Looking for co owner with good skills

nick163's Avatar nick1636/21/12 3:25 am
6/25/2012 9:48 pm
videogame11's Avatar videogame11
hey guys, i can host servers with a good connection, but i just need a good co owner to help with plugins or make a server. i can host 24/7 and can manage players, just need someone to help me! so yeah comment below or join my vanilla server and we can talk!
Posted by nick163's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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06/21/2012 3:38 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Avrillialtf's Avatar
i'll help you my IGN is avrillialtf
06/21/2012 3:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CozzaKiller's Avatar
i can help, i have been co-owner on 1 server, admin on 3 servers and mod on 2 servers, i will happily help u and be the co-owner.
my IGN is Aldwyn007
06/21/2012 4:42 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
nick163's Avatar
come on the server guys
06/21/2012 5:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EvilSerpant117's Avatar
I would be a good co-owner on the server because ive been co-owner on 16 servers
06/21/2012 9:26 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
assassinzurcaled's Avatar
I would like to be co owner because i have good experiece in building and owning a server. I can build really good. I can help with plugins permissions and anything involving configs or just editing. Im 14 years old. I have skype which is bboyzurcaled.
And my email is bboyzurcaled@yahoo.com. I get trusted alot and im a super nice person. I usually friends with everyone i meet in minecraft. Hope You Choose Me.

IGN: assassinZurcaled
06/21/2012 10:37 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
trimus's Avatar
I can help i have owned a big server myself PAROEX craft so i am very experienced:)
and know quite alot about plugins! id be happy to help
06/25/2012 9:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
puretnt's Avatar
my application for co owner
Are You Good With People?:yes very
Are You Good At Building?:kinda not the best
How Can You Be Good At Your Spot?:view bottom and read
Are You Good With Using Plugins?: very good i am use to using many plugins
Name First:Bruno
How long have you played Minecraft: Since alpha

dedication:i am a very dedicated person i was on a few servers for years bulding it up now it one of the top servers and i don't play on anymore theres way to many people
experience: I was admin on 3 servers
skype: Imthebesp
Maturity 8/10
I, Pureboss, would like to make a formal application for Co-Owner.I understand very much if I'm not accepted, or even looked at for co-owner, but I would really like to take a chance.

my application:
Have you ever been staff on another server or are you a coder or what?
A: I have owned 2 servers and been staff 3 servers

Q: How often do you play a day?
A:I can play as long as needed

Q: Do you understand how commands work?
A: Yes, I do very much understand how commands work, and how they are added into the system files. For example, when a player will type ::home, the server files are registered under client.java, and it is called ("Home"), some coordinates, and other things per command. And, the server files are based off of else if statements. This means also that the server is run off of a .cmd command prompt.

Q: Are you a patient person?
A: Yes. I am a very patient person. I do have ADHD, which is a hyper-active disorder. However, I am on medication for it. You may be able to ask almost every member that knows me, and they know I do take things seriously, but have tons of fun. So I'm not just blowing things off and being hyper, not at all.

Q: Why do you want to be staff?
A: As I stated in my first introduction paragraphs,I would like to be a co-owner, as I would first of all be able to have more rights, and more respect. It seems ridiculous when a new player comes on, and asks if you're the owner, and then wants staff. If they asked if I was owner or co-owner, I would say yes, and if they told me to give them staff, I would be able to be respected in this situation more than an administrator. But as I stated, I am very fine and will not quit if you players do not accept me to be a co-owner, and there is no offense taken there

Q: What are rules as staff?
A: I am not going to copy a list of rules for staff, but I have made up a perfectly good list, in my opinion, that would suite the server's needs:

1.Do not grief on the server.

2. Do not be biased to another staff member;
Example: If your friend and another player are in a fight, do not favor your friend

Those, in my opinion are the two best rules a staff member should follow.
06/25/2012 9:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
rainbowdash130's Avatar
i will go on your server
06/25/2012 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
rainbowdash130's Avatar
IGN: rainbowdash130
06/25/2012 9:48 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
videogame11's Avatar
Im good at permissions and etc... im good at building and staffing and controling and preventing griefing
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