Looking for staff

Swiftfros's Avatar Swiftfros2/3/13 11:40 am
2/3/2013 11:52 pm
hugo9u77's Avatar hugo9u77
okay so i have a server, been running for a year and we have very few admins, simply we need some but also looking for an "owner" for when im not here, i need them to have experience
please comment below this:
Minecraft Name:
Skype name:
Why you want to be admin/owner
P.S. you will only be trial to start off if i pick you
P.S.S The owner will have to be very experienced as in have owned his own server and must be able to provide proof of this
Btw the server is: globecraft.no-ip.org
Posted by Swiftfros's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Engineer

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02/03/2013 11:43 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tylermurray13's Avatar
Minecraft Name: Tylermurray13
Skype name: tyler.murray43
Experience: Im headadmin on ToXiccraft, co-owner on wizcraft and a few other servers
Why you want to be admin/owner: I will be either admin or owner its entirely up to you i dont like choosing what position I want because every position has a even purpose.
Im good with plugins, e.g. Groupmanager, worldedit and lots of other plugins. Thanks for reading
02/03/2013 11:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Soul_Boy's Avatar
Minecraft Name:soulboy01

Skype name:soulboy.x


Why you want to be admin/owner: Admin = I have been a dedicated minecraft player for over 2 years now I can help with major building, I am very active i can do about or even mopre 5+ hours a day.

P.S. you will only be trial to start off if i pick you
P.S.S The owner will have to be very experienced as in have owned his own server and must be able to provide proof of this
02/03/2013 11:55 am
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
Ravalis's Avatar
Minecraft Name: coxie53
Skype name: tomtom53c
Experience: co-owner on buttercraft,quantum crafter, led craft and diamond crafter. I am also Owner of a tekkit server called SilverShotz. Here's my proof: http://www.silvershotz.webs.com
Why I want to be owner: Because I am an experienced owner and minecraft player, with lots to offer to a server like this. I am skilled with many plugins, like group manager, worldedit, pex and many more. I am a kind, helpful and very experienced player so I can also help with just about any problem you have. Thank you for taking the time to read my app, Tom
02/03/2013 12:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
alemaly's Avatar
Minecraft Name:alemaly
Skype name:Ill pm u if I get accepted
Experience:Mod 5 times Chat-mod once admin 2 times co-owner once
Why you want to be admin/owner i want to be one of them because I am trustworthy old (17) And I dont abuse I need some1 to help and I dont now who thats why im applying I really hope im accepted
02/03/2013 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
eathan99's Avatar
Minecraft Name: eathan99

Skype name: eathan22

Experience: Admin on a fairly popular server for about a year (40-50 users a day)

Why you want to be admin/owner: I want to be an owner because I know how to keep a server running smoothly, and all the users happy. I can build different things for the users to enjoy, and I have the ability to make your server a better place.

02/03/2013 2:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Jace192837's Avatar
Minecraft Name: Jace1012
Skype name: You know
Experience: A lot. I like building and mining and have been playing since 1.2.5.
Why you want to be admin/owner: Already a Moderator. Like helping out and being fair without abusing my powers. And the server is awesome. I don't know why I'm making this since I'm a Moderator already...
02/03/2013 2:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cooldude209's Avatar
Minecraft Name: cooldude209
Skype name: cooldude2093
Experience: lots of experience and i will help your server
Why you want to be admin/owner
I want to be an admin and help your server in any way as possible. The things that i will do is keep out spammers, griefers, and other bad people. Most of all i want to do is keep your server healthy and clean. I will never go along and start banning people and doing lots of bad things because that is very evil and i would never like for someone to do that to me. You can trust me to run your server (not be a co owner) and be an admin and do whats right.

This only for an admin application i don't want to take up a place of someone greater than i am at being owner so i thought i could be an admin.
02/03/2013 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Blokhead12345's Avatar
ign: BlokHead12345
skype: BlokHead12345
LOTS of expirience
I want to be admin so i can stop nukers and griefers at the same time help people out with machine problems
02/03/2013 8:14 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
RagingAcid's Avatar
Minecraft Name: RagingAcid
Skype name: radgingduckhunter
Experience: I play admin on a few servers as well as mod on 6 and builder on 14
Why you want to be admin/owner Becasue i want to
02/03/2013 11:52 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
hugo9u77's Avatar
Minecraft Name: Hugojair
Skype name: hugo9u76
Why you want to be admin/owner: I have been admin in many servers, i know some plugins, i will help you in anything, building, advertising. ANYTHING
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