Looking for players experanced admin and mods

djsky1291's Avatar djsky129112/7/12 3:28 am
12/22/2012 8:09 am
chelseafc's Avatar chelseafc
my name is DJsky1291 on behalf of Forbidden Oblivion i would like to welcome you to are clan. now on to more pressing matters i wold like to ask that if any mature player are willing to join a clan to help admin servers fell free to post here

join [FO] now at http://www.forbiddenoblivion.ca
Posted by djsky1291's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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12/22/2012 8:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
chelseafc's Avatar
Admin and mod app

2. Do you have skype(needed):Yes
3. Age: 14
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 9
5. Past experience(proof?) Been ops on loads of servers im good at helping people and running servers
6. Current Servers you are playing on: weechweb
7. Ban Record(be honest): been temp banned on one server in my minecraft life
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) Never hacked dont know how to tbh
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: Spammer Kick them if they carry on ban
hacker ban
10. Plugin experience- i know all commands for most plugins as ive had experiecne with most plug ins
11. Rank you are applying for - Admin
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: I could not because my family have not credit/debit/paypal accounts
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: I will be on Friday saturday sunday on friday it will be about 5 clock till 1 o clock saturday all day sunday untill about 2 o clock
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): England
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft i have been playing minecraft for about 2 years
16. willing to donate to server: I would if i could
17. java exp: #?
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position): I have loads of exp of being admins/ops and know commands well. I am fair and know how to treat people fairly
no one will complain about me they will love me!
Message me if you like this thanks
12/22/2012 5:22 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
DaniGirl14's Avatar
Name Danielle
2. Do you have skype(needed): Yes. Danigirrrlll
3. Age 14
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 8.5-9
5. Past experience(proof?) No proof, but you can tell once I begin on your server. have been admin twice, moderator many many times, and operator once.
6. Current Servers you are playing on: Three
7. Ban Record(be honest): Once when I started Minecraft:p
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) Don't hack its a form of cheating
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: Temp ban them, and if they do it again perm ban
10. Plugin experience Nope..
11. Rank you are applying for Moderator or higher
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: No money..
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: A lot!!
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): USA
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft 2 years
16. willing to donate to server: Would, but can't
17. java exp: ?..
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position): i am loyal, trustworthy, experianced, happy, friendly, mature, and willing to make the server better
12/18/2012 12:47 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Leprehaun's Avatar
Admin and mod app
1. Ign: Leprehaun
2. Do you have skype(needed): Liam.stallworthy1
3. Age: 15
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 9
5. Past experience(proof?)msoulcraft.enjin.com/. I have also owned 2different servers but shut them down. I have been coowner once, admin three times and mod once
6. Current Servers you are playing on:not many because i am hoping i can be on this one but I like survival or pvp servers
7. Ban Record(be honest): once but then unbanned
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) I don't hack and discourage all hacking
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: If there's jail send them to jail and then it's three strikes ban.
10. Plugin experience: I'm ok with plugins but I can set perms with any perm plugin.
11. Rank you are applying for: Prefrably admin but any staff position would be fine.
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: Yes I can but to I have to see the server first.
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: Anywhere between 2-6 hours.
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): Australia
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years now
16. willing to donate to server: Yes
17. java exp: A little
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position): With all my past experience I would think that would make me a valued staff member.
Of your questioning this app let me go on and prove myself cause I know and can do quite a lot.

If I have left anything out feel free to pm me or contact me over Skype.
12/18/2012 12:22 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
djsky1291's Avatar
Welcome to the team Joklikolai

we are still looking for members all the time join u can enter contests and we are all ways building new game servers
12/17/2012 4:01 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Purple_Unicornz's Avatar
Name (IGN) Joswimmer
2. Do you have skype(needed): Will PM if accepted
3. Age 14
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 10
5. Past experience(proof?) I've administrated on a bunch of servers that include Minedog, ShadyRealms, Skypvp, Snow, MuffinCraft, and Aquarius. The two that I know are on PMC, their accounts are Piranha713 and Ajwaterpocket
6. Current Servers you are playing on: I sometimes hop on a pvp server for a little bit. But i've been scouring for a new server and i think your server will do just that for me
7. Ban Record(be honest): 0
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) 0
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: Tell the spammer to stop. If he doesn't /kick, If he comes back and spams more, /tempban. Hackers go all the way to ban, but first i let them know where to appeal their bans. These actions can differ, varying on how you want me to deal with them
10. Plugin experience: Since i have administrated on many different servers with many different plugins i have a lot of experience with them and commands and things like that
11. Rank you are applying for: Admin
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly:
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: Mon - Wed (4-6 hours), Thurs + Fri (6-8 hours) Weekends 7 - almost all day long
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): USA(Eastern Standard Time Zone)
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 8 months - don't let that fool you though, i'm awesome at it in my opinion
16. willing to donate to server: Maybe, but to compensate, I can make a website for your server and help advertise and get a bunch load of people to join.
17. java exp: I can code some simple things, i'm working on expanding my knowledge
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position): I have lots of experience administrating, plus i have built multiple epic and massive server spawns and other server buildings such as pvp arenas, mob arenas, parcours, towns, markets, ect. Basically anything you want me to build. I can also help create a website and help advertise the server.
I believe I would be a great addition to your server, so i hope you accept my application.
12/22/2012 4:02 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
djsky1291's Avatar
u have been accepted by more than one of are staff i welcome u to FO
12/17/2012 3:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The_Practical_Joker's Avatar
Name: The_Comedian123
2. Do you have skype(needed):prefer to keep secret until accepted
3. Age 17
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 9
5. Past experience(proof?) http://imgur.com/a/1Cx7L#0
6. Current Servers you are playing on: stashcraft.com
7. Ban Record(be honest): none
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) none
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: first time: kick second time: jail third time: ban
10. Plugin experience: I helped develop worldedit, so I know my stuff
11. Rank you are applying for Admin
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: Not yes
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: 4-5 pm US Eastern
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): USA
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft over two years
16. willing to donate to server: not yet
17. java exp: I helped develop worldedit
12/17/2012 2:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Joklikolai's Avatar
1. Name: I'd rather not share my personal name, due to the fact of who is reading this, but my in-game name is Joklikolai, hard name - So just call me Jok
2. Do you have skype(needed): Yes I do, my name on there is my real-life name, so I will private message you if accepted.
3. Age: I am 23 years old.
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: I am teaching children on a private school in Norway, so I would say 9.

5. Past experience(proof?) I have been an admin on a server that is, sadly, no longer in development. I have turned down a couple of requests for me to be a staff member, since I haven't had the time to deal with plugin development, community management or game administration.
6. Current Servers you are playing on: I am playing a lot on a private server, I am in the middle of a huge building project that soon will be revealed. Besides for that, I am playing on "Arc Kingdoms", pvp.arckingdoms.com.

7. Ban Record(be honest): Since I shared this account with my younger brother, typical excuse - I know, I have 2 bans. I am fully responsible for both of them since this is my account.
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) I have never hacked, I hate hackers and how they manage to ruin the multiplayer gameplay.
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: I usually temp-ban spammers for 5 minutes, to cool them down, but if they come back and continues spamming - I ban.
Hackers are awful, in certain situations I give them a warning then ban, others are just ban.

10. Plugin experience: I studied java when I was younger, I have also made a couple of plugins with some friends, but I would not call myself a master developer.
11. Rank you are applying for: Moderator or administrator, the rank that you decide to put me in, sir.(if accepted)
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: I can, I could pay about 30$ monthly, but money isn't a big deal, right?
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: My timezone is
CET +1, I will be on 2-6 hours every day, between 4pm and 11pm.

14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): Norway, Europe.
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since alpha.
16. willing to donate to server: Depends on server quality.
17. java exp:
As stated before, I have studied java in my younger days - But it's nothing to brag about.
12/17/2012 1:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
saftan's Avatar
My age: 16
My in-game name: Emal97
Experience of being an admin: I´m going to start out by telling you why i want to become a admin on your server, Lets start out ,obviously I want to minimise the amount of rule breaking and create an enjoyable experience for the whole player base. But more to the point I would like to become admin to help and encourage new players, provide them any assistance they may need, and generally aid any player in any way they require in a polite, respectful and accelerated manner. Finally I would like to help relieve some of the stress of the other staff members by being active and helping consistently.
I could bring my commitment, I would try me very hardest to provide players with informative and helpful answers to all their queries, I would do this frequently to make sure all players have an enjoyable experience.
- Also because of my previous experience I have a great understanding of appropriate sanctions and the best means to deter rule breakers, by simply making fair unbiased decisions. Also I have high amounts of time and patients, which I think would be essential when helping players come to grips with rules and any problems they have. I have also worked with plugins and commands before so that would not be a problem. Most of my experience from the "field", have been both admin and server owner myself. I really like to help out so i can spend alot of my time on. Taking the job as admin very seriously and have fun.

Maturity level: from 1-10 7.5
Plugin mastery: As i said before, have been server owner myself and i am very familiar with most plugins,commands and I have learned from previous experience with alots of admin, mod and op commands from other servers. I´m also very good with world-edit.

Can you follow instructions: Yes,
Activity: I can be online 4-5 hours per day.
Building skill: world-edit
12/17/2012 1:02 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
migetlegs10's Avatar
2. Do you have skype(needed):sorry not
3. Age:11
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10:9
5. Past experience(proof?)owner admin mod and op and members on man many servrs because they all trust me
6. Current Servers you are playing on:not many because i am hoping i can be on this one
7. Ban Record(be honest):none
8. Hack Record(honesty is best)dunno how lol but no
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer:kick them as a warning then ban and later perm ban if they carry on
10. Plugin experience: some
11. Rank you are applying for:mod admin or op
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly:unfortanuly none
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: 4 hours on wkdays wkends about 7-8
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known):england
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft since beinning of alpha
16. willing to donate to server:no
17. java exp:??
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position):i am trust worthy and mature and dont take this in a silly way when it is seroius
12/17/2012 12:02 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
djsky1291's Avatar
welcome aboard are team
Name Jackson (ClashJLS is my ign)
2. Do you have skype(needed): its ClashJLS
3. Age 15
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 10
5. Past experience(proof?) WedgeCraft, I got banned by a abusive admin when I was a admin
6. Current Servers you are playing on: mctimv
7. Ban Record(be honest): 0
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) 0
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: first warning = mute, second warning = kick, third warning = tempban and the fourth warning is a ban
10. Plugin experience good
11. Rank you are applying for Head Admin mutha fucka
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: I cant
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: most of the day
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): Australia
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft since Minecraft started
16. willing to donate to server: cant
17. java exp bad
12/11/2012 10:02 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
_xOpTicReggiex_'s Avatar
2. Do you have skype(needed):Yes Reggie.Brannan
3. Age15
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10:8
5. Past experience(proof?)Elite On A Server and Mod
6. Current Servers you are playing on:Sewercraft.com
7. Ban Record(be honest):3 banns
8. Hack Record(honesty is best)um 5
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer:I will kick them 2 times and tell them to stop then the next time temp bann them then bann them
10. Plugin experience:Very Good
11. Rank you are applying for:Admin
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly:IDK
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally:24hour
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known):Georgia
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft:Beta
16. willing to donate to server:IDK
17. java exp:None
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position):Because i am Trustable i dont lie and i will really enjoy Playing on This awsome server and helping people out
12/07/2012 5:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
killerace's Avatar
Name: if it is mc then caden6032
2. Do you have skype(needed): yes my name killerace.minecraft
3. Age i am 11 years old
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10:8
5. Past experience(proof?)moderator on two servers
6. Current Servers you are playing on:sparksmermc or something
7. Ban Record(be honest):2 bans
8. Hack Record(honesty is best)if it is hunger games i am all hack
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer:depends on what they are hacking on
10. Plugin experience:0
11. Rank you are applying for:admin or mod
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly:because i'm 11 no money sorry
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally:when i'm at home after and before school and i will play alot on the weekends
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): Australia
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft1 year
16. willing to donate to server:sorry no
17. java exp: 0
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position):i'm smart funny and i m fair
12/07/2012 3:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
ClashJLS100's Avatar
Name Jackson (ClashJLS is my ign)
2. Do you have skype(needed): its ClashJLS
3. Age 15
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10: 10
5. Past experience(proof?) WedgeCraft, I got banned by a abusive admin when I was a admin
6. Current Servers you are playing on: mctimv
7. Ban Record(be honest): 0
8. Hack Record(honesty is best) 0
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer: first warning = mute, second warning = kick, third warning = tempban and the fourth warning is a ban
10. Plugin experience good
11. Rank you are applying for Head Admin mutha fucka
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly: I cant
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally: most of the day
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known): Australia
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft since Minecraft started
16. willing to donate to server: cant
17. java exp bad
12/07/2012 3:38 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
djsky1291's Avatar
Admin and mod app

2. Do you have skype(needed):
3. Age
4. Maturity level(be honest) 1-10:
5. Past experience(proof?)
6. Current Servers you are playing on:
7. Ban Record(be honest):
8. Hack Record(honesty is best)
9. How do you deal with a hacker/spammer:
10. Plugin experience
11. Rank you are applying for
12. Can you contribute money to the server, if so how much monthly:
13. How much time can you be on a day/what times normally:
14. Country you live in(or continent if country is not well known):
15. How long have you been playing Minecraft
16. willing to donate to server:
17. java exp:
Personal note (what makes you deserve a staff position):
Planet Minecraft


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