Looking for Mature,Dedicated Players To Fill In Some Roles!

PrimeRobot's Avatar PrimeRobot12/13/14 11:45 am
12/24/2014 9:31 pm
luttish97_22's Avatar luttish97_22
Server Basic Information:
SurgePrison is a fairly new server thats 24/7, whitelisted, and 1.7.10. This server isn't an average prison server, as the ranks have been changed from A-Z to a N10-E1(It's confusing at first, but it will make sense if you understand it). We've decided to redo most of what already happened on the server, so we're looking for dedicated players that can help test out the server and just hang out for fun!

All In-Game Ranks Reward will be handed out when staffs believe you are doing your job. However titles are given when you are accepted and joined the server website!

Available In-Game Ranks

Recruiter: About 2-3 or 4
Description: You job is to help spread the server out and look for players interested in joining. You will be given instructions to look for a specific type of player and more information on what will happen.
Outcome: You will receive an 'Recruiter' Title on our website, as well as a
Mid-Range VIP Rank In-game.
Youtuber: About 1-2
Description: This rank is given to players that does videos on the server, Has good to excellent commentary, and mainly does a Prison Series.
Outcome: You will receive an 'Youtuber' Title on our website, as well as a Youtuber rank In-Game with commands exclusive from default players.
Early-Tester: About 5-8
Description: This rank will be common during the development period, which we're in right now, however once we become Public again, that rank will become impossible, as there is no way to earn that rank other than to participate in the Development testing. Your job is to basically play on the server, give feedback's, and find any bugs/glitches that players can use to cheat the prison system.
Outcome: You will receive an 'Early-Tester' Title on our website, as well as the EarlyTester Rank in-game, also with exclusive commands from default players.

Interested in Joining? Of course, there is always an application form for whitelisted servers. Please fill out the form in the spoils box!
Click to reveal
Maturity Level:
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking)
Rank applying for:
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do?
How active are you going to be on the server?
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it?
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request?
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public?
Is all the information above true?
Posted by PrimeRobot's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner

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12/13/2014 12:59 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Updated Application Form:
Click to reveal
Maturity Level:
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking)
Rank applying for:
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do?
How active are you going to be on the server?
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it?
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request?
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public?
Describe Yourself:
Is all the information above true?
12/13/2014 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BlackMesaPikachu's Avatar
Ign: IlluminaX

Age: 14.5 yrs

Maturity Level: High

Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking): Temp for spamming a command because of lag

Rank applying for: Early-Tester

If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? I plan to play exactly like another person would, except report any bugs I find whilst doing so. Also give feedback.

How active are you going to be on the server? Normally I can do 1-2 hrs per day, maybe 3, but not on wknds.

Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? Yes.

Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? Yes.

Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes.

Describe Yourself: I am easy going, friendly, funny, fun to be around, confident, understanding, helpful, patient, laid back, and hard working.

Is all the information above true? Yes.
12/13/2014 1:32 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Accepted, please join this website for your Early-Tester Title
12/13/2014 5:15 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
12/13/2014 5:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ProxiedPanda's Avatar
Ign: ProxiedPanda
Age: 14
Maturity Level: Considered mature enough for age
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking): Yes i have been banned but mainly because of misunderstandings and jokes. Also i was unbanned afterwords.
Rank applying for: Early Tester because i dont have a youtube channel for youtuber and a low level pmc member as myself cant be a good recruiter.
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do?: I will plan to finding bugs/glitches while playing and report it to you or the staff.
How active are you going to be on the server? Depends if i have school or not but will be on daily mostly.
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it?: Yes i will be active on the server website.
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request?: Yes i will unless that request is impossible for me or when i have to do something.
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public?: Yes i will keep my promise and fulfill my task.
Describe Yourself: I am helpful when needed and patient
Is all the information above true?: All of the information above this sentence is true.
12/13/2014 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XotterboxX's Avatar
Ign: XotterboxX
Age:15 almost 16
Maturity Level:high
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) yes i have but it was a server that i know the owner on and about 2 others
Rank applying for: tester
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? i will always be there to test things out
How active are you going to be on the server? im on a server from 5 to 7 hours a day
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? yes i will
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? yes i will
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? yes
Is all the information above true? yes i never lie and if u would like to get a hold of my my Skype is xotterboxx
12/13/2014 9:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Button Pusher
Officerkit's Avatar


Maturity Level: On a scale 1 - 10 its 7.

Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) Yes, Ive been banned on Hypixel. Was advertising a server I was very loyal to. Of course, I was annoying then.

Rank applying for: Mod, Admin if you want.

If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? I plan to dedicate all my hours on minecraft on it.

How active are you going to be on the server? Look above.

Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? If I truly need to be on the website, I will. I will also check out ban appeals.

Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? If its not someone thats I hate, then yes.

Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes.

Describe Yourself: I am a great builder, and I do not like pvp. I hate pvp, really. I want to find a good server to settle down on. and I love cats, I might spawn a few cats in here and there.

Is all the information above true? Yes.
12/14/2014 9:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Mod and Admin isn't a rank on the ranks list above, its Recruiter/Youtuber and EarlyTester
12/13/2014 9:55 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Button Pusher
Officerkit's Avatar
12/13/2014 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jariss's Avatar
Ign: jariss
Age: 15
Maturity Level: High
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) Not that i am aware of
Rank applying for: Early Tester
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? Play on the server like i would any normal prison server and give feedback about what could be improved and what should be removed and also report all glitches and bugs
How active are you going to be on the server? 1-3 hours minimum on weekdays 5+ usually on weekends
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? Yes
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? Yes
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes
Describe Yourself: I am Laid back, observant, helpful, friendly, easy to talk to, focused, and a hard worker
Is all the information above true? Yes
12/14/2014 7:43 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Still looking for 1-3 more recruiters, 2 Youtubers, and Early-Testers
12/14/2014 8:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
___Bass___'s Avatar
Ign: ZWyckoff

Age: 17

Maturity Level: 8/10, i know when to have fun and know when to be serious.

Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) NO

Rank applying for: Early-Tester

If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? Play the game as i would and then tell you my experience and how i like/disliked it also give some ideas if needed.

How active are you going to be on the server? 1-2 hours i work some days so some days i can be on longer than others.

Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? Yes

Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? Yes

Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes

Describe Yourself: I'm friendly and follow directions and know when to be serious i like to play games and have fun with friends.

Is all the information above true? yes
12/14/2014 9:12 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
12/16/2014 7:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
YonkersTyler's Avatar
How about mine?
12/16/2014 8:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
I sent you information via PM
12/17/2014 12:19 am
Level 37 : Artisan Lego Builder
nightnday's Avatar
Ign: nightnday
Age: 20
Maturity Level: I think my age speaks for itself, although that might sound a bit harsh. I have been staff on multiple servers (co-owner) on two of them.
Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking): not to my knowledge.
Rank applying for: if there are any left ? not very good at (youtube) although i don't know what that entails. im more of a builder for higher, also just looking for a fun server to play on. so I guess a tester would be my best bet. I do know multiple plugins and over 130 commands if that makes my chances better...
If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? Depends on what i get, if i get tester, i would probably spend some time analyzing your plugins and trying to decode any bugs-errors. Like i said i'm just trying to find a fun server to play on with some work to do.
How active are you going to be on the server? It depends really I am on break for a while and have some time between work, once i go back to school I will have more time so for now i'd say 1-5 not sure.
Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? possibly, again it really depends on how much time i have.
Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? yeah of course, there would be no point in being staff if i couldn't accept the responsibilities that come with it.
Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? sure, i understand your hesitation, its not easy starting something new that you probably wanted to do for a long time... we all have dreams.
Describe Yourself: i'm honest, respectful, kinda a goofy person once you get to know me. Really down to earth and low-key. If you need trustworthy feedback I would probably state my opinion, however it may offend some, but that's what real feedback is. Just accept me and find out who i am. Typing this isn't really the best way to figure someone out.
Is all the information above true? yes
12/17/2014 12:23 am
Level 37 : Artisan Lego Builder
nightnday's Avatar
ah i forgot to state that i have a twitch account with over 250 minecraft subs. kinda important to add i guess.
12/18/2014 10:42 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Reopened Applications
12/21/2014 10:34 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Still looking for about a few more players to fill in some roles
12/21/2014 12:22 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
12/21/2014 9:10 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
12/24/2014 7:40 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PrimeRobot's Avatar
Still looking
12/24/2014 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
luttish97_22's Avatar
Ign: Luttish97_2

Age: 17

Maturity Level: 10/10

Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) Im not gonna lie, so yes, but i cant remember why..

Rank applying for: Early-Tester

If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? Anything i have to do

How active are you going to be on the server? 4-5 hours a day.

Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? Ofcource!

Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? I Will Obey All My Orders

Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes I Will!

Describe Yourself: I am a mature guy from sweden, just turned 17, i have a sence of humor but can be serious if needed,

Is all the information above true? Yes It Is
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