architect
How long you've been playing MC: 3 1/2 years
How long have you been playing on MC servers: 2 1/2 years
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes
If so, what server(s): Herobrine detention prison - BlazeRaid (both down due to lack of money)
Why would you like to be apart of our staff:
Would you be able to donate: No I couldn't
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:

Those are just some houses I made
05/27/2013 3:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
household600's Avatar
Hmmm... I guess I'll apply. x3

Name: Elane
IGN: household600
Age: 14
What position(s) are you applying for: Preferably Moderator, but I'd be able to assist you in any position you've listed, besides Architect (Extremely poor building skills xD)
How long you've been playing MC: Well, I'd say since last spring, possibly before, so about 1.25 years?...
How long have you been playing on MC servers: About 1 year.
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes, I've been a staff member before.
If so, what server(s): I used to play on a pretty well known server, Minecustoms, as a moderator, until a couple of things happened...
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I really want to be a part of your staff because I know that I am capable of helping your server to become even better than what it's destined to become. I'd love to be a part of helping a community grow in the best way possible. This includes maintaining a stable atmosphere for players to enjoy themselves while sometimes involving "behind-the-scenes" work.
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know)
Well, I'm definitely not the richest person in the world, but I might be able to donate.
05/27/2013 3:05 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Knyghtfalcon's Avatar
Well, a response to mine would be nice if i could get one
05/27/2013 3:39 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Leprehaun's Avatar
Name: Liam
IGN: Leprehaun
Age: 16
What position(s) are you applying for: Mod/ Tester/ Co-owner
How long you've been playing MC: Since alpha
How long have you been playing on MC servers: Since 2011
Have you ever been a staff member before: i have owned 2 servers which both went down, so i have learnt quite a bit about permissions and plugins.
If so, what server(s): Oresomecraft and various others.
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I have previous experience as staff and owner, i think making me a suitable person to choose.
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) Yes. If after a while of being on i think the server would use it wisely and is deserving of a donation.
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:
05/26/2013 10:45 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
Jason347x's Avatar
IGN: I'll give to you via private message
Age: 15
What position(s) are you applying for: Co-Owner and/or architect
How long you've been playing MC: A year or two...? (I don't remember)
How long have you been playing on MC servers: A while, I'm admin on one
Have you ever been a staff member before: See above
If so, what server(s): Paradise PvP
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I like to buld and help others
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) No not at the moment
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:
05/26/2013 10:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
jessimarie's Avatar
Thanks guys! There are still many positions open!
05/26/2013 8:34 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Warrior
dragin276's Avatar
Name: Jason
IGN: dragin276
Age: 14
What position(s) are you applying for: co-owner is where i would fit in best but anywhere is fine
How long you've been playing MC: since Classic
How long have you been playing on MC servers: since 1.6
Have you ever been a staff member before: yeah!
If so, what server(s): i ran my own operated, moderated, administrated and co-owned many a few are: flamercraft, dabrogamerz and the rest i forgot unfortunatly they died out
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: just to help and chill out with people
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) depends how good the server is but i do tend to donate to the ones i end up playing on

a bit about myself that i would like to add: i am a great builder and staff member in general! i can sort out problems in a heartbeat and once I'm committed or dedicated to a task i am going to follow it through. i am honest and open and always share my ideas with anyone.

thankyou for your time
05/26/2013 8:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jellybeans10's Avatar

Name: Christopher J. Stephens

IGN: jellybeans10
Age:14 almost 15
Possisions: Co-Owner/Admin
How long have you played: I have been playing from the early beta stages, about 3 years

How long have you played MC servers: I have been playing multiplayer when in got the game.
Have you ever benn a staff member: Yes i have on many servers.
If so what servers: Raidcraft (Head Admin), Kingsmencraft (Co-Owner), Passion PVP (admin), MuffinCraft (Head Mod), DinamaCraft (Owner for about 2 years).

Why would you like to be part of our staff: I would like to become staff because I think I could help the server grow and get bigger and better. I am good at dealing with hackers/cheaters ect. I have had a lot of experience with ever command and a lot of plugins. I know how to use world edit very good, i can make an inter castle with 7 commands. I can handle a lot of stress from players.

Would you be able to donate: If need be I could donate, My parents are not rich rich, but i can donate most liekly 50 dollars or more if need to be.
05/26/2013 7:07 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Knyghtfalcon's Avatar
Well, i might as well give this a go, i have not applied for a server position in quite a while. Since im out of a staff position right now after my previous server shut down, i guess ill try.

Name: Robert K Falcon

IGN: Knyghtfalcon

Age: 15

What position(s) are you applying for: Co-Owner/Admin

How long you've been playing MC: Since Beta 1.2

How long have you been playing on MC servers: Since Beta 1.4

Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes, Many times, im very experienced with staff management, and plugin management. Along with settling disputes and answering questions.

If so, what server(s):
BadAss PVP(Junior Moderator)
BedRockBox Survival(Owner) FalconPVP(My own server)
FamilyCraft(My Sisters server.)
PixelPower(Old OLD server, admin)
A story unfolding (Upcoming Server to be released (Co owner)

Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I feel like i could bring something to the table, something unique and interesting. I feel like i can put my experience to good use and help with running a server. My knowledge of plugins, staff and server management, and building are all usefull skills of mine and i hope to be able to use them.

Would you be able to donate: If i come across any spare cash i may, but as of now, im broke and saving for college. Hope this doesn't turn you away from my application.
05/26/2013 5:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
jessimarie's Avatar
Thanks for applying guys!
eco friendly
05/26/2013 11:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
eco friendly's Avatar
Name: Alec
IGN: zuba2222
Age: 14
What position(s) are you applying for: Moderator.
How long you've been playing MC: I have been playing MC for about 2-3 years. I bought it during early Beta.
How long have you been playing on MC servers: Haha..Probably 2 months after I bought Minecraft. Single Player didn't suit my fancy.
Have you ever been a staff member before: Yes. Yes, many times on smaller servers.
If so, what server(s): Haha..most of the servers don't exist. And, even if I remembered the names, you wouldn't know them.
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: Because I have been looking for something to do on Minecraft, and to be a staff member on a server.
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) Well. Possibly. Let's see how it goes.
Architects only, please link to at least 2 images or videos of YOUR builds:
05/26/2013 11:41 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
eViLxInSaNeGOD's Avatar
Name: Chris
What position(s) are you applying for: Mod
How long you've been playing MC: About 3 now I think or 2 I don't remember.
How long have you been playing on MC servers:Same as above.
Have you ever been a staff member before:Yes.
If so, what server(s): A few servers that have disappeared off the map. And I'm currently a Mini-mod on Ava Varldar which I do still enjoy but not many people play there right now. (People are too lazy to do what is needed to do to join).
Why would you like to be apart of our staff: I want to make some new friends and be able to help out the server in any way I can.
Would you be able to donate: (This is not a deciding factor, it's just helpful to know) Yeah but I won't until I know the Owner and know I'm not pissing away my money for nothing.
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