Looking for server who needs admins/mods

deadkid909's Avatar deadkid90911/19/12 10:09 pm
11/20/2012 1:30 am
deadkid909's Avatar deadkid909
My name is deadkid909. I am currently 18 and looking for a mod position or admin position for anyones server. I have worked with many tools such as permissions and bukkit plugins. I was a senior moderator on a minecraft server called Vasarcraft until it was shut down. I have also owned over 3 servers and was known as a great owner. I am a trustworthy, honest, respectful, and reliable person. I will list some of the plugins I have used and configed.
1. MC Ban
2. Mob Disguise
3. Essentials
4. Perms
5. Admin Tools
6. Teleporters
5. Multi Worlds

There is a variety of others I have used but most of them were just for fun. Below I have listed also many of the commands I have used.

/warp (warp name)
/tp (person) + (person)

What I also know about with mods and admins is sometimes you cannot let anyone out with a warning. For example

Admin: We have caught you hacking.
Person: I was not hacking at all
Admin: MC Bans has caught you hacking and now you will be banned from the server.
Person: But I swear I didn't hack. (Shows a video of the time he was in the server)
Admin: The video is not enough because MC Bans has been known to catch hackers and therefore you hacked goodbye. (Bans Player)

Question: Was he right of banning this person.
Answer: No because MC Bans has glitched out many times and has removed people that dont hack from the server because it suspects them of hacking when they really aren't. This is a bug in MC Bans and hopefully will be fixed.

Admin: We have caught you hacking.
Person: Yea so.
Admin: Under the rules of the game anyone caught hacking will get permanently banned from the server.
Person: Go ahead kick me.
Admin: For disrespect to staff and for hacking you are now banned from the server. (Bans Player)

Question: Was the Admin right when he banned this player?
Answer: Yes. Most servers do not like the word hack and don't like when people do this. Therefore if the player was hacking the server which could also mean for example (A chat spammer, X-Ray, OP Hack, etc.) then should be removed from the server without warning.

I really hope I would be able to get a job as an admin or moderator soon. My skype is deadkid909 and my steam is deadkid9111. Or you could also contact me at anonforlife117@yahoo.com or from xbox which my gamertag is also deadkid909. I hope to talk to someone soon.
Posted by deadkid909's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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11/20/2012 1:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
deadkid909's Avatar
I have just added you.
11/20/2012 1:14 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
solider12's Avatar
Deadkid909, hi, I realy like your app. I would like to have you as HeadAdmin or a very high accepted rank director. My director is fired atm so I need to get a new one. And a director's job is to help with plugins, get the server popular ect. Its like a owner job. I need a person like you because I cant be online so much so I cant manage or do so much with my server when I am on.

This is a paid server. I startwf paing for the server for like 4 months ago. And now the server is destroyed by griefers. Sence the new version come I cant get any craftbukkit to work. But I think it will work when a recommanded build come because ai dont think the hosting company are compatible with the development builds.

Add soliderfighter
On skype and we will talk more there I will also recomand you to add my coowner because I am from norway and he is from USA depends on were you are from (didnt see anything about timezone in your app) but more info on skype!

soliderfighter is my skype!!!!!!
11/20/2012 12:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
deadkid909's Avatar
11/19/2012 11:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deadkid909's Avatar
not so much a good builder no.
11/19/2012 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bearodactyl's Avatar
Are you a good builder?
11/19/2012 10:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ztender's Avatar
my mine craft name is ztender i have been a mod on a very popular server i have used ban mute kick admin tools mod tools i have my own server i am very respectful to everyone but jerks to me or the server i am on i will listen to my boss please invite me to a server tat i can be a mod or admin please peace
11/19/2012 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deadkid909's Avatar
11/19/2012 10:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
starcheat505's Avatar
oh ya and my twitter name is starcheat505 and i will have a chat right now if you want on twitter
11/19/2012 10:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
starcheat505's Avatar
hey deadkid909 my name is starcheat505 i was a owner of a server named cheezycraft until it was deleted by the other owner (CptCheezeball) i was hoping to get a spot at being a moderator on your server the server i was owner on was a very good server we banned all cheaters and hackers and griefers i would like to be moderator because i miss being op i can get on your server likely tomorrow at around 3:30 to 5:30 i'm known for being kind fair and honest and i hope to join your staff i really hope i can be moderator thanks:D
11/19/2012 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deadkid909's Avatar
Alright do you have a skype?
11/19/2012 10:15 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
graverobber82's Avatar
We are looking for Admins and mods and would love to setup a interview with you contact me if you are interested
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