Looking for mature and dedicated staff.

jjor03's Avatar jjor036/17/14 9:59 pm
1 emeralds 163 3
6/18/2014 6:49 am
The Blaze Crusher's Avatar The Blaze Crusher
If you're interested in playing our server it's Survival. Looking for players who are mature (age doesn't necessarily matter) and can show dedication to the server as well. I am looking for players that are interactive with the members and helpful to new players. Please fill out the App below and post it to our forums:


Make sure you fill out the application and post it to the forums. Applications on here won't be accepted.

Please apply with the format below (On the website):

In-Game Name:
How many hours per day you play:
Why would you make a good Mod:
Posted by jjor03's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Crafter

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The Blaze Crusher
06/18/2014 6:49 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
The Blaze Crusher's Avatar
Here is my application:

Name: Andrew
In-Game Name: gurkyturkey
Timezone: Central (I think XD)
How many hours per day you play: 2 to 4 depending on day
Why would you make a good Mod: I am very educated in the use of plugins (not making or managing them) and I can use all the commands for the right things.
Spam: /kick for starters /mute for second chance and /tempban or /ban for punishment

Trolling: /tempban or /ban (/kick for very minor cases)

GRIEFING: /ban no question
06/17/2014 10:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
iroke1's Avatar
Name: Steven
In-Game Name: Iroke1
Timezone: EST
How many hours per day you play: 8-12 gotta balance an online classs
Why would you make a good Mod:I have years of experience in staff positions on minecraft servers, i owned and ran a server for 2 1/2 years as well as multiple other staff postions on other various servers I feel like i could bring my experience to your server and help it run smoother and be more enjoyable for both you and the players on it
Skype name is steven.ziggy
06/17/2014 10:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
johnclon_98's Avatar
Name: Troy
In-Game Name: johnclon_98
Timezone: Central
How many hours per day do you play?: 10
Why would you make a good Mod?: I can make sure that there are no hackers or exploiters on the server. I also made a new YouTube channel, my other account was hacked. I can record gameplay of the server and maybe invite my friends to play as well.
My skype is contaminatedclam1, just for reasons.
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