=|=Looking for staff!=|=

Alchemy0001's Avatar Alchemy00018/18/13 12:10 am
8/22/2013 12:57 am
jayjay0101's Avatar jayjay0101

Hello, my name is Alchemy and i am the owner of an upcoming server called JesterPvP. I'm looking for some people to join among the ranks of my server and I hope I get some. If not there's always when i release the server but then my server won't be as prepared.


JesterPvP Is a server that has many features such as factions, creative, war, and survival games. But no nice, fun staff to make it even better. So please apply for my server we need you!
Here is the application, fill everything out truthfully and try to go over a sentence for 3, 4, 6, and 7.
3.How much experience you've had with being staff:
4.What plugins you know how to use:
5.What is your GMT?:
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.:
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]:
Posted by Alchemy0001's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

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08/18/2013 12:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Magic_Knight912's Avatar
1.Username: Magic_Knight912
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I have been a Co-Owner on 1 server, Admin on 3, Builder on 4, And Moderator on 4 servers. As you can see I am very experienced and I am very trustworthy.
4.What plugins you know how to use: World Edit, Essentials, etc. I don't really remember the names of other plugins i've used, but if someone said it, it would come to mind.
5. What is your GMT? Easter Time, US
6. How good are you at building: Well, I would say I am a pretty good builder. I'm not the best, but I would say that I can build. I have helped build spawns and other creations on many other servers before, and I could help you do that also.
7. How bad do you want staff: I think I would be a good member of your staff team because I feel like I can help the server grow and become very popular. I want to help the server develop and become "that" server that everyone is thriving about! I love helping and interacting with players, as well as my fellow staff members. I will give all my respect to everyone that joins the server.
Extra: My Skype name is: randy.marker912
Thank you for reading my application, PM me or Skype me what you think!
08/18/2013 12:35 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
terrestratowny's Avatar
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I have a plethora of experience with being a staff member, and have covered all of the basic positions including owner.
4.What plugins you know how to use:I have extensive knowledge in Essentials,Worldedit,Groupmanager,Factions,MobArena,BookRules, and any donation plugin
5.What is your GMT?: My timezone is Pacific Standard
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.:I'm decent if you want to check i have some builds uploaded on pmc
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: Well to be honest being a staff member isnt something I want insanely bad because its not a necessity at the moment, but I would really like to be a staff member on your server because I believe I have the know how and the qualifications for a position. My extensive background in being a staff member on many other servers have all been great but have resulted in me losing interest with them.
8.Extra:I currently own two servers, and have been various other positions on many servers such as shadowreachpvp, terrestrapvp, and shadowcraft these are just a few of the servers. I can also code plugins and websites if that helps at all.
08/18/2013 12:38 am
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator
tsurra's Avatar
1. Natising
2.Um... Do we have to?
3. I'm a supervisor on an another server
4. I need training ( See below )
5.Pacific Time Zone
6.Fairly good, I love to build
7. Well I really want to be a staff on this server because well, one, this server sounds awesome and, two, I'm nice and a good problem solver.
8.Would there be a position I could have training?
08/18/2013 12:45 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
RE4P3RxR3B0RN's Avatar
1.UserName: RE4P3RxR3B0RN
2.Age: 15
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I've owned many server and I have had admin and/or mod on 5-6 other servers.
4.What plugins you know how to use: A very wide range from essentials to world edit to mcmmo to just about any popular plugin.
5.What is your GMT?: Eastern Time
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: I would say moderate compared to some of my better friends.
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: Its not that I badly want to be staff but I would enjoy the experience because I recently had to shut down my server due to insufficient funding.
8.Extra: Let me know!
08/18/2013 12:48 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
kobeghost's Avatar
UserName kobeghost
Age 13
I have pleanty of experience with staff, i have been Head_Admin on 1 server and Admin on another
I know how to use 95% of plugins and if i don't know 1 i can easily adapt to it and learn how to ue it
My Gmt Is Mountain time
I am very well at building, my skill as a builder is 7/10
How bad do I want staff? I want staff very bad, I want staff so i can help people and give people justice, I love helping on servers, and Helping the players on the server.
Skype: jodigilliss(Colorado)
Thank you for reading and I hope u love this.
08/18/2013 12:49 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
StickSpinner's Avatar
1.UserName: StickSpinner

2.Age: 16

3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I am currently Head-Admin on a server ( I will provide the IP if needed) and have been staff for about 2 months. I've done a good job of making sure everyone follows the rules and giving the players the best experience possible

4.What plugins you know how to use: I can use world edit, essentials, and I'm learning to work with multiverse. I'm not the best but I'm a quick learner.

5.What is your GMT?: Central Time, US
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: I'd say I'm a decent enough builder. I've helped build and redesign two spawns, built a spleef, survival games and infected arena.

7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: I feel like this is an awkward way to put this question. I am a loyal staff member and I won't fail to be the same with your server. I'll give it my all and do my best to make your server one of, if not the best one out there.

8.Extra: I have skype but won't put it in the application. I'd rather give it to you in a PM
Thanks for reading my application. Hope to hear from you soon
08/18/2013 12:53 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
villageonthegreen's Avatar
1.UserName: xxskyblockxx2 thts my ign
2.Age: 14
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I've owned many servers i currently own one now
4.What plugins you know how to use: A very wide range from essentials to world edit to mcmmo to just about any popular plugin.
5.What is your GMT?: Eastern Time
6.How good are you at building? decent on a scale one to ten i think 7
7.How bad do you want staff?
8.Extra: Let me know!
08/18/2013 2:23 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Alchemy0001's Avatar
Oh my, didn't expect to get this many people <3.
1. Magic_Knight912: I think your great and i will accept you. Pm'ing Now. And i am - 6 Central US & Canada.
2. joshscoper: You're accepted and I love your use of words. [Plethora]
3. Natising: I'll think about it, do you have skype?
4. RE4P3RxR3B0RN: Accepted and you'll see what I've built when you get one the server. c:
5. kobeghost: Most likely accepted, i see improvement needed but not too much.
6. StickSpinner: I'm not sure if i should accept you since you're already head_admin on another server considering you might not be on mine and devoted to mine as much. But if you have skype give me your username and we'll talk.
7. xxskyblockxx2: Same to you skyblock, since you are owning a server i think you should most likely stick to keeping up with your server, no offense but I'm just giving you my recommendations.
08/18/2013 4:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
A_Friend's Avatar
1. UserName: My in-game name is Pseudology.
2. Age: I am at the age of 15, although I do feel I am very mature for my age group.
3. How much experience you've had with being staff: I've administrated multiple servers before, including a few servers in Beta 1.7.3, 1.8.1, and 1.9, although they were all permanently shut down. I also have lots of experience in the moderating aspect of a server, moderating multiple servers at once.

Because I am skilled.
4. What plugins you know how to use: I don't really pay attention to the plugin aspect of a server, although I do know how to use a few, including ChestShop, WE, etc. (mainstream server plugins).
5. What is your GMT?: Central US (Texas).
6. How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: Compared to an expert, I would rate myself at 5 or 6, 10 being the best, 0 being the worst. It depends on what you want me to build, and if you want me to build off of an image.
7. How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: I think this question could use a little work, I'm not sure how to answer it. If you want me to answer it later on, I may.
8. Extra: My Skype username is minecraftforums.
08/18/2013 9:32 am
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
blakeman909's Avatar
1.UserName: Blakeman909
2.Age: 15, 16 on August 28
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: Lots, I believe If been staff about 8 times in total, over different periods of time. Currently, Im just Co-owner on this one server, so, I got plenty of time to be staff on another server.
4.What plugins you know how to use: Groupmanger, worldedit, Some permissionEX, the NPC plugin, chestshops.
5.What is your GMT?:
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: I'm ok, I can do some cool stuff with world edit.
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: I've never been asked this, but I guess I'd really like to be staff on your server. I love being staff, and I think im good at being it too.
8.Extra: I'm a programmer, which is always nice to have on your server. I don't give perm bans fast, and make to get all the details before I take any actions.
08/18/2013 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tomz123's Avatar
3.I have been admin on 3 other servers they are not very well known but I hope that is still classed as having experience
4.WorldGuard,World Edit,Chest Shop and many more I can get the commands for any plugins you have
5. Western European
6.I am pretty decent at building houses and villages I dont currently have any pictures
7.Well I have been staff before but hopefully this can be the next step in minecraft for me I really want to be staff!
8.I have been on minecraft for 3 years I am very experienced and I hope to get staff on what looks like such a good server, Thanks.
08/18/2013 7:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dragonfire12333's Avatar
1 In game username is chessmaster101
6.I am good at making Pixal Art.
7. A lot but I have bad connection to internet
8. let me Know.
08/18/2013 11:13 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Alchemy0001's Avatar
Dragonfire12333, It's a no, you just don't have any skills needed for my server besides pixal art, and that's still not good enough to rank you as a builder. Sorry.
08/18/2013 11:24 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
TeOne12345's Avatar
2.Age: 14
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I was admin on 4 server shut down I co-owner on one it would be two but it shut down ive owned 3 servers but 3
4.What plugins you know how to use: GroupManager,PermissionsEx,Essentialssome[ more
5.What is your GMT?:
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: im a okay builder but don't got any pics
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: 10/10 Ill make youtube videos and stuff.
8.Extra: I been playing minecraft for 4 years. I love to help out im very nice and helpful im not to mean. I really hope to get staff
08/19/2013 7:26 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
vAngel's Avatar
1.UserName: Redbroshi
2.Age: 16
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: If it was out of 10, i would be a 8 and a half
4.What plugins you know how to use: Over 140+, Literally every common server pluggin
5.What is your GMT?: UTC 8+
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: Out of 10? i would be a 7 and a half
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: if 10 was begging to be staff, i would be 100
8.Extra: Pikachu
08/19/2013 9:07 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Alchemy0001's Avatar
Teone2345, I'll think about it.
vAngel, Most likely accepted.
08/20/2013 12:50 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
vAngel's Avatar
Sweeettttt add me on skype? il pm it to you
08/19/2013 9:36 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
ryen01234's Avatar
1. thunder0024
2.Age: 12
3. I've been a Mod on 2 servers but they got shut down due to low funds and the updates. (I did donate)
4. Glowstone Protect, (the one where you put signs above a chest then type commands then, boom!, you have a shop. I believe its ChestShop), and teleportation
5.I am currently in the Central Time Zone
6.I am great builder and I have a friend that uses me on the servers that he is Mod on to build spawn and such. (If you want to P.M. him he is JayJay0101 ) (I don't use world edit)
7. I am simply looking to make this server have a good beginning and a great story. I am great at "aggressive negotiations" and peaceful negotiations too.
8.Extra:I have been playing Minecraft since 1.0 and I will NOT abuse my powers. (Notice that Star Wars reference up there on 7?
08/19/2013 11:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Alchemy0001's Avatar
ryen01234, If you're really a great builder, I would love for you to come on now, as i am in dire need of a really good builder and if you have any pictures of buildings you've created.. yeah, that would be greaaat. [ Nice star wars reference ya got there.]
08/21/2013 12:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Alchemy0001's Avatar
Alright, what is your skype?
08/22/2013 12:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
1.UserName: jayjay0101
2.Age: 15
3.How much experience you've had with being staff: I have been staff on countless servers most have which gone down the hole, but as of now, i am an admin on a hunger games RP server that is in development, and a mod in another. If needed i can provide IP.
4.What plugins you know how to use: I have a wide and vast knowledge of plugins, spanning from basics like, bukkit, lockette, world edit ETC. to some of the lesser known ones
5.What is your GMT?: CST
6.How good are you at building? And if you think you're really good, please attach images of things you've built.: Im about a 6.7 normal builds, using world edit 8.7
7.How bad do you want staff?[Be descriptive]: I REALLY want to be be staff on this server because i see potential in it, and areas were i can help alot, like plugin knowledge, dedication, world edit builds, justice, and fun.
8.Extra: I have skype, and will PM if i am accepted. ( DONT WANT THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWING xD )
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